Hungary prepares the final solution to the t-people question

1  2020-04-26 by BAZAKBAL_


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Not the heckin' cute and valid transerinos! 😭😭😭😭

They really canceled trans rights lmao

What right did they cancel tho? The right to change sex on their documents?

You cannot play god!


That's not necessarily true, anti-trans racism (that isn't the good word I know) is a thing everywhere

Daily reminder that these are the type of r-slurred f-slurs you argue on r*ddit with.

"Anti-trans racism", f-slur couldn't be even expected to know what the proper term for that is.

Don’t trigger them you r-slurred f-slur, they are going to head the revolution that will bring us utopia(as long as they don’t have to tell strangers in Hungary that they are t-slurred, but that’s what they want, but it isn’t so dont)

Anti-trans racism is what was inflicted upon Rachel Dolezal.

They probably just didn’t want to say “transphobia” because adding phobia to everything is stupid


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I'd like to take this opportunity to remind /r/drama users that all you have to do to trigger rightoid Hungarians is to call them Asians, mispronounce Magyar or say that the partitions of Hungary post WW1 were valid.

or say that the partitions of Hungary post WW1 were valid

Wow, I'm not Hungarian and triggered by that. If anything, Trianon didn't go far enough.

Trianon did too little nothing wrong.

They should have handed Transylvania to Austria.

The ultimate cucking.

The collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and its consequences has been disastrous for humanity. Archduke Franz Ferdinand lives forever in our hearts.

partitions of Hungary post WW1 were valid.

You take that back right now

The hungaroring is boring fucking track too


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That’s fine, I only want to s**the, c*pe and rope over Trianon

oh u got c ucked hard on that one

The Hun cries out as he strikes you

Attila cries out in pain!

lol, Imagine not being able to beat back the allied invaders post WWI

Trianon and the Iron Curtain were 2 of the best things to happen to Europe, it's a massive shame the latter was torn down.

none of that slightly upset me

asking if im hungry may

I prefer forming a secret society to assassinate Franz Ferdinand.

Imagine calling us asian, every second person I know has blue eyes and blonde hair

We have European genes from all the women we kidnapped in raids

Can't argue with that lmao


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haha holy fuck we have a live "hungolians are whiiite" poster here

It's over for crownland of st. Stephencels

Why do the t-people think a surgery is the only solution to their mental disorder? Why do people encourage it as a solution? Why isn't more research being done to find a better solution?

No, because this research would yield hate facts! đŸ˜±



It's a scheme to get creepy awful people to remove themselves from the gene pool. I'm hopeful that the mind virus spreads to China.

Republicans gaslight people into questioning their sexuality


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Just use a sledgehammer

HHH coming back to bury some t-slurs

Do you have a suggestion on what to try instead?

No, because there has been practically zero research done into it. If you want me to throw something out there, intense therapy would be my first choice, because the majority of these people claim they "tried" therapy and it wasn't for them, which in my experience equates to "I didn't want to actually open up to my therapist and let them do their job properly."

"It's a mental illness." No, it's not. Gender dysphoria has been defined as a mental illness, yes, and the most effective treatment for gender dysphoria is gender-confirming steps, from wearing different clothes to hormone therapy to gender-confirming surgery.

Part of a comment with 5.4k upvotes. Absolutely insane. Maybe they just need to get some meds instead of chopping their genitals up.

sudo rm -r nutsack
sudo pkg uninstall penis

Then a few years later:

sudo rm -rf /

So proud đŸ„ș.

HajrĂĄ MagyarorszĂĄg! fĂŒggetlen kultĂșra, önĂĄllĂł gondolatok. utasĂ­tsa el a pusztĂ­tĂĄs ösztönzĂ©sĂ©t


bruh you just posted Uralic


I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


  1. Hungary prepares the final solution... -,

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Good. Trans are vile.

even trappy?


You don't mean that 😱

Go be a hole elsewhere.

Even her.

No because she doesn’t post here anymore.

Based edit, I agree.


Based honestly

TBF, I'd stop posting here too if the admins made it their personal mission to """""accidentally"""" delete my account every week or so.

They're jealous because she can pass and they look like ghouls.



me say stop wear clothes and cut hair. me say go back loincloth and long hair. now nobody care if caveman or cavewoman.

Daddy Theodore would be proud

Theodore? he chipmunk get best suck. me glad he proud.


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Wahhhh wahhhhh wahhhh why can’t people ignore that I look like Schwarzenegger in a dress just pretend I look like a girl bigot! No.

Except her (him?).



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Wow. Look at this place where you hang out, LOL.

I know a few trans people and now I know you. It is obious who is actually vile, and it isn't my trans friends.

Post bussy


You followed me. Cute.

Mаle privilДge is a stain, one that doesn't wash off so easily. Bio-mаle once, bio-mаle forever. Expecting the rest of society to accommodate all their preferences just because they started dressing differently is peak mаle entitlement, and I should hope you can see that

End the patriarchy, stop giving men the rights they screech they are entitled to

stop giving men rights

agreed wholeheartedly


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Come get em bussy

Can I see your trussy?

Can we see your trussy?

FTFY, comrade.

downvoting the lolcow


Forced Upvote Camps for the tards downvoting anything in /r/drama.

Dang, you really out here defending cross dresser rights


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Sorted by controversial but you can’t read anything. That’s a lot of removed comments.

I will light a candle and say a prayer for those brave, first-line jannies. 🙏🙏🙏


Reddit leftists fighting fascism by censoring speech and throwing a hissy fit over men not being given women’s rights.

Go Hungary wooh!!! 🇭đŸ‡ș

+295. Incredibly based controversial section.

This is warning to those people who think rights, once they've been won, don't need to be defended.

This is what the T3RFs say about women's rights.

It's funny how on Reddit the shit that each side flings at each other seems to apply to their argument as well.

See r/selfawarewolves for examples. Can never figure out if they're ironic posting about themselves in some kind of self-awareness inception thing.

“You hypocrite! First, remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother's eye.”

Think its the speck from your eye. Got it backwards


Please affix your own oxygen mask before helping those around you

Can never figure out if they're ironic posting

If you can't tell they either suck a irony or are completely stupid.

Then you can apply Occam's razor and guess everyone is stupid. Except yourself of course, you're super high IQ.

Except yourself of course, you're super high IQ.

Thank you for noticing đŸ€“

Yea, but, with rightoids, they are trying to protect personal freedoms, like owning guns, and were, like, trying to protect personal freedoms like listing your gender as ‘my little pony’ on our licenses and not having people question us in Hungary. It’s totally different because their personal freedom is stupid, and our personal freedom is a human right. It’s not even close to the same. They want to protect themselves and their family, we want to protect ourselves, it’s completely different

So proud to be Hungarian.

OrbĂĄn egy geci.

to fertilise the world in new order conservatism.


Shut up, trans-leithanian.

Es te?

Let's see:


* Unitary dominant-party parliamentary republic (whatever that means)


* 54.3% Christianity

* 39% Catholicism

* 13.8% Protestantism

It's amazing how people say how great democracy and the right to vote is until they see a representative democratic republic that decides to implement policies that don't align with their views.

Then they're suddenly faciscts and nazis!

Fuck democracy

Why the hell do you suddenly feel the need to change the law? What was wrong with the decades long status quo? Why are you suddenly obsessed with trans people?

Your opinions are manufactured, you are a lemming, democracy is a lie.

God bless the central committee for liberating the people from their false democracy 😍

  • Unitary: National gov can override all local gov laws
  • Dominant Party: The conservatives are in power which means it’s literally a dictatorship
  • Parliamentary: The type of democracy that actually works

Dominant Party: The conservatives are in power which means it’s literally a dictatorship

omg basically America

Hungary's political climate is unironically pretty similar to the US', its situation is just more advanced than ours by a decade or so.

They couldn't hold their democracy together because their people are extremely easy to exploit

me say give people club and rock. big rock smash. right to rock important. man with big rock smash other man with rock. protect self from man with rock with rock.

people are extremely easy to exploit

That's everywhere and been the case since the beginning of history.

There's gotta be other factors at play.

Could it perhaps simply be that the majority of their populace doesn't want this to be a legally recognized status?

If that were to be the case, then democracy is working as intended.

Most people in Hungary don't even know what transgender means.

It must be a blissful life in Hungary.

No, I would like to meet troĂ­ds.


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People only develop such severe mental issues after they've grown up in a depraved post-apocalyptic environment like the USA

depraved puritanical post-apocalyptic environment like the USA


People only develop such severe mental issues after they've grown up in a depraved post-apocalyptic environment like the USA

or anywhere in the anglo world really, i think australia and kiwistan beating the yanks on troons per capital.

No, the oppressed people of Hungary are literally picketing in the streets for the right to make misgendering illegal. It's just a cabal of alt-right boomers (probably controlled by Russia) in the government who stop it from becoming the next Sweden.

literally picketing in the streets for the right to make misgendering illegal

Where 👏 are 👏 the 👏 videos?

Damn y’all really be downvoting jokes now. Maybe the humorless rightoid menace is worse than I feared.

Orban has a majority in parliament and has been under "rule by decree" emergency powers since the virus broke out, so it wasn't a democratically made decision

>people are easy to exploit

thats the inherent fallacy behind the "goodness" of democracy

It's dominant party but it's not a dictatorship. The conservative party (Fidesz) did rewrite the constitution in 2011 (to be fair, Hungary was the only former Eastern Bloc country to have not changed its socialist era constitution) and inserted a bunch of conservative Christian stuff. Like the opening lines essentially declare that it's a Christian country, despite the fact that like half of the population is atheist. Also, there's a line declaring that life begins at conception, even though abortion is still legal in the country. It's sort of surreal, and would be like if the Republicans just took their party platform and rewrote the constitution based on that.

Like the opening lines essentially declare that it's a Christian country, despite the fact that like half of the population is atheist.

Half of the population is certainly not atheist and the majority is Christian, so them inserting "conservative (lol) Christian stuff" into the Constitution doesn't seem all that odd.

Have you seen the US Constitution? It's kinda full of "puritan stuff" because the majority of early colonists in pre-America were (omg!) Puritans.

Come up with something coherent please.

I'm not saying the US constitution is perfect, but there is a bit about separating church and state, which the Fidesz clearly wasn't worried about. And I'm not saying there's anything wrong with a majority being Christian; frankly it's nice to see a European country that hasn't entirely stopped attending church. Also, most obsevers (including the opposition parties in Hungary) agreed that the drafting of the 2011 constitution was pretty blatantly partisan.

Have you seen the US Constitution? It's kinda full of "puritan stuff" because the majority of early colonists in pre-America were (omg!) Puritans.

Lol is this a joke? I'm honestly confused.


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Your forgetting one of the largest voting blocks in this online community: The Bussimentary Party.

Check out our Facebook page and see what we're all about! Now, more than ever we volunteers to help organize at the community level.


God stop with the bussy and read a book sweaty.

its not LITERALLY a dictatorship btw


* 54.3% Christianity

* 39% Catholicism

So what are the other 6.7% of people?

Going to hell




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I have never seen anyone advocate majoritarian democracy as you describe. Like most Westerners on Reddit I advocate liberal democracy, eg the type government which exists in the United States and has has guard rails against fascism and protections for minorities.

Also referred to as Western democracy, it is characterised by elections between multiple distinct political parties, a separation of powers into different branches of government, the rule of law in everyday life as part of an open society, a market economy with private property and the equal protection of human rights civil rights, civil liberties and political freedoms for all people.

I think you're confusing democracy with majoritarianism which I rarely see advocated anywhere.

I for one support liberal democracy, you know the type of democracy which exists in the United States with protections for minorities against the tyranny of the majority?

Also referred to as Western democracy, it is characterised by elections between multiple distinct political parties, a separation of powers into different branches of government, the rule of law in everyday life as part of an open society, a market economy with private property and the equal protection of human rights, civil rights, civil liberties and political freedoms for all people.


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So trans people can't have the gender they identify with on their id cards, which can help them from being attacked by horrible people

I do usually ask for ID before delivering a beating.

I see you are a high-level disorder-cure expert

vv based


Trans are not people.


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lol Hungary helping them with statistics

You can’t tell nobody actually read the article. The title is also massive clickbait

Germany prepared the „final solution“ in 1942, 3 years later almost 6 million people were dead, families destroyed, children scarred for the rest of their lives. Wake up people! This is incredibly dangerous and an act against humanity.

Holy hot damn hell that is based


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