Top minds discuss the writing skill of a literal porn site.

9  2020-04-27 by -M-o-X-


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Pretty solid obituary, it's her legacy after all.

I'm going to make a cum tribute and post it for them in that thread

Out of all the hundreds of subreddits made of getting triggered over extremely trivial things, that's probably one of the funniest/most pathetic ones I've seen.

I've noticed a disturbing amount of subs dedicated to being spaces for m*le f*minists / tr*ons / g*ssy to SEETHE constantly about trivial shit that doesn't matter

That's why I love GC, there's nothing they hate more than tr00ns, m*n, and gvssy that doesn't agree with them.

author: writes character with flaws

sub: look at this problematic behavior where does he get off

It's insane how this is the mindset of a ton of readers, at least the ones giving "critiques" online.

It is insane. The subreddit menwritingwomen is perhaps the most histrionic and ridiculous critique subreddit and yet they ironically take such pride in their "enlightened" and "progressive" ideals.

I kid you not, just the other day the majority were condemning the work of a Nobel prize laureate because he wrote from the perspective of a deeply flawed male character. They were saying such work shouldn't be allowed.

And in this example, the article from the porn website, some of the most top voted comments were those saying that the website should be sued and the person who wrote that article be put in prison LOL

They're the reading equivalent of people who scream at characters in the theater. The mere portrayal of problematic situations and characters is unacceptable, especially if they bad deeds go unpunished. If they had their way we'd just go back to morality plays.

Haha yes, well put. And if we, who are able to entertain ideas without accepting them, take pleasure and insight in reading these flawed characters (which lets be honest, are the only quality characters in fiction), we are called dissolute, sexist, and whatever else trigger word that they can muster in place of a coherent argument.

These people must exclusively spend their time on that subreddit or else I'm not sure how they can live in society without being outraged at literally everything.

look at this problematic behavior where does he get off

Directly into the mouths of busty blondes.

women with flaws

Say it ain’t so


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Reminder that the climax of The Wheel of Time is when The Dragon realizes his harem couldn't possibly love children as much as they love him.


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r/PointlesslyGendered has been popping up more lately

You know how /r/consumeproduct stopped being about mindless consumerism and more about the users' tangentially related personal obsessions about masturbating? /r/menwritingwomen ended up the same way, going from documenting examples of men poorly characterizing women in fiction to complaining about porn site descriptions.

You know how /r/consumeproduct stopped being about mindless consumerism and more about the users' tangentially related personal obsessions about masturbating?

Because they had to accept coomers refugees

I nearly choked when I read that last sentence. Pretty good comedic timing so I'm not sure why they're mad. 🤔

Sex Work is real work !!!!!!!!! Support what makes them happy

is sex work the only work you can do even after death?

You can be general secretary of North Korea even after death.

Ropes because can't coom.

That description is from the fappening site.


A lot of people don't realize this. Someone thought it was a legitimate eulogy.


Extremely based to remind everyone that she died as she lived, busty and blond.


Isn't there a way to link to subs without the commenting ability? Better to do that.

Based, gonna fap to her busty dead tits later.



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Live by the coom, die by the coom.

Redditors can't encourage cooming and thotting in life and then demand a sombre respect in death.

Your amateur porn and OnlyFans leaked content will persist after your gu$$y has rotted into an even more putrid pile of slime, and coomers will keep on cooming to it.

The sheer number of people on this shithole who always want things both ways shocks me sometimes. It's a constant state of doublethink that seems exhausting from the outside.

It's a kind of immortality, really. After you die, who will remember you?


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Hmm, wonder what tripped it.

They were fake anyways.

She wasn't even a person to these guys, she was straight product.

I wonder how this person thinks porn works

Monstrously based

That is a shockingly disrespectful reaction to a suicide. r/menwritingwomen is right to be upset.

Hope she reincarnates and sees this bro.

He's going to fuck what used to be her.

I am not.

So, if a pop singer dies, it would be wrong to share her content in memory of her? Sex work is an art, sweaty.

Sex work is an art

But not good art.



We were only pretending to be an unethical industry, bro. You don't understand the irony.

Hope she sees this in hell bro

whenever women suffer an angel gets its wings