Huffpo commentator takes the Atomic "Orange Man Bad" Pill 💊 when they learn Joe rapes

4  2020-04-27 by WarBoyPrimo


I refuse to get upset about this since repugs insist that Judge I-Love-Beer and Donnie Doofus are as pure as the driven snow!

They didn’t believe any of these other accusers, so it be hooves the rest of us not believe this woman.

Repugs don’t give a rip about sexual assault when it comes to their people, yet are getting their undies in a bundle with Mr. Biden? Sorry, repugs and trumpie, you can’t have it both ways!

All I’m going with is I want trumpie out of the Oval Office this November! I won’t be distracted by this tabloid foolishness!!

Has #beleiveallwomen officially been canceled 🤔

Yes. It was only a partisan political thing. #ProveItOrShutTheFuckUp

How do Neo liberals/cons do the mental gymnastics required to #believeallwomen only when its convenient?🤔

Because people don't really care about others unless they can relate to them. The political divide in the United States has separated the left and the right into tribes. No one feels sad when the enemy tribe gets hurt. In fact, the opposite occurs where tribe A will feel gleeful when something bad happens to tribe B.

Sad tbh 😔

That's because you're relating to them. But try and isolate yourself in only views that you agree with at all times. Try it for a week up to a month. Then take a look at a subreddit that you normally disagree with and you'll notice how you wish to conquer their lands, dominate their women, and buy Nintendo game consoles for their husbands.

Very B& insight-pilled of you, Hodor.


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You don't believe all women. But that let's not pretend that all accusations are equal. You got one woman who barely remembers anything and didn't mention it all for years. She's a lifelong Democrat making an accusation against a Republican at the moment it could most hurt his career.

And at first, they look similar. But you've got the other woman, who mentioned it to several people, whose mom called into a television show at the time. She's also a lifelong Democrat, and waits to make the accusation until after it won't likely matter much--she's not a Republican, so she's not just out to hurt the Dems, and if she wanted to hurt Biden personally, she'd have made this accusation a few days before South Carolina.

How come the left always uses the "WELL THE RIGHT DOESN'T SO I DON'T HAVE TO EITHER?" excuse when they're the ones who promoted those ideals in the first place?

Be tolerant? Well, the right doesn't, so I don't have to!

Respect other races? Well, the right doesn't, so I don't have to!

Believe all women? Well, the right doesn't, so I don't have to!

Pick a fucking lane yo.


Yes and that's a good thing.

"Yes, Biden probably assaulted her, but Drumpf big meanie 😡 😡 😡"

The absolute state of establishment-cels 🤦🏻‍♀️

Wasnt asking you, cretin.

Let me speak in your language of Cretin Retardian. Im a bit rusty. I haven't fully grasped your language.


Darrrr dyurrr wewoo wewoo wavaba nyarn wohoo wohoo waaaaaaa durrr durhhhhhh duhhhh

For people who arent Cretin Retardians, that translates to:

Go fuck your Dad's dick hole like the good little sperm you are


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I'm seeing more corroboration here than with Ford, hopefully she takes it to court! That automatically puts it leaps and bounds above so many other accusations in this day & age.

At least some of the r!ght0!ds said they'll support a guilty verdict if their people go to jail. My experiences have yet to reveal such a mentality with Working Joe's supporters.

d-do repugwiccans respect f0!ds more now!?

Maybe if people like you weren't so judgemental about child sniffers and rapists, they wouldn't need blind support. They're just trying to live their best life and be true to themselves.

Well, Joe supporters also went silent deaf and dumb on his civil rights record which includes supporting segregation well past its expiration date. But he was friends with a black guy, ya’ll! If Trump had that kind of record the Dems would have impeached him on that alone and probably would have gotten away with it. I’m a centrist lib at heart, but having lived in Manhattan for most of my life, too close to the gross virtue signaling champaign commie dog-meat that still rots in that Neo Nazi enclave Williamsburg. that I couldn’t stomach the idea of voting Democrat today, and that was waaaaay before they came down with a bad case of the Socialisms. I’ve literally never met a Neo Nazi until I went to an art school in Manhattan. I went there decades ago too, and they’re still talking about it. This is a rant, but I unironically loath liberals, of all kinds, across the entire spectrum.

Because, like my Sunday School teacher told me, ”you can’t trust the democrats.” And in that regard church hasn’t entirely failed communities. The liberals won’t change a thing, they keep hiring Nazi simps like Ricky Gervais and hope you’ll let it continue to slide, while Joe voters will witness being betrayed by the Left again as Joe gaffes all over the 14th amendment and gives Australia and Britain control over the US as liberals are wont to do. I wonder just how many extremists are in progressive soap box writers rooms, a lot I assume since nearly every liberal darling has endorsed Socialism.

I apologize, I am my own drama vortex right now, but I f*cking hate liberals, to pieces. I only read r/politics to chuckle at that autistic echo-chamber on display in that commie zoo.

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thats great and all but really, we can't let him have the codes