Take a look inside r/TheLastOfUs2, a beautiful shitshow of a sub with no moderation

1  2020-04-28 by contentedserf


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Naughty Dog is now officially Dilation Nation!

Jyk and Dyxter: The Pre-op Legacy

What exactly is the story behind the employee? Why did they leak the game?

Rumor is they were unpaid and overworked. Also, they don't appear to have been American, so if they were a fan of the original game they might not have automatically been on board with the politics.

Rumor is that ND wouldn’t pay the dev so he said fuck you and Hiroshima their asses by dumping the game details on 4chan.

Before this, there are reports that ND’s retention rate is less than 30%, meaning the company is such a fucking disaster 70% of employees leave. ND went through so many game devs that they literally ran out of people to abuse and had to hire fx artists from the film industry as a last resort, which they also then abused with long hours and shit ton of work.

The joke at ND is if they need a team of 10 to make a game, they hire 3 and only pay 2. Yeah, they’re that bad. They’re the North Korea of game makers.

tl;dr Neil Druckmann is a manbun wearing bitch.

Is there any reason to believe it's real?

The game leak or workplace rumors?

The game leak has videos to support it and a former employee went on his real name Twitter to trash naughty dog.

i only saw one video, the one where ellie gets shitkicked. are there others?

Yeah, I saw them all. One video with the ((girlfriend)) stating that Joel and the Asian boyfriend are dead. Another were there is a 'transition' to the trans woman, Abby as if you were about to start playing as Xir. And then the video of Xir beating the F out of Joel with a golf club.


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Is that all the leaked stuff?

That's all the stuff that I could find yesterday, haven't seen anything else but the plot synopsis which you can find screenshots of. The one where the tr00n is playing PGA 2020 with Joel's body is being meme'd pretty hard now too.


I saw more I just wanted to see if exactly what was true. I never really cared for TLOU but my friends love it and oh boy are they gonna be in for a surprise. Get woke go broke.


It's interesting what happens when a company becomes known by developers as a shithole place to work. No dev of value will work there and the only people they can get are noobs or the desperate. It happens in local communities too. You just know who not to work for even if the recruiters lie to you and tell you it's great.

ND’s retention rate is less than 30%

Lmao the absolute state.

You know, the company I work for lost 15% of the legacy staff over the course of four years and it put leadership into an absolute panic. How can any business lose 70% while even being able to keep the doors open? Hiring people is expensive as hell

Is it against the rules to participate in a linked thread if I'm just pissing on the ashes? Like how it's okay for time-travelers to participate in history as long as they don't alter the timeline.

Just mayos crying again ugh

It's g*ymer drаma, what did you expect? Pretty sure mаyos have a monopoly on whining about it

Entire game is just savagely beating shit while screaming like a chimp and occasionally pausing to dialate

Fun game mechanics.

It' could be like in Breath of the Wild where you have a stamina gauge that depletes as you do stuff like climbing. You have to stop and let it recharge.

Part of the fun could be acquiring larger and larger dilation stents which would increase the time between dilation recharges and level up your rage and capability for destruction.

I'd buy that.


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motherfucker reeee

What kind of video g*me company is called "Naughty Dog"?

I remember when these things were made by companies with real names like 'Ocean' or 'Firebird' or 'Llamasoft'.

Go to bed

They've been around for like 30 years lol

Imagine knowing the name of a modern gayyyyyyymer company lol

Modern? They made Crash Bandycoot. Second only to Sonic in rule34 content

Son, Bash Candyhoot & Phonic the Sexhog are modern games to me. I grew up with a Vic 20 and a Commodore 64.

Then I grew hair on my balls and stopped playing childrens' games.

Sorry your childhood had such ass games, and I don't play kids games thank you very much, I play things like sexy fairy flash games!

You’re not stupid. Ok? You’re not stupid. Don’t ever tell yourself that you are. You’re important. What you have in your head may not mean a lot to a lot of people but its what makes you special. You are important. You mean something and you’re going to go out there and you’re going to do some wonderful things, but first and foremost, you’re not stupid. You’re not an idiot. Don’t ever tell yourself that you are, and if nobody else ever tells you this, I will tell you this; I care about you.

I got hairy legs that turn blonde in the sun, and the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and then watch the hair come back up again. So I learned about roaches. I learned about kids jumping on my lap. And I love kids jumping on my lap. And I tell you what, the men are now all men.

Naughty Dog

I'm gonna get the hose.


Tranners are flocking to the sub to let everyone know how not mad they are

In contrast to the g*ymers, flocking there to let everyone know that it's really about ethics in vidya games and not at all their closeted attraction to traps

listen here fats, cant people be mad at stuff without tranners jumping in to say getting mad at stuff is clear blahblah-phobia? its a lazy starw man anyways, but since tranners are perpetually online, they cant let it go.

Why is everyone getting mad over the accurate depiction of tro¡ds being superior to fo¡ds?

listen here fats, cant people be mad at stuff without tranners jumping in to say getting mad at stuff is clear blahblah-phobia?

Except it’s clear that the reason people are mad is transphobia


Yeah I’m really scared of troomers

Phobia implies its irrational

Playing a trans character won’t turn you trans. It’s not contagious

are you asking that people stop creating drama

of course not, its just a silly fallacy

Say fallacy again on Reddit and I'll fucking turn you into a lampshade


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So like, that surgeon totally facilitated the sex change on his son right?



Thinking back, this stupid direction was foreseeable when Uncharted 4 came out.

Uncharted 4's Nathan Drake is a man who would have killed hundreds of trained mercenaries throughout the story of the 4 games, defeated supernatural boss characters and demon creatures and survived it all.

But in Unchartered 4, the character fights someone he's never fought before: a woman! And it's an unwinnable fight. No matter what you do as a player, you lose the fight.

How pointless is that in a game? The only reason to include it must have been for PC "women are strong" points.

At least Uncharted had 3 great games in a row beforehand that gave it some good will though

Yeah, also probably the same reason that more and more off the stereotypical "badass" characters are female in games and movies nowadays.

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Black women are super predators.

Hilldog so wise

I forgot she was a queen that makes it even better 😂

Victorious over every badass baddy in the world except a black woman 😂


Ja my bru, they also made the Uncharted 4's Shoreline mercenaries praat some lekker Afrikaans (aka Hillbilly Dutch), and we all know that the A in Afrikaans is an acronym for Apartheid, so you know they must be super vokken woke and really hate the huwh*te people.

lmao what I find funny is that g*y scenes in movies didn't happen for years even after acceptance but those trahnners sure do want to let you know that HRT is a child-like lifestyle no matter what.

They've been pushing this stuff hard ever since they won g*y marriage in 2015, I wonder why 🤔

wow me only see same post 5 time, glad you post again.

You r-tards know the character isn't actually tr@ns right


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Why would anyone know or care to validate a fictional character's dilation schedule?

It is either: the character is a Ma'am or designers have never seen a woman before

Lmao it almost looks like they reused assets for Nathan Drake and threw a woman's head on him.

ew that's a hun.

Ellie has nubs for tits as well though.

Either tr@ns or purposefully androgynous.

Is that true? In one of the cutscenes the character has biceps bigger than any woman could have.

Do you genuinely think a company like naughty dog would put a tr@ns in their game and make it the stereotypical burly man in a wig? Or am I being baited and you're just pretending

I have no idea if any of this is real. The character in the cutscenes I saw is not a biological woman lol Unless it starts out with her as a child stumbling into a vault full of anabolic steroids, it seems a reasonable assumption.

It also looks like the scenes were unfinished they could be old, changed, or any number of things.

They based her off a body builder.


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Trans people couldn't exist 30 years post apocalypse. No hormones, which means they would top themselves asap.


As it should be.

I need to get screened for cancer after going there. Thanks for the link.....I guess

Game any gud?

Who the hell has time to be a cartoon during the apocalypse?

no moderation

Remember when reddit was mostly like that? people would disagree, maybe call each other names, and that was the end of it. No "ya'll can't behave" - no banning for wrongthink.

My hot take on this is that by banning wrongthink you incite the crazies and create even more echo chambers. I am on a sub where the mods just let people hash it out and the argument dies. It's like 4-5 back and forth comments and everyone moves on to the next thread. That's the way it should be but reddit is a shithole of echo chambers now.

Jannies are their own worst enemies. If they would stop being so overbearing a lot of this stuff would blow over but they just can't stand wrongthink.

Literally no is happy about this game. Can't wait till its released and all the people avoiding spoilers get mad.



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Fun fact, there's no evidence that the muscle broad is a troon. People are just assuming it is.

Ah nothing like gaymers and IDpol to bring everyone together.


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Go fuck yourself

Can someone tell me what happened ion want to go through all the leaks

Employee (possibly ex) dumped cutscenes and plot to 4chan. Joel gets wacked by muscle lady who may or may not be trans whos dad was the surgeon Joel killed in the first game. Then you play as Ellie but then switch to muscle lady who kills Ellie. There's other stuff but it's not as interesting.



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