Vidya jamers want to commit suicide because of troon in their vidya

1  2020-04-28 by DonnaHightower


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"I fell in love with Ellie’s tattoo"

"I’m trying to figure out how to work through the heartbreak that half my arm is covered in a tattoo for a game I despise before it’s even released"

Gaymers get the bullet first please

My first thought is all the panic attacks I used to have because I genuinely thought I might die before I get to play this game. Anxiety is a bitch, let me tell you.

when you're on your deathbed and your only regret is that you didn't consoom enough product

Allah please cleanse this world in your holy flame, a man can only take so much.

It feels like finding out Santa isn't real, but instead it's some old druggie living in a swamp together with 16 rats, that he's legally married to. And that all the presents you've ever gotten, has been made of tree bark, owl intestines and the dudes HIV infested blood. Including the naughty underwear you once got from an ex boyfriend.

Harvesting copypasta ain't much, but it's honest work.

You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


  1. Vidya jamers want to commit suicide... -,

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Every single bit of this drama, both sides, all the sides, is absolutely haram

Im glad they ruined it for them. No one should care this much about a game.

They're lucky to face such 'trama' over a videogame, maybe they'll grow and learn. Imagine these people dealing with real life situations?

"game". Aren't games supposed to be fun? Since when did we start calling animated movies games

Aren't all pussy4 games like that?

The newest God of War is good, it's more like an old school game than a lot of the interactive movies on the go nowadays

Suspect review, since you're a confirmed ps4-owning rslurred fslur

I've been crying for like two hours now

Looks like he has been testing out those holocough estrogen patches 😹

Probably trooning out so he she can relate to the story 🤔 - it's better to become a woman than have a ruined vidya 🤡

its a v*deogame. the only acceptable action is fueling the fire


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This is classic video game drama - People bitch about something nonsensical, others bitch that somebody's bitching about it, drama gets posted in locations outside of the drama epicenter, original group begins to essaybitch to make their bitching seem like it has some merit

Next stage is non-community members essaybitching on both sides, either about how it's okay that the original group hates g*y people and it's not okay to call them out on it, or about how it's not okay to essaybitch about g*y people and that anyone supports them is literally the worst human being in existence.


Video game tattoos are like warning coloration on mushrooms, especially a Triforce.

I just looked it up, it's two ferns and a butterfly. You could really easily play this off as some "i like nature" shit

You could really easily play this off as some "i like nature" shit

you or i could, sure. OP will tell anyone who will listen until the day he dies about the immense trauma he endured at the hands of naughty dogs and the deep impact that Last of Us has on his life.


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In posts like these you can only hope it's a troll posting this, lol

If someone was that good at trolling, he should be president

Nah, profile checks out lol


emotional rant

Definitely gets off imgaining Juno girl pegging him.

You don't?

Why can't consoomers just enjoy consooming without making it the foundation of their personality?

You can be entertained without having to tatoo your body and decorate your home with merchandise and base your whole personal outlook on the thing that entertained you.

The majority do, but the minority that doesn't is very very loud.

that would lead to less drama so i hope everyone ignores you


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crying for hours? sure, jan.


And if they did, nothing of value would be lost.



I felt like I had something to believe in. This was going to be my video game tattoo.

Finally something to believe in, a video game that changes everything.

"Here are some scary boi zombies 1/2"

It's sad watching so much effort go into creating ugly shit instead of anything good.

Expectations subverted.

Dilator inserted.

White male protag averted.

Drunkman is a genius. Zombie games with zombies relegated to windowdressing, and a revenge plot, amazing who could ever think of something so unique.


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