Race war in SRD

1  2020-04-28 by Standard12


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something something RACISM something BLACK WOMEN something POC something PRIVLEDGE something WHITEsomething SOCEITY something BLACK WOMEN something AS A POC Something something somethingsomething something something RACE something something something something something something something something

Even Rachel Dolezal is getting in on the action.

I'm not giving any quarter to the people who claim to be against racism but who don't want to call it out when they say it. Go read MLK Jr.'s Letter from Birmingham Jail and fuck off.

There's about 3 stock responses that extremely m*yo redditors use when they have no arguments. MLK hated moderates, Karl Popper hated democracy, and it's okay to be a bigot if you call people "seali*ns". You would think they'd come up with at least one that wasn't incredibly stupid.

Karl Popper hated democracy

This one always gets me because it requires reading literally a single paragraph of his explaining the paradox of tolerance and the caveats, reproduced in the Wikipedia article, to realize that they are full of shit. They didn't read that single paragraph none of them.

Should I read the MLK's Birmingham letter as well, in case it says the opposite of what they believe?

I haven't read it, but since MLK was the moderate black leader I really find it difficult to believe based on that one sentence that he actually hated moderates.

Maybe when compared to Malcom X. Dude was a commie, I mean you don't really think the Feds killed him just because he was black, do you?

Srdines will call out racism until low information voters won’t give them neetbux. They’ll quote MLK until they realise he was a manly womaniser. They’re hypocrites

They also take the quote “a riot is the voice of the unheard” to mean “you should burn shit and attack people over racism” rather than “white people should try and address racism as a contributing factor to prevent future incidents like this”

We've been listening, but now they mainly burn down their own neighborhoods, so who cares?

This! So much this!

Also whataboutism.

>"Orange man did something bad"

>"Black man did same thing and you didn't care"


>"I hate bigots"

>"You talk every day about how much you despise the m*yo and m*id menace"


Imagine removing drama in a sub about drama. Smh fam.

>50 posts in 4 hours all in the same thread

curly totally not mad btw

f*id subs are, without exception, absolute hellscapes

no matter what the topic, they always devolve into insane amounts of (((moderation))) and purging of nono think

This is why any orderly society should just copy the orthodox and have all the women shave their heads then wear wigs.

Congrats to OP for not linking the Ceddit version, missing out on most of the fun: https://ceddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/g9j4mp/rcurlyhair_makes_it_a_rule_you_have_to_be_a/fou3lzr/

It was only 20 minutes in when I posted. Suck my dick.

That's a reward, not a punishment.

No you.

A lot of fragile white redditors

J*ws had curly hair before black people even existed

Remember, all whites are privileged but children of millionaire minorities are disadvantaged.

Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


  1. Race war in SRD - archive.org, archive.today

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This is peak first world problems

You’re back 😻😻

Implying they don't have 12 homosexual themed accounts.



Sounds more like white privileged problems.

Lol, like I give two shits about your opinion. It's not my job to explain to nerdy white Redditors why racism is bad

Really? Cuz that's like 100% of your posts, fatso.

Stop sealioning please.

Never. All the gayboy words in the universe wont stop me. 😈

Uhmmm, that's great and all, but has anybody noticed that our president is LITERALLY A GIANT ORANGE?!

yeah but how bad is he?



Truly he can't be as bad as you say. Could he?


The thing is that Nazis are always recruiting, but sjw's think their job is done because they, and their (online) friend group "totally gets it".

The “SJW’s” could be better recruiters, but their power is based on institutional support and fear of ostracism not winning in the “marketplace of ideas”. Slicing off dissenters more and more from that institutional support is how they advance their cause and keep power. Allowing questions and dissent doesn’t make any sense for them.

The nazis are winning on walkover because SJW's are way more obnoxious and hostile.

Also their ideas have never worked

ehh they got their ass handed to them. It worked about as well as Hitler's drug addiction

Don't know if nazis could claim theirs did either.

be master race

invade the entire world



Master L race


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They rid Europe of all the small hats forever you sure that’s a fail?

Small hats are still there so yes, clearly they failed at that.

watch your ass bud, you're one reply away from getting called a commie homo by >based schizo poster collectijism


I’m just wondering how stupid you are. Like do you need to mop up drool when you walk around


Like do you need to mop up drool when you walk around


Oh god is this is another doomer fantasy where you pay someone to notice you enough to make fun of you. Like the small hats haven’t taken your parents and your dignity enough you have to pay your women to degrade you into non suicide

Hey I'm not the guy I just thought this shit was hilarious

Most people arent so terminally online that we have to buy ethots to make up for the lack of social shunning.

Interestingly enough, this applies to both righties abd lefties.

Get a job.

>1.4 mill left
>and they're still able to control everything


I love it when lefties deny the holodomor and the holocaust





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That's because the juws were the real master race and used WW2 to take over Israel so they will be in the important region for the next stage of the Great scheme. I only hope they don't see a need to eliminate me and that if they must make me into a woman that I'm at least a pretty woman.


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They use more of a reverse-recruiting strategy, where they simply shame anyone for not being a member of their group

Why did you keep typing after “anyone”


Lol what a m-slur pussy

Yea, for some of us washing our hair and then drying it will take up an entire day so we definitely don’t do it often.

If it actually takes an entire day to comb the nappy headed ho's head, maybe she should get a less high maintenance hairstyle? Maybe even pick up a couple.of shifts with the extra time, lawdy knows her baby daddies ain't kicking in extra dolla dolla bills.

I don't mean this in a negative way, but you're lucky to not have to worry about how society treats your hair. It's a privilege that not everyone gets to enjoy, and the people on the curly hair subbreddit are right to push for a safe space for black women for this reason.

Lmao stfu. Victim complex through the roof.

The funniest part is that comment was posted by a white person speaking on behalf of black kweens. It's a reddit thing.


tfw no thyk nubian queen

Is that the infamous firecrotch from HHH?


good on him

Doesn’t he have a mugshot

He got no time for that hover hand

It's always a white person who posts that kind of stuff. Always ages 16-21 mles or 40-50 femles.

Another pasty white feminist speaking for people of color. I wonder what they did to have to feel this level of guilt.

They felt uncomfortable passing a black person on the sidewalk once.

grabbed the last bottle of shea moisture as a bl*ck grill was entering the aisle

Is that Whodat in the pic


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Sheeeit mayn whytboi dont unnastand how blakk hair be

Why do people in the US just keep whining about how they’ve been wronged? Like why not focus on improving your life instead of resenting others with better lives. Kinda pathetic tbh

Kind of pathetic?

It’s the definition of it.

Why do people in the US just keep whining about how they’ve been wronged? Like why not focus on improving your life

because the former requires absolutely no effort and the latter means that if you fail, you might come to the harsh reality that maybe possibly SOME of your problems are your own and not out of your control.

This is the closest SRD will get to supporting the principle of personal responsibility.

Won't last for long though. Tomorrow they'll be back to the usual "ummm sweetie, millionaires shouldn't exist".

Self-hating nerds 😂😂

I know not what weapons the 3rd race war will be fought, but race war 4 will be fought with SRD.

It's not possible to be r@cist towards whyts

Edit: I am a pasty nerdy whyt redditor, doesn't that make it ok?

There it is

Shitting on yourself to own the Nazis



Mayocide when?

It's a mistake to think that performative self-loathing is some sort of a uniquely mayo thing, genetic or something. I think that this shit is going to happen to any powerful enough civilization by default, unless we figure what to do about it. My favorite illustration is this:

In the later days of Roman Empire there was a controversy about the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Altar_of_Victory, which represented a sort of an abstract concept of triumph over all enemies of Rome, and which more Christian emperors removed (and then others restored, and so on), presumably solely trying to suppress paganism.

However if we read a poet Prudentius's "Contra Symmachum", opposing another attempt to restore the altar, his reasoning sounds surprisingly familiar. First of all, the reason for the existence of the Roman Empire is actually:

Shall I tell you, Roman, what cause it was that so exalted your labours, what it was that nursed your glory to such a height of fame that it has put rein and bridle on the world? God, wishing to bring into partnership peoples of different speech and realms of discordant manners, determined that all the civilised world should be harnessed to one ruling power … The untroubled harmony of human union wins his favour for the world; by division it drives Him away, with cruel warfare it makes Him wroth; it satisfies Him with the offering of peace and holds Him fast with quietness and brotherly love.

Then, writing as a fеmale personification of the Empire, Prudentius dismisses any concerns that maybe we might need these racist masculine ideals of cruel warfare and triumph over enemies to defend ourselves from barbarians:

Let those who din into my ears once more the story of past disasters and ancient sorrows observe that in your time I suffer such things no longer. No barbarian foe shatters my bars with his spear, nor with strange arms and dress and hair goes roving through my captured city, carrying off my young men to bondage across the Alps.

This was written in 403, in 410 the city of Rome was sacked by Visigoths, for the first time in 800 years. Further disintegration quickly followed.

15. Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. The reasons that leftists give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist’s real motive for hating America and the West. He hates America and the West because they are strong and successful.

16. Words like “self-confidence,” “self-reliance,” “initiative,” “enterprise,” “optimism,” etc., play little role in the liberal and leftist vocabulary. The leftist is anti-individualistic, pro-collectivist. He wants society to solve everyone’s problems for them, satisfy everyone’s needs for them, take care of them. He is not the sort of person who has an inner sense of confidence in his ability to solve his own problems and satisfy his own needs. The leftist is antagonistic to the concept of competition because, deep inside, he feels like a loser.

Based and Ted pilled

That's a really interesting insight. It seems to me that self-hate on a societal level is the pinnacle of hubris. The absence of hardship and danger lulls so many into thinking that adversity is a permanent thing of the past.

Self-loathing for yourself, family, and nation is probably the single most disgusting trait people can have. It's a betrayal of everything that's paradoxically allowed them to become so deluded.



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Edit: I am a pasty nerdy white redditor, doesn't that make it ok?

I am shocked, shocked I tell thee.

I got banner for explaining why white supremacy is bad. Why are the SRD so racist?


Redditor + millennial bl@ck = the perfect victim complex

By "hair" do they mean only on the head? Cause I have curly hair like that on my ass. Would there be interest in me posting it there?

Interest? Sir that is a requirement

If you can't post bussy here who are you trying fool by saying you'll post it there

it's trussy though

I could actually at least understand black people hating mayos, but why the self-flagellation? Even if you think whites had some sort of inherent privilege, there's literally nothing you can do about anyway so why bother? It's literally feeling guilty for being lucky.

Survivor's Guilt, maybe?

"I shouldn't be born White, it should have been the negro next to me!"

Yeah, like take a look at Wil Wheaton. He feels guilty because he has depression so he tells himself that he needs to be punished for being white. In another culture he would be in a monastery constantly doing penance.

umm im on this and didnt start my morning trying to start a "race war" over curly fucking hair

you may not have intended to but you did an important thing and made it happen anyway; world is a better place thanks to you 🙂

Forget it, Jake. It's SRDinetown.

Shit happens.

Lol look at those losers who have to curl their hair for it to be curly. They don't know how good they have it with straight hair

Are bald men the most oppressed race?

Curly hair is shit.


Gleaming silky soft tresses are prized over your ugly frizz mop, deal with it bitch.


I dont really have any stakes in this, but jesus this post shows how incredibly sheltered i grew up.

No actually believe it or not the sheltered people are the people who get worked up over the wrong race of people using a word

yet another cog in the machine of black people springboarding off of idpol to become ‘super pocs’ that deserve special treatment over every other race, everywhere, for everything

shut up you whites