8th graders don't comprehend they're being duped and groomed

1  2020-04-28 by Spysix


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I get free nudes all the time from my fiancée so hey I’m not complaining

wait a minute

But he has to delete them after a week so that makes it true

im mostly focusing on the 16 and my fiancée part

I am focussing on the fact it is fake

thats assumed

Boring thing to focus on. The internet's a lot more fun when you pretend everything you read is true.

18+ year olds and under 18s should be corralled into entirely separate internets for the good of both, with ugly old post menopausal grannies exclusively allowed to chaperone the kid version

I keep saying it and I'll say it again, we need a second internet that filters r-slurs

Look at this guy who isn't on it.

and you're with me =)

Posts like that are why you're not on it.

Look who's talking.

Your basically the guy who says "my team is bad" in a video game

You got a 1050 on your SATs.

Man, I wish

maybe we already have one and we're all on it

That's the kind of seriousposting I can get behind. 😎


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F̸U̶C̷K̶ ̷O̸F̶F̶ ̵C̶U̵N̵T̵


On what

crime statistics

banning everyone under 30 would mean that the entire internet would just be either reeing about orange man or boomerposting

And here is why that's a good thing!

ok boomer

I'm so glad I was too stupid/young to understand how to use Newgrounds back when that was the big forum website. I just hung out on Memebase like a good 7th grader.



Why does Reddit purge any sub or account with n***a in its name, but ignore the most obvious pédö-friendly subs? Really makes you 🤔🤔🤔

Because reddit's sole consistent moderation principle is banning whatever brings them bad publicity, so long as banning it doesn't generate worse publicity.

If you want the pedo subs purged find a checkmark who writes for Salon or Slate to write an op-ed about it. Reddit will ban 'em in a matter of hours.

I wonder if anyone remembers the saga of violentacraz or whoever. Basically ran a fucking network of creepshots on reddit. Only got taken down when a few websites made a stink about it.

lol that network was a lot more than creepshots, violentacrez was the top mod of /r/jailbait before it got banned IIRC.

Oh yeah! I remember Something Awful calling reddit the walmart of childporn lmao.

and the admins loved him, he was like redditor of the year or something and they always talked about what a great job he was doing.

Didnt reddit ban gawker network in response?


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ffs I can't even name the jannie? Fuck this hellsite.


Cutie, and kinda giving off a gayish vibe. Is my Gaydar on point?

Based underhand way to say someone looks like an f-slur

Nope, sorry lol

Still that f-slur got BTFO'd lol


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Most of them look like babies to me and I'm only 25 lol. They're so adorable trying to look like grown-ups haha and now I sound like my grandma.

Those comments are weird af not even 4chan is this bad

Why is there a teenrateme.

Why did I fucking look.

Fuck me the insecurities permeating from that shit is horrifying.

ikr it's a fucking terrible idea before you even get to the groomers

r/middleschool r/puberty

Reddit degeneracy knows no ends

I'm on a list now

Oh god the comments on that sub must be nightmare inducing. And imagine the PMs those kids get...

Lmao those poor kids. Probably seeking validation after getting rejected by their middle school crush only to get creepy PMs asking for feet pics 😂

What the fuck is that 18 year old dude doing there? FBI has been contacted.


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Hope you got a lawyer, çhùD licker.


I am not complaining

What the fuck

old woman sent me nudes


When I was a teenager I had a ~20 year old serbian girl I played starcraft with send me nudes. Shit was cash.

A milf in my original PC CoD clan showed me her tits in full 240x240 msn webcam glory when I was a kid. Help was I raped?


You think it's a real woman and not some ghey trying to get nudes back 🙄🙄🙄

Damn I might have fell for this as a teen.


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Fucking autojannie i hope you get hacked by the chinese

I hate to do this, but. *Okay

Correcting someone saying "Ok" should be proof that at least one user on that sub is a teenager.

well OP's gotta stumble across this drama some how

It was probably my favorite post on r/drama. Just keeping the persecution alive.

What. The. Actual. Fuck. Lol

The pussy mods of /r/drama censor the usernames.

I get free nudes all the time from my fiancée




Op is, like all reddit users born with a penis, a Pre-op MtF. I think that's hecking cute and valid 👌 If they are secure enough with their dismorphia to handle sending nudes 👻🤖👽

Just keep that shit out of my inbox. Fucking woman 18 and older is fetish.



They're still at it wtf. Spez please finish the job

And how did you happen to come across this sub? Also, do you have more?

Ahh, the reproductive dance of the northern tr*id.

That read like middle-aged people role playing Ng as super-hip teens.

When i was like 11-12 i masturbated on webcam for an old dude on msn. He probably adapted to reddit to be fair.

So last week?


He probably adapted to reddit to be fair.

Discord is where it's really at now. It's like if all of the chatroom pedos of yore who spent hours looking for a hint of 14/f|m/cali were transported communities where they are accepted and actual kids are present, all they ever really wanted




I think it initially happened in yahoo pool. Great game though

also kik, and online games, When I go on voice chat despite smoking for twenty years and having the voice of a broken down old crone I get constant messages asking me to add them on kik and 'how old bby?'

So I went on kik to chat to a guy that seemed a bit normal, he was a complete psycho which i guess is normal for the internet but while it was installed I decided to look around - they've got a feature that lets you chat to strangers, ten for ten desperate Indians so i tried the groups, the second I joined one my PMs lit up with people asking 'asl' and it's not like my username was fluffyprincess it was morbidlyeverything. I chatted to a few desperate guys and it was hilariously depressing, one guy told me he was being blackmailed by a woman he'd sent nudes to who was threatening to expose him on his social media and of course he wanted me to look at his nudes too for some contrived reason, it was funny because this looser that literally only had the fact he was such a looser to talk about was actually the only person with anything to say at all. 5 out of 5, would recommend.

every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


  1. 8th graders don't comprehend they'r... - archive.org, archive.today

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Said “almost 15” lmao

I get free nudes all the time from my fiancée so hey I’m not complaining


you missed the part where he says he's 16 😬

that doesnt make it better.

i don't think anybody over the age of 16 would think that

Reddit is full of lolbertarians, that's why.

It's a lot more of a confidence boost for them to pretend it's a bunch of girls their age asking for nudes and not middle aged men.

r/deuxrama is, and will always be, better than r/drama

It's not when it's closed.
