Gaymer is mad after he is banned from his vidya he plays 20 hours per day

1  2020-04-28 by carcanomagicbullet


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haha he admits to running with exploiters but "oooh it wasn't meee exploiting" haha

20 hours a fuckin day for a week. Well, I guess right now you have an excuse to be that much of a sloth.

Not 20 hours a day for a week. He's going for the highest PVP rank, which probably means he's been playing 16-20 hours a day for 2-3 months at this point. He just got banned during the last week, when it's absolutely necessary to be seeded #1 on the server, and now will have to do it for another month or so to make up for this.


which probably means he's been playing 16-20 hours a day for 2-3 months now

jfc now I remember why I quit WoW. lol I used to love trolling with my guild but that kind of shit is Ottist level insanity and a road to having thrombosis kill you.

One of my guild members died kinda suddenly. He was 30s and worked from home as a tech support guy and played wow all day and night. All he did was sit in a chair all day. He went on a vacation (flew) came back and died in his sleep.

You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.


  1. Gaymer is mad after he is banned fr... -,

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For people just reading these comments, a lot of these people who are creating, i guess we'll call it "negative narratives", consistently post toxic negativity on many posts and usually discredit any call for help. Look into whos making these posts before just blindly agreeing with them and you'll notice a trend.

