Look at this shit. Disgusting.

1  2020-04-29 by Standard12


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I'm just amazed at the mental gymnastics to say Reade isn't credible, but Ford was. I mean dude r@pe lmao

Especially because a couple of people have corroborated Reade's story, while everyone around Ford turned out to be obviously lying

Neither story has any hard evidence and never will, but one of them has a teeny tiny edge

Yeah the only thing to conclude is that they're both lying

This but unironically

No women are credible


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Let me break down this whole thread.

SRD: believe all women... except this one. And any others I guess who accuse blue.

Normies: isn't that hypocritical?

SRD: please stop trolling me, Russian bot.

Also: It was Liz's turn

Can the mods please ban this guy for spam already? This is like the fourth time he's posted this

A real uptick recently of posters who think this sub is a place to settle scores and shame people they disagree with.


Well they are correct. The true purpose of SRD is to jack off your ego and get mad at T3RFs and what have you

The ultra c*pe is glorious.

N-n-no we're champions of justice and defenders of the weak 😭😭

R/selfawarewolves amirite?


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I like the part when they make fun of the guy with 'Kant' flair and then end up with a douchebag debate about Kant as if.

Imagine saying about probably the most insightful philosopher of our time

Also yeah, Heidegger sucks and his politics are mostly just a mix of fun and meaningless poetry, veiled nazi propaganda, and an unwillingness to comprehend his own involvement.

You can spot a Marxist parrot from a mile.

Philosophers are all dumb fart-sniffing bitches oh hmm we live in a society how insightful and have you ever considered that there's no such thing as good and evil and that people will justify their actions to themselves hmmm


Heidegger is a bunch of unintelligible horseshit though, no lie

wrong. Hegel is that, though. fight me.

My metric for how much a philosopher pushes unintelligible horseshit is how often Slavoj Zizek references them in his works.

So Hegel only baaaarely edges past Kant in terms of opaqueness.

I like this because it's the philosophical equivalent of inverting /r/wallstreetbets .

Why, are you going to get your spooky world ghost to punch me

I cannot imagine anything more worthless than a philosopher.

Especially considering they're so r-slur'd that they don't even realize that NL is more focused on Kant's political philosophy, i.e. the world should be nothing but capitalist constitutional republics because that incentivizes peace, trade, freedom, and rule of law.

Which is unironically based and Kant-pilled.


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It's fairly obvious to anyone with a high school education that no one in that thread has even read a single word of Kant beyond the categorical imperative, and exactly none of them has read Heidegger obviously. Literally the only reason why they namedrop Heidegger is so they can repost lame cold takes they heard from Contrapoints while masturbating to her sh*tty videos. Wow, a famous and influential philosopher was also a g*mer, how shocking! Bet you'll take a better look on all your heroes now since people who spend their free time commenting on S*D instead of partaking in society in an even remotely useful way like everyone else are obviously a million times more better people than any of these philosophers.

Sure, both Kant and Heidegger were German philosophers, and yes, both wrote about topics that are widely considered to be part of however philosophers define the field of "Ontology" within philosophy, but other than that there's pretty much zero overlap between these two people and there's no reason anyone would mix them up, since Kant today is pretty much only known for being that famous moral philosopher with the hilarious surname who came up with the categorical imperative.

Heidegger on the other hand, is mostly just known as an old N*zi who had a co*k big enough to make Hannah Ar*ndt squ*rt when they were having s*x, which is something she never could get over with, which is the reason why she wasted the rest of her life r*ging against le evil N*zis and c*ping with her failure to keep the man who could fill her smelly g*ssy up like no one else ever could.

Aside from bringing up Heidegger being the cheapest and laziest way to gain karma in that trashcan of a subreddit, it's also utterly unnecessary, even from the average S*Dine's point of view, since there's already plenty of material from Kant to criticize from a leftist, anti-imperialist, and certainly from an anti-r*cist perspective. There are literally thousands of pages of shitty papers from philosophy undergrads about Kant's implicit or explicit endorsements of coloni*lism, imp*rialism, and r*cism, and most of them aren't even mentioning the fact that he was basically 18th century's biggest i*c*l.

But it's not like anyone in that thread has read anything beyond the categorical imperative, so whatever ret*rd*tion that happens in the comments over there is not suprising in the least.


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It's a nonargument because Biden didn't rape anyone. His fetish is sniffing.

Reade just doesn't think it would be believable to tell people that biden forcibly inserted his nose into her pussy

imagine the smell 🤤

Honestly, biden is a victim of possible fart rape and should be considered a hero.

You have 4 links and not one of them is to information. The signal to noise ratio of the shit I've read from your links is absolutely abysmal, nobody with a working brain would put time into reading such drivel, let alone attempt to use it in place of information sources. If basic income actually failed, you could give at least some semblance of a concise explanation of the failure, or at least have one of your four links lead to something data-focused, instead of being like "here's an opinion, now immerse yourself in verbose repititions of that opinion for a half hour since hopefully that's enough to make you agree with it." You are a prime brainwashee and the reason Trump will win again.


  1. Look at this shit. Disgusting. - archive.org, archive.today

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Good news That asteroid didn't wipe us all out yesterday.

So... if Ford was a democrat that would've been be a strike against her? Seriously?

Yuuuuup, you hit the nail on the nail there. I'm taking a very realpolitik line here

More like the brainlet line. I only support the candidate that can dole out the most drama, so I won't have to feel morally responsible for the asshole I help elected.

Except she was a democrat. Day of the can WHEN