/r/AskHistorians j*nnies throw a hissy fit when chad admins force subreddits to open chatting

1  2020-04-30 by KomradeKarl


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CHAD admins vs VIRGIN jannies

Ngl tho askhistorians jannies are kind of based. Wingcucked "internet connoisseurs of history" get zapped out pretty quickly and it's probably the only decent knowledge reddit sub.

And it's not like history grads can get a paid job anyways, so being a jannie is probably the closest to a real job they can get

Yeah if you spend more than three minutes in that sub, you realize how many reddit posts are "in my expert opinion, my cousin's dad's YouTube channel told me that Hitler invented the lightbulb"

Yep, it really is cool to see a place where they'd rather nuke a whole thread than let mongoloid Redditors bullshit "my mom's boyfriends wife's son told me a Tiger tank fought up 6 gazillion Shermans" stories. The only people who dislike that sub are seething wingoids that don't like reading shit they disagree with šŸ¤ 

Nah I hate it because it's practically useless for anything not super basic..

Because no one is actually gonna do that work for free šŸ˜‚

Still a good starting point and it's not like redditors would actually read anything more complicated. Imagine going really in depth in your aspie PhD super niche field of expertise only to get comments like: "Huh wow this sure is a big essay but can anyone TLDR or ELI5? Im kind of slow in the head and high rn and don't understand anything if you dont spoonfeed it to me teeheee but like history is totally awesome bro"

Btw wow lmao @ the no life jannie who added the new r slur automod, holy shit what a f slur

If it was something actually interesting, they would have material for a book.


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what is a wingoid?

A wingcuc k, someone who's life is governed by muh right/left wing politics aka mentally unbalanced people.

Any examples?


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Great, now I believe that. God damn it.

My favorite posts in that place are the ones about some controversial topic that has dozens of nuked comments. All that idiocy, gone in a flash.

Better yet when people use Wikipedia as infallible fact.

There is no content in ask historians, it's completely useless. They think their an academic journal and not a subreddit, it's stupid and pointless, a useless source because everything there is deleted, anyone that could meet their standards is working on publishing academic articles for credit or books for money, not writing reddit comments for upvotes.



Jannies should just request a pay raise of 0 dollars for taking on the extra responsibility.

we are unpaid volunteers

Imagine being so close to self awareness lmao. Sadly it's janitors not volunteers

Concierge sans salarie

I have recurring monthly donation of $0.00 going to this NGO

he thinks history grads could find jobs paying more than 0.000$ to begin with

HAHAHAHA bruh they literally signed up to be jobless the moment they started college. You can insult a lot of people by mocking their lack of compensated work but history PhDs are completely immune to that

I've stuck up for the adm*ns a lot in the past, but tonight is tanking my opinions of them.



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That's over double their current pay! are you crazy?

That's 100x greater than what they were getting previously. A good deal.

And if they work on the weekends they get time and a half; thatā€™s 0.00 x 1.5

I can't blame them. Who the fuck would want to chat with a bunch of redditors?

Akshuallie H*tler did nothing wrong.

George Z cannot CANNOT handle holohoax denial in his sub to the point where this chat is going to be a gold mine

Posted April 30th:

This really seems like a really really early April fool's prank

I would have thought historians understood how calendars work.

šŸ§ there is gonna be more april fools in the future u know

The big takeaway from 2020 you should have had is that you really shouldn't assume anything about the future.

The Wuflu has taken humanity, pushed it hard against the wall and held it by the neck while shoving a couple of fingers up it's ass.

Yep, in 2020 we all got Joe'd. What will 2021 provide? Piss enemas probably.

Hot af

I cannot imagine anything more dumb than historian Jnnies whining about a minor infraction (on rddit) and then ā€œprotestingā€ about it

Not even for a significant length of time to make it interesting, an hour

Jnnies truly are the most ccked beings on earth

Just wait until you have a historical question but have to wait an hour to ask it (instead of just googling it). Then youā€™ll see!

Jannies are so incredibly dense, especially gigajannies like on Ask Historians.

They could say to themselves - "I didn't really ask for this part of my sub, and I don't care about it, so I'm not going to moderate it to my autistically high standards and it can be more chill"

But they can't do that. They don't have the ability to not care about it. If they're given control over a part of reddit, they feel compelled to make sure it's run according to their autistic standards. To the point that they feel burdened by its addition, even though the only responsibility associated with its addition is that they put on themselves.

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Lmao the only people who m*d their sub chats is r/dating_advice or r/relationship_advice. Other than that I have never seen someone get banned from a subchat, in fact there are some banned subreddits that still have their sub chats up, even though I am the only one in them.

/r/communism will make sure fascists are all kicked out

/r/communism are liberals.

What exactly did that hour achieve? Like did it impact anything?

Yes now reddit knows never to make promises they can't keep again or we'll go silent for another hour.

But there's hundreds of subreddits does it really? I wouldn't of even known you guys did if it weren't for drama lol.

Reddit won't be able to recover financially if we go silent for another hour I don't think. I'm sure they're very scared.

I imagine they are, ok I'm in.

hahaha it worked. They were terrified and pressured by our massive financial influence. How pathetic.

And the winner of the smugpost comment jerkoff goes to

jannies can't jannie it

admins will

jannies mad they don't get to jannie

is there anything more pathetic than reddit jannies

Lmao "people are going to be talking to each other and we can't control what they're allowed to say to each other"

Literal hissy fit about being a powerless $0/hr janitor hahaha

Make's me want to go spread the good gospel of Ancient Aliens....

jannoids think they matter lmao

OMG, this is just too good! I've never seen a group of people as autistically committed to total control of their little fiefdom as the mods of /r/AskHistorians are.

It's hilarious to see that they would lose their shit over the fact that some people might get to talk on something related to their sub without speaking in full-form scholarly works and (oh, the humanity!!!) perhaps even without citing sources...

Unfortunately, it looks as though admins have backed down, though :(.

The people on /r/ask historians are clueless grads, like they prioritize primary sources over secondary sources. As if you were publishing a secondary source yourself. But this is not an academic journal, it doesn't go through peer review. If your not going through an entire peer review process, you're a tertiary source, and honestly using secondary sources is superior than compiling random primary sources together that you cherry picked to fit your view point.

They favor primary sources because their grad students desperately trying to get an academic article published and they suffer from parochialism and consider the standards that apply to them to be better than the standards that apply to all. Honestly Wikipedia is a better source than askhistorians because they at least understand that primary sources are not desirable when compiling information in a tertiary source.

Ehh... I don't quite agree. The few questions that do actually get answered on /r/askhistorians are answered fairly well. The problem with the sub is that it's incredibly hard to formulate a question that will actually fulfil all of their myriad rules, plus once you somehow managed to accomplish that - the chance of you getting a proper answer that you'll get to see are fairly slim - unless the question gets propelled to the top. There will be people answering, probably about a dozen - but these answers will all be deleted due to not being academic or sourced enough. They can even be perfectly correct (often are!), it's just that they don't cut it based on their ridiculous rulebook.

Damn, that's disappointing


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I think you mean "chadmins"

I hope the chadmins fuck with the j@nnies more so they stop taking this shit so seriously. Fucking control freaks

this change goes against our vision

Give me a fucking break lmfao

From the thread, and I quote...

"We are in discussion but I think it's overwhelmingly likely that /r/SuicideWatch and /r/depression will go dark until there is an opt-out."

Write themselves as easily as they end themselves...

for somebody that cares so much about this they sure get paid very little

It really didn't matter when the sources themselves can be (were) biased.

Most pretentious subreddit on reddit, literally would be happy if everyone who browses it got final solution'd.

Quite the number of Stepford Redditors in that post.

What's funnier? Jannies assuming a 1 hour shut down will accomplish anything or Jannies thinking that people actually use reddit's chat room feature?

As Moderators, we are unpaid volunteers

they do this for free?? why would anyone in their right mind do such a thing??

I will never know how the admins resist the urge to de-mod and IP ban any jannies that get uppity.

I would just purge an entire sub the moment one of them so much as demanded recognition.

The jannies are a free labor force. People like gallow who just have unlimited energy to devote to policing reddit for the admins practically have their own fiefdom, reddit isn't going to disrupt self willing slaves.

Yeah but the only things you need to be a mod are...

1) no active family life

2) no employment

3) moderate to severe a*tism

This is not exactly a high bar for entry. For every current mod, there are 10 thousand weirdos ready and able to replace them.

Askhistorians is the dumbest sub, just a bunch of comment graveyards and questions without answers. What's the point of a sub where you just delete every answer. It was alright like 5 years ago when they only deleted like 2/3 of the comments, then everyone started jerking the mods off and they got a big head like they were some academic journal instead of a damn subreddit and they went full on stupid deleting everything. It's completely pointless to read since then because there are no answers to any of the questions. I'm amazed if anyone still goes there, I'm glad they're killing themselves finally instead of just wasting all their time deleting everything.

the first few replies are all gargling the jannies' cocks


I really don't understand why mods would gaf about this.



