Apparently Junkie simping is a common thing on Druggit

1  2020-04-30 by Mewover


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If you ever feel bad about your life, your accomplishments, anything really, take five minutes and browse the comments on a drug abuse subreddit. You will feel better immediately, because you will never be as pathetic and disgusting as these people are. Even the lowly SRDine should look down on junkieposters (but they won't because they'd rather be smug and sanctimonious about it).

/r/lean is one of my favorites because it is absolutely trash. Benzo subs are also good because anyone abusing benzos is also abusing at least 6 other drugs and they're completely unhinged.

/ r /bart@rdstories is a gold mine of goon shit. Occasionally you'll get a story that has a video or news report included. Every story involves some combination of a crashed car, lost job, shattered family, shoplifting, or trying to fight the cops.

What’s the sub?


Auto Jannie won't let me direct link it

Here's a fine example post

also /r/stims

There was a story on the drugs subreddit yesterday about this scumbag getting wasted and eating an eyeballed amount of shrooms while being the solely responsible for his 11 year old daughter.


lmfao you can flair up with your favorite brand

trex is back. The only dino and tedposter on the entire Internet

I've never been to r Adderall but I'm sure all the comments are really long

Currently in the process of getting off my liter of vodka a day habit, living in a sober home. Meth heads are my favorite kind of addicts to talk to because of the absolutely insane shit that happens on meth.

Alcoholism gets you arrested or gives random health problems that make living miserable.

Benzo users are wildcards who do every drug under the sun.

Opiates just kill you.

Meth gives you stories of how you stayed up for five days and fought off aliens at the end of it.

Lol its ok. I went nearly 12 years of hardcore heroin abuse without anyone knowing. Wasn't till the end of year 12 when curious eyes fell upon me

I love how so many addicts actually believe this shit. It's like "yeah son....I never realized that the reason you had neck tattoos, all my shit got stolen, and you haven't held down a job for a decade meant you were abusing heroin".

Everyone of them thinks this too.

lol she's a c0mmie too

Drug abuse and a refusal to do productive labor go hand in hand with that.

Part of me kind of hopes we have a great leap forward so that all the druggies get wiped out.


She’s not refusing. She just has a broader perspective on what is productive

I've missed you! Where have you been?

Marx was right about junkies

Yeah, I'm sure Uncle Joe would have been just fine with drug addicts in his party...

Cant wait for the after pic!

Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. Apparently Junkie simping is a comm... -,

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Broke: /meth

Woke: /stims

Of course she covers her mouth

She do got them anime eyes tho🧐🤔

She do got them anime eyes tho🧐🤔