NoFap goes full purity pledge.

1  2020-05-01 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


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That’s a MtF but the f is for ferengi


  1. NoFap goes full purity pledge. -,

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I was on an 11-day streak and I relapsed twice. I have a lot of brain fog now and feel extremely lazy, It's NOT worth it

The fucking idiot is ruining one the best moments in life fucking have a cigarette or something and enjoy it.

Do these jackasses think reading a book is really going to save them christ on a crutch its called an audiobook BAKA you play it over the porn.

Fucking multitasking. Learn about it.

But my testosterone, bro

Maybe he is going to read a book about giving hand jobs to strangers at the truck stop? Technically he isn't masturbating but still jerking off so it's still inline with the spirit of the sub.

Number of books I plan to read this month: 6.

Number of pushups I intend to do this month: 3000 (done 50, still 2950 to go).

"Days" counter I will have in the badge next to my name at the end of this month: 35.


Imagine not fapping every day. 🤣🤣🤣 God gave you a dick, so you could bust, but these incéls are too afraid to even touch their dick.

God gave you a dick, man turned it into a neovagina. Inshallah.


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>1pt/56% upcum

some major c*pe in here

Jesus, just bust a quick nut and get over it. Nofap doesn't count as a positive when you still talk about masturbation/edging/porn all the damn time. I don't even understand how adults have the time to masturbate so much anyways. If any of them had actual careers or hobbies the problem would just go away on it's own. I'm also assuming none of them have an s/o so actual intimacy with another human being is most likely half the issue anyways.