Leafistan bans boomsticks

1  2020-05-01 by CMDR-FusionCor3


Stop downvoting lolcows, retardsšŸ˜ šŸ˜ šŸ˜ 

Here's some surplus drama, even though you degenerates don't deserve it for spoiling the šŸ„›

Doesnā€™t really matter when removeabot nukes half the comments anyways

Then learn how to comment correctly retard

Lmao try to do some reading comprehension. Crying about lolcows getting downvoted while your resident sky net removes them while they try to talk is pretty counter productive

Congratulations you managed more than one sentence that time.

Thanks, when I manage to get to three Iā€™ll update you on your next lolcow wildlife rescue post

Thanks, when I manage to get to three

[x] doubt. You can't even support the lolcows we do have smh


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ā€œYou donā€™t need an AR-15 to bring down a deer,ā€ he said.

Spineless sweater Mexican doesnā€™t know the first thing about hunting, Iā€™m shocked.

It's disgusting to think a country with such beautiful frontiers is home to a place like Toronto


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So funny that burger dramatards always dunk on us europoors but absolutely cannot take a joke ever. Most fragile nationality

Most fragile nationality

2nd most fragile nationality because of (((Israel)))


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You wouldn't download a gun.

Well technically he's correct. And burgers fantasize about standing on their porch and fighting off dozens of attackers so they think you need a rifle for self defence but you really don't.

No he isnā€™t, heā€™s implying itā€™s overkill for hunting. The reality is an ar15 is the absolute bare minimum to hunt deer and itā€™s actually illegal to use one for that purpose in many states in the US because that caliber has so little stopping power you canā€™t guarantee a clean kill. Even where itā€™s legal game wardens will check your kills much more closely if they see one.

Do you clap when you hunt an animal?

Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m not autistic enough to understand this reference please explain



Doesn't that make the statement "you don't need an AR15 to bring down a deer" correct?

Checkmate penis compensators

Are you retarded? We use long guns when hunting, nobody uses an AR 15 lol

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Yeah that's why I said technically genius because it's not really suitable for hunting

Itā€™s only unsuitable because it isnā€™t enough of a killing machine, and you know thatā€™s not what he meant.

šŸ™„ yes rtard that's why I said technically

Keep yourself safe

Kiss your sister

Implied meaning is, in fact, included when youā€™re trying to split hairs about technicality. Hell, you can create contracts through implication. ā€œTechnicallyā€ doesnā€™t mean strictly and unrealistically literal.

Don't downvote the lolcows.

Who's the genius who keeps downvoting the lolcows?

Every time I go hunting and see a f*g with a semi, I know that he shouldn't be there. If you can't kill your prey with one shot, you shouldn't have a license.

Not everyone has over 300 confirmed kills in the Navy Seals, hawkeye.


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From one rectangle province to another, eat shit fudd.

Boy, good thing I don't own and definitely didn't bag a few animals this year with one.

It's plenty of power to take a deer down lol

But it's still not legal in many places. Because it's almost not enough.

Every time you downvote a lolcow, you weaken r/drama a little bit more.

It's about the culture and attitude that 'assault style' weapons promote that leads to more mass shootings and domestic terrorism.

You can have a rifle even more powerful than an AR15 as long as it's not designed and marketed as "The ULTIMATE weapon for the POWERFUL urban WARRIOR who is about to SNAP and finally show everyone WHO'S BOSS!"

Yeah should we ban knives because they're marketed as "ultra sharp, extra cutting power, serrated for better penetration"? No shit it's marketed as being good at the thing it's designed for. We should ban fast cars because they're marketed as being super fast. Refrigerator temp IQ take my guy

No. But we should restrict marketing and design like we do with cigarettes.


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We should also restrict voting until people can learn to STOP DOWNVOTING THE LOLCOWS.

They can't help it.

You are an uneducated noguns moron.

I hunt with what looks like an ā€œassault rifleā€, know why? I have a shoulder injury that still hasnā€™t healed and I canā€™t hold my arm out with my palm up, I need a foregrip or I canā€™t hold the rifle. I use a pistol grip for the trigger because itā€™s infinitely more comfortable and accurate than holding it by the stock. I use a large magazine because reloading in the field or at the range is a pain in the ass. I use a scope because I want to actually hit things 100m+ away. I use a suppressor because I donā€™t want hearing loss.

Congratulations, adding those components to a rifle is literally all it takes to be ā€œassault styleā€. You have arbitrarily drawn a line where people canā€™t use items created to make firearms safer and more reliable just because theyā€™re also used by crazy people. We should ban red cars with V8 engines next because even though the number of valves or color doesnā€™t correlate to power (unless youā€™re an ork) it feeds into the idea of an ULTIMATE car for the POWERFUL urban RACER who is about to SNAP and leave that yellow ricer in the dust! It doesnā€™t matter how many legitimate vehicles have that kind of engine or color, itā€™s bad for the environment and street racers use them so they need to be banned!!! DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE DIE ON THE ROADS? Iā€™ll bet you support banning hollow points because theyā€™re ā€œcop killersā€ too.

Hahaha you stupid cripple. Look at me I can't hold my gun, I'm a dumbass cripple. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

It's better to be a cripple than someone mentally deficient enough to brag about being from Canada.



filthy chaos dicksucker šŸ˜¤

You know what's not powerful? Downvoting the lolcows.

Look up "LA riots."

A dozen mass shootings a year is worth it as long as some Koreans get to shoot a bunch of blacks every 30 years

Unironically yeah

Remember kids, the only kind of mass violence that ever occurs happens with a gun

Some chinaman tried to pull a sandy hook with a knife and couldn't even kill anyone lol

Wow one whole example of an idiot with a knife you got me

You gonna bring up the Nice truck attack, or bombings, or the fact that people will just get guns anyway because banning something doesnā€™t erase it from existence?

Lol seething

Is giving every redditor a right to vote worth it when they keep voting wrong?


All guns used in the attack were purchased illegally. Let's ban all guns, ensuring we can have more of these types of crimes in the future.

just ban crime n shit

it'll soon be forbidden by law to be a criminal in leafistan as well as sweden

It's all the gender of peace's fault.

The mšŸ…¾ļøļøid menace can only be dealt with by turning them all into troomers.


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If none of you read the list or atleast skim it you realy should.

of the 1500 he supposedly banned probably 8 or 900 were missile launchers, SAM missiles, bazookas and shit which surprisingly were legal to some degree. the rest are all black guns and some bolt action ones cause they got scary games with "z"eds in them.

also the list has fucking website URLs where guns should be, I think they have colt com on there and a few others.

guess I wont be shooting down canadian geese with my surface to air fuck off launcher anymore though

guess I wont be shooting down canadian geese with my surface to air fuck off launcher anymore though

it's unironically a damn shame šŸ˜” fuck canada geese, I hope someone feeds them tannerite

surface to surface shitbull annihilator when?

(z. 117) Missile Launcher FGM-148 Javelin;

How will I hunt the out of control T-72 population?! šŸ˜”

Really, how am I supposed to deal with the 30-50 medium tanks that roll into my yard within 3-5 mins while my small kids play?

everybody except the most braindead leafs on r/canada are shitting on him for it, so at least there is that.


...i was looking at this thread earlier and the only way I found it now (because it was hidden from showing up in the subreddit) is by going through the profile of the insufferable leaf j@nnie orzbluefag who gargles JT's privileged balls with his sticky comments on every thread that is critical of him.

they made it sort by new automatically too, so they could make the swarm of comments from OGFT fagg0ts stand out first

edit: it's back now

The ban is extremely popular in Canada. Leafs don't care about burgercel tears. Anyone who wants to live the amerifat lifestyle can hop the border.

Nah tho. Maybe among Torontocels, may Allah forgive me for dirtying myself by mentioning them

Alberta is probably is pissed but then again it's not like they can afford to buy guns, bullets or basic necessities to survive given the alberta economy.

The pipeline has started construction, maybe in 5 years when the saudis and Russians stop fighting we can have rich rednecks again lol

Oilshale is cheaper than oilsands.

Alberta is trash tier from now on forever


Alberta is probably is pissed but then again it's not like they can afford to buy guns, bullets or basic necessities to survive given the alberta economy.

Everyone outside of burger wannabes in the prairies and people stuck in online echo chambers support this ban. Every time they conduct a poll it shows 80%+ support.

Muh polls lol

who needs polls when you got reddit upvotes on your side

Who needs either when you have common sense on your side?

Citizens being armed means the gov't fucks with them less. That's all anybody needs.

Citizens being armed means the gov't fucks with them less

burgercel logic at its worst. America is armed to the gills and yet somehow your law enforcement is more violent and tyrannical than anything you find in the developed world.

The places with high gun ownership donā€™t have problems with the police

Itā€™s all those cities that have massive gun control where you see nut job police departments, e.g. Baltimore

American police treat basketballs and tacos worse but they still treat everyone like shit by first world standards. When your AR-15 can't even get you respect from the lowest level government agents with a badge, how am I supposed to believe it would keep the full might of the federal government in check?

by first world standards

lol please, tell us what and where you think these first world standards are applied correctly

shoot first, ask questions later isn't standard police practice in the developed world

lol nibba I said name a place, you won't because I can 100% make their cops look worse than burger cops

You're so steeped in burger that you can't even comprehend an existence without a police boot on your throat


Like I said nibba, I am an ashamed cucknadian

Now name a place or admit you love big macs and whopper or cope harder

Like I said nibba, I am an ashamed cucknadian

Now name a place or admit you love big macs and whopper or cope harder

Like I said nibba, I am an ashamed cucknadian

Now name a place or admit you love big macs and whopper or cope harder

Like I said nibba, I am an ashamed cucknadian

Now name a place or admit you love big macs and whopper or cope harder

Like I said nibba, I am an ashamed cucknadian

Now name a place or admit you love big macs and whopper or cope harder

Like I said nibba, I am an ashamed cucknadian

Now name a place or admit you love big macs and whopper or cope harder

Like I said nibba, I am an ashamed cucknadian

Now name a place or admit you love big macs and whopper or cope harder

Like I said nibba, I am an ashamed cucknadian

Now name a place or admit you love big macs and whopper or cope harder

Like I said nibba, I am an ashamed cucknadian

Now name a place or admit you love big macs and whopper or cope harder

Like I said nibba, I am an ashamed cucknadian

Now name a place or admit you love big macs and whopper or cope harder

Like I said nibba, I am an ashamed cucknadian

Now name a place or admit you love big macs and whopper or cope harder

Like I said nibba, I am an ashamed cucknadian

Now name a place or admit you love big macs and whopper or cope harder

Like I said nibba, I am an ashamed cucknadian

Now name a place or admit you love big macs and whopper or cope harder

Like I said nibba, I am an ashamed cucknadian

Now name a place or admit you love big macs and whopper or cope harder

Like I said nibba, I am an ashamed cucknadian

Now name a place or admit you love big macs and whopper or cope harder

Like I said nibba, I am an ashamed cucknadian

Now name a place or admit you love big macs and whopper or cope harder

Like I said nibba, I am an ashamed cucknadian

Now name a place or admit you love big macs and whopper or cope harder

Like I said nibba, I am an ashamed cucknadian

Now name a place or admit you love big macs and whopper or cope harder

Like I said nibba, I am an ashamed cucknadian

Now name a place or admit you love big macs and whopper or cope harder

Like I said nibba, I am an ashamed cucknadian

Now name a place or admit you love big macs and whopper or cope harder

Like I said nibba, I am an ashamed cucknadian

Now name a place or admit you love big macs and whopper or cope harder

Like I said nibba, I am an ashamed cucknadian

Now name a place or admit you love big macs and whopper or cope harder

Like I said nibba, I am an ashamed cucknadian

Now name a place or admit you love big macs and whopper or cope harder

Like I said nibba, I am an ashamed cucknadian

Now name a place or admit you love big macs and whopper or cope harder

Like I said nibba, I am an ashamed cucknadian

Now name a place or admit you love big macs and whopper or cope harder

Like I said nibba, I am an ashamed cucknadian

Now name a place or admit you love big macs and whopper or cope harder

Like I said nibba, I am an ashamed cucknadian

Now name a place or admit you love big macs and whopper or cope harder

Like I said nibba, I am an ashamed cucknadian

Now name a place or admit you love big macs and whopper or cope harder

Like I said nibba, I am an ashamed cucknadian

Now name a place or admit you love big macs and whopper or cope harder

Like I said nibba, I am an ashamed cucknadian

Now name a place or admit you love big macs and whopper or cope harder

Like I said nibba, I am an ashamed cucknadian

Now name a place or admit you love big macs and whopper or cope harder

Like I said nibba, I am an ashamed cucknadian

Now name a place or admit you love big macs and whopper or cope harder

Like I said nibba, I am an ashamed cucknadian

Now name a place or admit you love big macs and whopper or cope harder

Like I said nibba, I am an ashamed cucknadian

Now name a place or admit you love big macs and whopper or cope harder

The worst treatmnent is the awful abuse r/drama inflicts on lolcows by downvoting them. Please. Do your part today, and STOP DOWNVOTING THE LOLCOWS.


i'm a leaf (to my shame) and you're just whining

whining about what? I'm winning. It's burgercels and wannabes who are crying about the ban and I'm here to sip their tears

whining about what?

about muh burger cops

I got no complaints since I ain't the one that has to deal with them. Being an Amerifat is a tortured existence.

i can smelly the secret jelly

lemme guess you think Fidel's son's new beard is heckin sexy enough to make a (((social media))) post about, right?

Sucks that out leaders post pointless and trivial shit to social media. If only they provided instructions to injecting disinfectant up your butt.

That info is reserved for chonky Asian dictators

Edit : I literally only hit submit once

That info is reserved for chonky Asian dictators

That info is reserved for chonky Asian dictators

That info is reserved for chonky Asian dictators

That info is reserved for chonky Asian dictators

That info is reserved for chonky Asian dictators

That info is reserved for chonky Asian dictators

salty about the lack of firearm deaths and the disarming of army cosplayers. I'm absolutely inconsolable

Newfriends, when you immigrated from r/chapotraphouse, r/milliondollarextreme, r/itsafetish, and r/unspeakablesporn, we welcomed you because we thought you would assimalate to our customs. Yet you keep disapointing us and keep downvoting people saying stupid shit and picking moronic fights. This is r/drama.We want these morons here. They're amusing. So don't downvote stupid people. Upvote them instead. Support the mentally handicapped.

I see you fighting the good fight friend but these are redditers we're talking about, they'll never listen

/r/canada mods are deleting any articles that paint the new regulations in a positive light or try to explain them, despite 4/5 canadians supporting it. One of the head mods is a canadaguns mod.

Jannies are the worsst.

whether on the left or right, reddit groupthink is always outside the mainstream

Lol ogft nibbas believing that is peak comedy

What's even worse censorship is r/drama downvoting dumb users. Do your part and upvote every pervert, maniac, and idiot you see.

What's even worse censorship is r/drama downvoting dumb users. Do your part and upvote every pervert, maniac, and idiot you see.

are you trolling or something?

Canada, one of the most leftist subs on the site lmao

are you trolling or something?

r/Canada, one of the most leftist subs on the site lmao

Open borders for assault weapons bruh

Damn fuck you leafs

I know

Oh look, a country so shitty that their claim to fame is fake niceness is making terminally dumb decisions.

Must be a day that ends in y

Burgers really broken up about it. You can still go to your local walmart and buy a machine and mow down some school children like a good burger.

And thank god for that. Whatā€™s your guys gdp/c again?

And thank god for that. Whatā€™s your guys gdp/c again?






I wondered why the canada general thread on /k/ was so active today lol



Lol stupid leafs honestly believing that this was a 4d chess move in order to influence America into tightening gun crime.


Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.


  1. Leafistan bans boomsticks - archive.org, archive.today*

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i wouldn't have given a shit about this if he wasn't so effeminate.


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C*nada gets what it deserves


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Lmao it'd be funny seeing them handle their weapons quietly while their American brothers always toot how they would be using their guns or some shit if le liberals wanted to steal their guns



Trudeau banning leafā€™s guns while they whine and do nothing just shows that the guns were useless in their hands anyways

Se can we just go up there and take it now?

As a Ammosexual Trudo must be rakedšŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤

The first good thing Pierre-son has done

Well, any recommendations on good states to move to?

Maplecels not welcome

My fellow North AmŠµricans, our way of life will not survive if we do not encourage immigration from our northern neighbours

Fuck off leafn*gger we're full

Maybe eat less high fructose corn syrup and more maple syrup then

No itā€™ll turn us into one of you people

Wisconsin is great for cheese.

Anywhere that isnt the USA. Maplefag

1500 types? Oof well at least leaf libbies are more consistent then the burgleft which seems to only be aware of the AR-15 and not a single additional semi automatic rifle.

Trudeau is the most vacant himbo who ever managed to stumble jackassedly into becoming a world leader since Obama. Every time he's in the news you can see him going "Time to do Muh Leadersy Face".