Space D*ddy seems to be having some sort of manic episode on twitter. Freedomcels and Muskstans rush to his defense!

1  2020-05-01 by Babybear_Dramabear


If he deletes them:

Also dude crashed his own stock 😂

Rocket Jesus is getting crucified by the markets down 9%. He can't run the company, do drugs, and use twitter at the same time. It's really about time for him to pick which two out of three to keep doing.

Down 10.3% at EOD.

I hope he keeps all 3! But SEC may have a word about running the company this time around...


Suddenly, Steve Jobs antics are mild compared to just one day of tweets by Space D@ddy.

Elon has to die of something really stupid and preventable first to overtake Jobs.

I'm betting he'll smoke himself rarded and trip down the stairs.

He also needs to waste a pancreas transplant

I unironically was thinking the exact same thing today. If he doesn't end up at the bottom the staircase with a broken neck he'll be found drowned in his bathtub.

This is why we need mayocide.


  1. Space D*ddy seems to be having some... -,*

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Tesla investors are shitting their pants att.

At least he's honest

He’s breaking Grimes’ conditioning.