So long, farewell, goodbye, an ex Buzzfeed “journo” got caught hacking and is left out to dry!

1  2020-05-02 by Charonzard


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


  1. So long, farewell, goodbye, an ex B... -,

  2. -,*

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Had to look this up

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They're finally learning to programme

90% this "hack" was pure social engineering, like most "hacks"


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Ah I see, the takeaway then is Bzzf33d j*nal1st remains a colossal disappointment

huh? Hacking?

Dumbfuck thought he was hackerman behind 69x420 proxies but used his work email and phone number to exploit zooms garbabge features, bugs and security.

Was shocked he got caught.

Its really funny that its nearly only blue checks who feel sorry for him, while every normal person says he deserves it. Blue checks really are something else.

Lol blue check gets criticized

“Look, it’s a Friday night, I’ve got better things to do, I barely understand your tweet, so I hope you’re well at this difficult and stressful time.”

wtf better things u got going on during a quarantine condescending fuck

Who said that lmfao?


Learn 👏 to 👏 code 👏

The number of r-slurs in there treating him like he's the victim of a natural disaster is astounding. A person with the blue check mentality is utterly incapable of caring about what someone did. They make up their mind entirely based on whether they're in a group that they feel deserves privilege, in this case journos.