Popular streamer DrDisrespect who has over 4.2 million followers on Twitch who frequents 20k+ viewers per stream believes in Coronavirus 5G conspiracy theories, showing them on stream, in particular one video from a flat earther who had his medical license revoked for negligence.

2  2020-05-02 by [deleted]



Title says it all really, a post around this clip was gaining traction on other subreddits which shall remain nameless but were removed in collaboration with Reddit's attempts to stop the spreading of disinformation regarding Covid-19. If anything this kind of behaviour from one of the biggest people on the streaming platform with an impressionable audience should definitely be called out.

A lot of people have said the clip is taken out of context and that he sounded like he was being sarcastic

If he is being sarcastic he's really committed to it.

I may be a 30 year old virgin who has never had a relationship but at least I’m not an incel


  1. Popular streamer DrDisrespect who h... - archive.org, archive.today*

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