There's a crazy cat lady that's killing cats, skinning them and showing it off on Omegle and Tiktok

1  2020-05-02 by Sai22

Heres a post about it on r/Don'tFuckWithCats:

There's now a subreddit dedicated towards her:

JustOrdinaryGamers did a video on it


whenever someone is clearly doing a troll post you will get one of the mods or just some jackass saying "LMAO THIS IS BAIT!! HA HA HA" like they are in on the joke.

imagine you are watching a movie and some asshole yells out spoilers. it ruins the total performance. just shut the fuck up, like a good retard, and enjoy the show. dont be such an idiot and scream like you and the writers are on the same level because you are not. it is art.

i have literally seen countless posts where bait is ruined because some faggot points out it is bait so they can feel internet savvy. i am actually very angry.


  1. There's a crazy cat lady that's kil... -,

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i came here to see dead cats wtf


i want to see her eat a kitten that sounds epic

She deserves death. I hope they get her before the madmins stops the witch hunt.

This tbh

is this going to make snally cry

yeah, i'm going to hide this post and forget she exists 😢

Psychos unironically deserve the bullet

Think of the societal benefits of this.

Already figured out


Adolf was right all alomg

People who are cruel to animals are disgusting. Like Chinese.

People who are Chinese are based, actually.

Chinese who live in Taiwan Province, or Hong Kong SAE, I will agree, they are disgusting. But those wretched minority of running dog imperialist bootlickers hardly are representative of the great mass of Chinese and their glorious civilization.

Jackie Chan was right about mainlanders being animals that belong under the thumb of an authoritarian regime.

Killing pets is not based. 😒

How is that bat virus?

People Chinese

Pick one




thats a bit racist

That's a bit racist buddy

SomeOrdinaryGamers is a raging tool.

He conjured up some made up drama w/ h3h3 and acted like a self righteous prick. I'm not even a fan of Ethan but it was infuriating.

Then again maybe thats a good thing for dramacoin.

at least he apologized and didn’t give some half assed excuse like some other people do on their apology videos.

His 'apology' video was him doubling down and accepting no blame at all.

I wonder why she hasn't been arrested yet.

she hasn't been found yet

Oily curry butt youtuber man did a video about it

This almost invalidates your post.

Try to catch me 🔪

nooooooo not the heckin pusserinos!

not the borkin biscuit bakers!

Drama is getting out of control, they are doxxing someone who is either a) a possible suspect or b) really unfortunate with a weird hobby.

Also if they did find the right person they are only helping this persons defense argument lol.

Who would have thought that reddit vigilateism and detectivery would backfire horribly?


The tip line for the case in Kokomo Indiana is 765-614-3372. Please forward all tips to this line, we are actively looking into this.

Does anyone have the discord link? please send me it.

All the subs are private?