Weird Tribe think Black Man's wife is man. Big Brain Tribe mad. Big Brain Tribe make smoke signal with too many words Grug no understand.

1  2020-05-03 by 32624647


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You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


  1. Weird Tribe think Black Man's wife ... -,

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Did you forget to switch accounts or are you and that other dude both doing the low iq gimmick?

Wait, this sub has a dedicated grugposter? I never fucking heard of him.


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I'd love to tell you, but automod deleted my post >:(

The dog

Imagine being so comfortable with your sexuality you spend hours examining photos of a woman looking for signs of a dick to prove some sort of point.

Totally not a cockgazer

How is he a cockgazer if she doesn't have a dick 🤔

Smh latent homophobia from TuMoRs is killing me on the insides

God I just need Michelle to ravage me with her 12 incher

Top Minds are retarded. Everyone knows that every so-called "woman" is, in fact, a FtM.

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Me talk like cave man because me not funny


