Liberals look in the mirror and don’t like what they see

1  2020-05-03 by collectijism


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Your mind is diseased. Pick a dandelion and hold it in your mouth until you feel the urge to urinate. Then, swallow the dandelion and urinate on the spot from which it was picked.


  1. Liberals look in the mirror and don... -,

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They really want to shove crazy people into cages and never let them out, but are in complete denial about that.

This is why I always laugh when people say that the US needs to do something about mental health issues, especially in regards to mass shootings. The only solution is to lock up the crazies against their will and libs would throw a fucking fit over it

Sounds like Reagan’s fault.

I also blame my current situation on events that happened 40 years ago

I also blame Reagan for my sex change operation.

Lack of forced asylums nationwide is his fault tho. And the ACLU's.

miss him

He also did the AIDS.

And he made the crack and sprinkled it in black communities.


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They don't sound like they're in denial - they want them institutionalized.

Lmao, that trader Joe's he refers to is near where I used to work in the tenderloin where I'd routinely see people shooting up on the sidewalk in the middle of the day Along, hoes fucking Johns in doorways at night and people street shitting at all times of the day out in the open. What he saw was just a regular day in the TL, he must be new

Bonus story. I was walking from the TL to North Beach one late night after work and thought someone was following me to rob me so when I exited the Broadway tunnel by turning a corner I pulled out my chef knife and waited for what turned out to be a dude in scrubs walking home too.

Why is America like this?

Theres a few reasons why SF is like this. Transient homeless people flock there because They provide a lot of help(free phones, free wifi in all parks, many clinics/food banks/soup kitchens, accessable public restrooms etc). Sf also has great weather for the most part and that attracts them. Its rarely freezing or miserably hot. There is a lot of light rain but it's super manageable. The last reason is because the local cops in small towns across the country would rather buy a transient homeless person a bus ticket to SF/LA to get rid of them instead of arresting them for vagrancy or loitering because there's really no point in busting a hobo for shit like that. What's fucked is that SF is now shipping their homeless to smaller, nicer town in Ca that didnt have those types of issues before, Chico is a good example of this

I always hear about the housing issue causing the homeless issue but in my limited experiences in SF, the homeless aren’t really down their luck bums. They are crazy and junkies. The weather is also just perfect to be homeless.

Sure the housing market is a complete shitshow as they have cool buildings no one wants to tear down, limited space and insanely high demand.

Tatum, words, please 🤢 🤮


Go Wildcats!

Chico is a cool little town and the Sierras just outside of it are beautiful and before the paradise fires housing was actually affordable

Why is SF sending homeless away? Why would those smaller cities and towns take them?

Because SF is packed to the brim with homeless feces. They're doing it through social services, I only know this because I have a friend who is a social worker/welfare benefits case worker in chico. She told me this about 3 years ago that bay area social services was offering hobos down there a free section 8 apartment, monthly stipend from social services and to pay for their relocation if they moved to chico or any of the designated surrounding areas. It turns out that they got everything that was promised except for the section 8 housing so they ended just living on the street in chico which is a conservative voting, quaint, college town. After the paradise fires the homeless population exploded, now the crime rate is out of control, the local parks are practically ruined and the housing market is fucked because the paradise fires also displaced home buyers.

The city government should have never accepted any of this. SF wanted those homeless, and they should dealt with it themselves instead of send it away.

Bleeding hearts ruined everything.

I dont know who green lit it but I doubt social services needs permission from a city to do that.

Why would those smaller cities and towns take them?

Do they have a say in this?

Sending homeless away is the usual approach to these situations in America. Because how you actually deal with this situation is "socialism". Many of SF's homeless got here the same way.

Anyway, no matter what, sending them out of SF is the right thing to do, it should just be part of state/national level approach that doesn't penalize high performers by making them magnets for the nation's homeless. No matter how you want to tackle the issue, doing it in one of the world's most expensive property markets is fucking dumb. People who can't support themselves (or even work toward supporting themselves) need help, housing, food, etc. But they should be getting that help in the central valley.

Read jack kerouac it’s always been like that even 100 years ago

Kerouac was unfathomably based too.

It’s gotten a lot worse over the past 10 years tho

SF is weird, after a couple weeks you get used to stepping over homeless people and don’t even notice.

This is a uniquely california problem.

Austin has a shit pile of homeless but it’s Texas’ California

Oregon, Washington, and Vancouver/BC are also fucked.

Oregon and Washington are infested with C*lifornians and BC is just Canada's California

No lies detected

I can't speak for Washington but in Oregon homelessness is only at epidemic levels in the Portland Metro area. There's homeless people in other towns, true, but there are fewer of them and you don't get campsites everywhere.

Portland ships their homeless to our smaller counties too. We have a fuckton of transients in my rural area.

They get bussed here, get foodstamps (don't have to have a mailing address to apply for SNAP here, not sure how it is elsewhere), and then they request a bus back up to Portland. They prefer Portland I think probably because the abundance of places to roam and cops won't harass them as much as small town cops would.

It's a never-ending loop.

Homeless tweakers are emboldened in the west coast states by the complete lack of law enforcement. Pansy neol*beral politicians treat them as a special class of citizens and will do everything in their power to make sure they are never held accountable for their numerous crimes.

It's mostly property crime. Breaking into cars in San Francisco is basically legal, as long as you're a stinky junkie. However most people in the city know this so they don't leave anything in their cars for them to steal, so the junkies start getting aggressive and demanding. Carrying a weapon to defend yourself is nearly impossible in the bay area, and God forbid you actually do something to harm California's special class.

I've beat the shit out of a homeless person before, and I'll do it again if need be 🤷‍♂️

The enforcement issue is pretty simple. You can't fine these people, they have no money. And they don't really mind going to jail, where there is no room for them to begin with.

Sounds like a low key failed state. Why would anyone live there by choice?

There's still a lot of jobs there. This is in spite of their recent plunge into insanity and not because of it though. It started with the gold rush, then the entertainment industry, then the tech industry. Then they all got high sniffing their own farts and now c*lifornians are fleeing like roaches from the light. They all like to take credit for the massive economy but their income inequality is insane there.

San Fran, not America.

Mayos, niggas and bad hombres.

You used to live there, can you give me one reason why SF shouldn’t be on the receiving end of a nuclear strike tomorrow?

Because my 🔌 lives there

It's not the same. Normally, that part of the city is absolutely mobbed with normies, and while there are a few bums here and there, it's perfectly safe. Now the only people left on the streets are fucking nuts.

It's like the usual contrasts have been ratcheted up - most of the city is more peaceful and clean than it used to be, and downtown is worse than it was in the 90s.

There was a story awhile back about a homeless dude who I think was gonna kill a chick and he chased her into her apartment (all on camera), but they managed to get him out... and the cops picked him up and then released him the next day.

I saw in the Bay Area subreddit that people were ready to go vigilante on the dude. Knew who he was and what park he was usually at. A bunch of folks said he'd taken his dick out and waved it at women regularly and they were legit ready to form and group and give him some communal love.

All on the blue state subreddit.

Haha, when I lived in north beach there was a cross dressing homeless drug addict who pushed his shopping cart around Broadway and embarcadero. I'd regularly see him with his face covered in silver paint from huffing, wearing a tutu with nothing on underneath waving his dick at tourist. Classic SF culture


This is why I always laugh when people say that the US needs to do something about mental health issues, especially in regards to mass shootings. The only solution is to lock up the crazies against their will and libs would throw a fucking fit over it

One party is ideologically driven to do things like close mental hospitals, or cut pandemic response? Why wouldn’t I point the finger at them? They continue to shred every social safety net that the public needs and is, frankly, entitled to.

Because you live in a one party state that's been that way for 50 years and it's not the party you're pointing your finger at?

And these people make fun of Republicans feeling oppressed by the federal government they control.

Wait? So they "I'll be back" guy was a Dem?

In the years since 1975, 23 of them the state was led by a red governors, while 22 of them had a blue governor.


Reagan closed all the state funded mental health institutions in CA during his tenure.

Libs are gonna be blaming d@ddy for 250 years.

They also like to point out that Reagan passed gun laws because he was afraid of blåck people carrying guns but they don't actually want to roll back those laws.



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That's just to giggle at conservative hypocrisy. Nobody actually misses open carry.

When the universe dies, its gonna be because d@ddy grabbed someone by the pu$$y

Kind of amazing how californians still find a way to blame republicans for it being a one party blue state for decades now. If this was all one governor's fault 40 yeaes ago, you'd think the overwhelmingly blue legislators would've changed any laws by now.

Yep we see a moron in the white house, caging children, then we see, that same leader not taking charge when he has too and inciting riots, when he takes no responsibility, murders over 65K people. We see morons charging up capital steps, with assault rifles, against governors, trying to keep them safe and alive, yep, liberals don't like what they see.


Imagine living in SF
