A homosexual teenager walks into /r/Catholicism . . .

1  2020-05-03 by ProEvilOperations

. . . and asks if he should come out of the closet. Apparently being open/accepting about your homosexuality is very frowned on by Catholics. Probably a tradition started by jealous priests in order to keep out the competition. On the post there's some quibbling on differences between "being gay" and having occasional bouts of "same sex attraction" and then suddenly AHS links to the post and shits all over the thread.



The internet volunteer janitors had to clean it all up on a weekend. 😢


Apparently AHS has run out of MDE ban evasion subs to pearl-clutch about so they've moved on to complaining that Catholics and Indians ( /r/Chodi ) are allowed to post on Reddit.


Now this is when the gay OP starts getting addicted to the drama. He posts on /r/Catholicism AGAIN making a meta post about AHS' brigade on his original post


The completely voluntary Catholic e-janitor force made sure to keep the comments section clean after brigaders appeared:


And then not even two hours later the OP went on to make YET ANOTHER meta post in the completely unrelated AgainstDegenerateSubs in order to get his drama-dopamine fix:


Someone needs to introduce this dude to /r/askgaybros which is unironically one of the very few good subreddits on this site. Those f@ggots post more useful comments and waaay more dramatic happenings than /r/drama ever does 🤭


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