Some lawyer 🚺 gets ratio'ed for believing all women

4  2020-05-05 by MillionsofDeadChapos


Yes you should believe Tara Reade but Lisa Bloom sent opposition research to Ronan Farrow to discredit Weinstein accusers and also helped Weinstein

Rape is like cringe dude

She sounds dumb


Could've just stopped there tbh

I still have to fight 7rump, so I will still support Joe

So pathetic. Either call her a liar or say you're not voting for the old man. Trying to maintain this "See, I supported muh womyn!" while also trying to dodge blame for when Daddy inevitably gets re-elected just shows how spineless you really are

Okay, so first of all, you've just made a reply to me that is in two unrelated parts. The first is unrelated to anything I said. As long as you comport yourself in this manner, you will only be met with derision. It is a nonsense method of communication.


  1. Some lawyer 🚺 gets ratio'ed for bel... -,*

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The point of #METOO is to believe all victims but it’s clear Reade is not a victim. There’s no hypocrisy

Biden will appoint a pr*gressive f*m*le VP

Gonna need a source on that, chief

It like they have to out r-slur the right at any given chance

But I believe you. And I'm sorry

Wait, is believing the story and supporting Biden mutually exclusive? I thought even Reade is (or was) a Biden supporter?

I unironically respect her for at least being honest enough to admit that she believes Biden is a rapist but she's going to hold her nose and vote for him anyway. Miles better than all the metooters who are now doing a 180 from "believe wahmen" to "innocent until proven guilty".

I cant fucking wait til debates. Joe is going to get destroyed.