Zucc declares war on Qanon, leading hundreds of Qoomers to rage on twitter

5  2020-05-05 by seshfan2


remember when "Q" was some turd burglar on 4chan and 8chan posting long winded rants about reptilians and shit? literally this dude hasnt existed for probably almost a year now and these turds will believe anything you tell them.

Lol i think he was suppose to send killary to gitmo like by the beginning in 2017.

Can't wait till more psycho fucks get arrested trying to murder political figures.

Q believers are actually pretty convincing evidence of NPC theory. I work with one and you can just say the stupidest shit and so long as you sound authoritative she will buy it.

In that sense, NPC is just a repackaging of propaganda theory.

I just assumed it was schizos finding patterns in their own fecal matter that proved Obama was just an experiment to create a black man who wasn’t intimidating at night.

But I thought #qanon was not true at all! Lol. They know that Q is for real and their message will mess up their corruption. #wwg1wg.

It would appear the boomer remover didn't do her job well enough 🤔🤔🤔

All in due time.

I can’t help but feel like people like that have had abusive childhoods. It’s the social equivalent of smearing faeces on the walls. Intentionally doing things that are weird and unpleasant for everyone involved just to provoke (justified) negative attention.


  1. Zucc declares war on Qanon, leading... - archive.org, archive.today

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I missed this whole qanon saga, can anyone explain this shit to me?

a search says it's a far-right conspiracy group, but the only thing I've read supposedly by qanon was lefty russia steals the election bs

Voat gonna be popping