Trayvon 2.0 fights man with shotgun, gets shot. Video is released and r/news throws a fit.

0  2020-05-05 by 641232


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You're not my dad.

Citizens arrests are always kinda sketchy and to attempt one on someone you didn't even see commit a crime is next level retardation

"But the suspect and victim were both black men!"

In a town that is 59% black.

Black guy jogging in a community where he doesnt live wandering through property he doesn't own. 🤔🤔🤔

Keep drinking.

Totally normal behavior, everyone drives across town to another subdivision to jog and walk through random houses. 😂

Where's the proof it was even the same guy?

And yes, people who get off the couch and exercise do like doing it in various locations.

Everyone knows if you get caught sneaking around an empty house and the neighbors confront you all you have to do is beat them up and you are scot free. Its just common sense.

Prove it was the same guy tho.

I didnt chase the guy down or have to shoot him for attacking me so its really not my responsibility to prove you see.

Why would you think i have some kind of hidden video evidence as a random stranger on the internet? Are you a big dumb dumb? 😋


Take another drink.

altrightcels are desperate

The wypipos were literally just looking for target practice there's no logic in the sequence of events. Anyone who unironically tries to pull a citizens arrest is a LARPing f@ggot and I would assume these were some prepper/gun nut boomers

We was just trying to make a citizen's arrest!

For what crime?

Failing to provide proof of innocence when a stranger sticks a shotgun in your face


Playing life on hard mode

JWB is a serious offense.

Imagine not having your own gun lmao

This one actually looks real fucked up

I’ve watched this like five times and the sequence of events is kind of confusing. Seems like he was oblivious to what was going on until he came around the hood of the truck and saw dude with the gun. Maybe he had earphones on?

To be clear the mayôs prob wanted to shoot whoever they thought burgled them, the video and filming angles are just a cluster fuck.

This is one seems pretty fucked

Honkies saw a black guy looking at new house. I go on jogs all the time, I’ve definitely stopped at new construction before to see what’s going up.

Looks fishy to honkies cause you know black guy

Ole boys see black guy wait for him at the curve and gun him down.

I don’t really see how ole boys get off on this one. I generally have an open mind to this things cause I don’t want to get caught in circle jerk but this one seems pretty open and shut.

They get off by not having redditors using conjecture as evidence

I don’t really see how ole boys get off on this one.

Georgia is open carry. Georgia is not open carry but do nothing if a basketball American attempts to wrestle your gun away. These good ol' boys is walkin', mark my words.

Georgia isn't open carry unless you have the same permit that allows for concealed carry.

You can't open carry in Georgia without having the same permit that allows for concealed carry.

Okay? Go look at the law enforcement adjacent background of the older alleged perpetrator and tell me you legit think he doesn't have those permits. I'll bet the younger one has them too.

I wouldn't be surprised considering how racist our judicial system is, but this really should be open and shut.

According to the story, they saw him, grabbed guns and then, from the video, they set up an ambush, he tried to avoid them by jogging around, and McMichaels intercepts him with a shotgun. A reasonable person would find this to be an imminent threat to their life, so Arbery had the right to SYG when trying to disarm McMichael.

If their argument is that they believe they had the right to hold a gun on someone for walking around new construction, and they have no evidence to back up their claim that he did, then they should be in for bad time.

Forgive me for asking but the way you've phrased this post seems as though you haven't seen the video. Have you seen it?

Yes, absolutely. What claim did I make about the video that you believe is inaccurate? Did they not set up an ambush for him? Did he not try to job around the truck? Did McMichaels not attempt to intercept him as he went around the other side of the truck?

Did they not set up an ambush for him?

Maybe it's semantics but an ambush is a surprise attack stemming from lying in wait from a concealed position. What you're calling an ambush I would call a road block. As for the rest of it; I saw a man trying to steal a shotgun and getting shot for it. I don't know what caused him to act so impulsively but it's a sure way to die.

Maybe it's semantics but an ambush is a surprise attack stemming from lying in wait from a concealed position.

Yes, you got me on a slight exaggeration. Well played.

I saw a man trying to steal a shotgun and getting shot for it.

They set up a road block, and when he tried to run around them, they intercepted him, while openly armed. This obviously rises to the level of "reasonable fear of imminent threat of illegal force"

I don't know what caused him to act so impulsively but it's a sure way to die.

I agree that maybe it probably wasn't the right way to act. However, arming yourself and setting up a road block for someone who you claimed to 911 that you saw doing nothing more than looking around some new construction (who hasn't gone into/around new construction to take a peek?) is also incredibly stupid and impulsive and makes them the obvious aggressors here.

Yes, you got me on a slight exaggeration. Well played.

That's called lying, pal. If you have to intentionally say something other than what happened maybe you're not in the right.

Its not that I got you at all. But ambushes and roadblocks are different things. That why I asked you if you had seen it. It just seemed to be a strange label for it. That's all.

Yes, we got it already, you won the pedantic argument. Doesn't change the fact that they were clearly the aggressors.

They're gonna walk, bruh. Mark my words.

As I already said, the justice system is terribly racist so I wouldn't be surprised. Doesn't change what's clear as day.

No, they're going to walk because if someone attempts to wrestle your gun away from you it's a fair assumption your life is in danger. These guys were on the phone with a 911 operator. They wanted to hold him til police arrived. But there was no opportunity to convey that information as the victim impulsively made a play for the shotgun which cost him his life. There were no illegal actions on the part of the two men.

if someone attempts to wrestle your gun away from you it's a fair assumption your life is in danger.

I agree.

However, if two armed people set up a road block and you attempt to run around them, and then one of them moves to intercept you, it's a fair assumption that the use of illegal force is imminent, so you are within your rights to defend yourself by wrestling the gun away from them.

They lost their right to self-defense when they started the altercation, unless the response was "disproportionate," but it would be hard to argue that if you confront someone with a gun and they try to wrestle it away from you, that their response was disproportionate to the level of threat.

But there was no opportunity to convey that information as the victim impulsively made a play for the shotgun which cost him his life.

You don't convey the information that you suspect them of a crime and want them to wait for the police by setting up a road block and trying to stop them with a gun. You make it known what you are doing first, and then if shit goes bad, you use your gun. This is how the vast majority of apprehensions by police go. They attempt to apprehend without using/showing force, and only use force when there is a legitimate threat. Going in gun first when the guy is clearly unarmed gives the other person reason to believe illegal force is imminent.

Although I question whether or not their attempts to apprehend him was even legal. It appears that trespass is misdemeanor the law says that you can do so for a felony.


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A real fucked part is they didn't even get burgled. They just suspected he was burgling.

To be clear the mayôs prob wanted to shoot whoever they thought burgled them

Were these cumskins even burgled?

Someone said they were in reports, idk if that is proven or whatever tho.

There were allegedly burglaries at construction sites in the area, so they blamed the first black dude they saw.

in a town that's 60% black?



He definitely didn't go out of his way to initiate a fight. Judging by the video he knew he was most likely going to end up dead regardless so he took his chances.

I just dont see the same energy from white people for injustices that go on today.

Someone doesn't know about Oklahoma City

Yeah that was a straight up lynching.

Why does no one know what lynching means🙄🙄

A racially motivated murder featuring multiple attackers against a single victim based around an accusation with little to no evidence rather than involving law enforcement?

🙄 a lynching is public extrajudicial murder. One hick and his son doesn't qualify.

Have you ever wondered why in pictures of old lynchings you see many men sometimes even with their wives and children? It's a message to the local government that they don't give a fuck and will kill whatever ni**ga they want.

TIL trying to steal someone’s shotgun and getting shot is Lynching

If I saw some hillbilly amped up on meth aiming a shotgun in my face I would probably react similarly. I'd bet money that his finger was on the trigger from the beginning.

If I saw some hillbilly amped up on meth aiming a shotgun in my face I would probably react similarly.

Nah, you'd shit yourself and either freeze or run the other way, like 99% of people in the world.

Yea but it sounds cooler if I pretend like I'd be a hero.

An Hero

Based and Mark Wahlbergpilled

Not like this based king who actually tried to defend himself.

I would really like to see how you would react with a fucking barrel down your face. Fight or flight kicks in. Dude probably thought he had the highest chance to survive by getting the gun outta there.

For starters I’d run away from them not towards them, which is what the guy is doing at the beginning of the video. Contain your leftoid tendencies and use your eyes. This video is not open and shut by any means

It's a split second decision. He probably thought if he ran away then he would be an easy target for them to shoot. The sad thing is that he probably knew he was gonna end up dead anyway. They cut him off so it's obvious they aren't gonna try to let him go easy.

> I'd run away from the shotgun.

Good job, Sun Tzu. You're bleeding out, but from the back this time.

you're so boring

Wow all lower case, really doubling down on that faux apathy there son

Nah he's right your comment is so boring it's basically assault so I have the right to defend myself by banning you because that's totally not a power imbalance

When you're just out for a jog and some hick with his shotgun shows up telling you to stop, but your criminal instincts kick in and you try to steal the shotgun. Right, that is how reality works.

olympic mental gymnastics😂😂😂

Shocked by drama's response

He's running up casually at the beginning like a jog, showing the encounter just began. If he was a white guy, this would still be be a confusing af video situation to interpret, but it would be clearly legal still. Even if someone holds their gun threateningly near you, if you randomly grab at an open carry the holder immediately has right to defend in the eyes of the law.

Unless you can prove they were chasing him for miles shouting THIS IS MAGA COUNTRY which his jog up doesn't suggest, this is just a bad decision to grab a gun instead of raising your hands. Broad daylight in a town that's 60% black, nothing that suggests these random guys were just going to execute him on the side of the road. show me more #wh1teguilt though

I hope they see this, bro.

bro did you watch video? They formed a Wild West posse, stopped in front of him with truck with guns drawn. What would you have done if this happened to you? fight or flight. we have cops for a reason

Well when my options are A) charge a guy who has a gun pointed at me while his friend has a gun pointed at me B) quietly do what they say C) run away. I know that my worst chance of survival is option A.



They formed a Wild West posse, stopped in front of him with truck with guns drawn.

They were parked in the road several yards ahead while the guy ran up to their truck.

Imagine defending trash hillbillies

Big brigade from stormfront/T-D offshoot site/pol going to all the major social media sites with a set of talking point to stir shit up.


Now imagine a world without mayos. So peaceful

Imagine defending someone who's instant reaction is to attempt going john wick, putting their palm over a fucking shotgun barrel

To be fair jogging while being black is a pretty serious crime.

Big brigade going on from the T_D offshoot site lol

you responded to my comment with that shit too. cool where am I brigading from? would be nice to know my handlers

lmao @ you unironically running around this thread reeeeing

You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


  1. Trayvon 2.0 fights man with shotgun... -,

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unedited video of the shooting:

Not looking good for the duke boys.

Holy fuck that's a cold blooded murder.

What are you on about you can barely see anything. You see the guy running towards the truck, then grappling with a dude who has a shotgun, then getting shot

These people dont have any eyes or ears apparently, there are no gunshots until after this r*slur tried to fist fight a guy holding a shotgun.

After reading comments here and in the /r/news thread I feel genuinely gaslighted. 90% of the people insist that they shot the guy in the back as he was jogging past them or something. What the fuck?

He clearly was running to the left of the truck and the gunman was standing to the left of the truck and then the guy run to the right, around the truck and charged the guy with the shotgun.

And whenever someone says what their own lying eyes saw in the video they are massively downvoted and told that you're legally allowed to charge someone threatening you with a shotgun.

Which is, I mean, there could be different opinions about that, and whether trying to detain some random guy is OK, and so on, but this doesn't mean that they shot him in the back while he was jogging by.

And it honestly seems to me that that's what 90% of the people in that thread think that that was exactly what happening even despite watching the video with their own eyes. This is insane.

I really have no explanation outside of reddit's hatred for rednecks and the south.

Its pretty clear mr jogger charged the guy and started the fight. Its not clear if the redneck was pointing the gun at him prior to this.

Its pretty clear mr jogger charged the guy and started the fight.

The confrontation started when these mooks brandished and tried to arrest a random citizen.

The confrontation started when these mooks brandished and tried to arrest a random citizen.

Naturally you can't expect a black guy not to escalate, they have an insurmountable fight-or-flight instinct.

Yes, and so do you. "Ackshually, in that situation I'd run" is just as big dumb as the action heroes out there just waiting for the chance to play billy badass. You don't know what you would do in that situation. That's why it's a response and not a decision.

Besides, you know boss hogg would take flight as an admission of guilt and still unload on him.

Not just that, they would capture him, chain him down in some basement, and slowly torture to death over the course of several days. I think that those monsters should get life without parole based on this incontrovertible conjecture.

Of course not. They shot an unarmed stranger, so they should be shot.

But you're right. You should trust random people with guns telling you to stop.

I mean, yeah? The alternative is that you get shot and they aren't even gonna do time or so it looks.

We get it you hate poor white people, everyone does.

Poor whites who don't shoot strangers are cool in my book.

Why do you have such low expectations for them?

I guess its their upbringing. They never learned not to shoot black kids in the street just for possibly stealing.

Oh, did you finally find proof it was the same person?

Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field?

A college degree? In that field?

Then your arguments are invalid.

No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.

I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.

Guess not.

Have another drink.

Barnhill wrote that there was a video of Arbery "burglarizing a home immediately preceding the chase and confrontation"


Nice. Post the video.

Ask the prosecutor to release it yourself.

I know you are r*tarded but do I really sound like a private investigator for hire?

No, you sound like a mad hick who doesn't need facts or evidence to validate her feelings.

No, you sound like a mad hick who doesn't need facts or evidence to validate her feelings.

I cant believe you think its okay to misgender someone just because they schooled you in a simple argument what the fuck is wrong with you dude??

If you're right, there's evidence. Put it up, lady.


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I do really wonder about this phenomenon. Do they know they're lying or are they actually so deluded as to have seen something that isn't there? It seems to happen quite often with inter-racial videos.

I reread the thread and I'm not sure any more. My original reaction was caused by reading a lot of the comments before finally seeing the video, and they left 100% that impression (as I'm sure everyone who didn't see the video would, which sucks). Upon rereading a minority of people explicitly say untrue things and most are just spinning it hard, like, since it's reasonable to suspect that confronting a black guy while holding a gun will trigger his fight response and make him charge at you, by doing that they basically killed him. Plus a bunch of people fantasize that they were going to kidnap and kill him anyway (despite calling the police beforehand).

I can understand people trying to put those spins on it but I've seen people saying they chased him down. They were parked.

They might mean that they chased him down before they parked. As in, in order to have an encounter they sort of had to chase him down and intercept. But yeah, anyone reading that without seeing the video would get a completely wrong impression, the spin is unreal.

Judging by the video it kind of also looks like the camera guy was chasing the black guy down.

He never looked back tho. And it looked like he didn't even notice the shotgun guy at first.

You don't look back when you're being chased by a car, mostly since you can hear it.

Sorry, I don't buy this at all. In the beginning the car was fuck knows where, he couldn't've heard it then.

So I believe the hillbillies were still completely in the wrong, but I'm glad I watched the video. It is completely different than what I have seen pretty much every redditor describe it as.

I mean, I have no idea how I would react if I was running down the road, and then some dudes with guns popped up out of a truck pointing them at me. That said, from hearing other people describe it, it sounded like they just shot this guy in the back, when that clearly wasn't the case.

They are still guilty as fuck, and had no right putting either party in that situation though.


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Look retärd. If you chase me down and pull a gun on me for no reason I'm shooting you dead where you stand and its 100% justifiable self defense.

They have a gun pointed at you. You are unarmed. How are you planning to shoot them? Like our upstanding gentleman in the video did? It didn't seem to work out well for him.

For sure but trying to wrestle a loaded shotgun away from someone already holding it is genuinely silly. Dude probably would have had a better chance running and praying for bad aim and chronic obesity to save him.

Maybe try to talk your way out of the situation using big boy words before you start throwing hands at a dude holding a shotgun?

Did you hear that, Flight 93? Use your big boy words.


Hope those fuckers got life

Nice comments too

damn bro this is actually fucked

lyfe in merica

Is this red dead


All black people should closed carry unironically, if I was black I would always keep a concealed firearm+permit on me. Better to go to trial for murder than actually get gunned down by some hopped up mayo

Lost in the internet lynching of the white supremacists here is that the deceased had a criminal record (shoplifting, bringing a gun to highschool, violating probation) which would preclude obtaining a permit.




How can it be a free country when blacks are still oppressed? We live in a police state where a black man can't even walk down the sidewalk without worrying that he might be fucking shot to death by another black man.

This dues seriously named "armed robbery"?

Never stood a chance

Why was someone already recording? Why was the camera pulled to the right right as the black guy was going to run past the truck? Why did the black guy suddenly veer left and put hands on the man? Why was a truck parked in the road? Why are people saying the people in the truck chased the black man when the truck was there first?

How are people making judgments off of this bizarre video?


If someone points a shotgun at me I'm not going to try and rip it from their hands. I'm going to run lmao unless I have one too.
