Tiny Asian lady karate-kicked by a black guy who thinks she had the corona. HUNDREDS of Redditors froth at the mouth calling for him to be lynched!

1  2020-05-06 by TheGoldenWhale1995


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Redditors absolutely baffled.

Why would heckin blackpeopleorinos do such a thing? Why don't they stand in solidarity with Asians, trans people, disabled people, Muslims, LGBTQIAP? Why didn't they vote Bernie 😢

It's because of the mayo, duh

Fucking white people man, smdh

It's entirely socioeconomic factors.

Rude 13 year old kicks Asian lady 50% of his size

Apparently the twat in the video is 15.

Most of the default subs are run by bots and shills.

Social media is the Matrix. Look into the ties between big tech and DARPA. The content is curated and contextualized to create a certain response in the public mind. Look up the original definition of Cybernetics.

You are human livestock and the internet is your digital enclosure. And like all good farmers, they have to make sure the herd gets their vaccines or it could mean disaster for the farm!

It’s not individuals who just love vaccines making these gay pro vax memes. Someone is being paid to do it by some shitty organization likely with ties to the Rockefellers and the Vanderbilts or whatever.


  1. Tiny Asian lady karate-kicked by a ... - archive.org, archive.today

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Lynched? what the hell? if he was white, we lynched be the first word that would come to mind?

wrong post

theoretical invalid, white people don't do this

...if millennials on Reddit actually knew the history of lynching, then, yes.
but since they don't, no.

but who cares?
if they were white, Redditors would just be calling for a different version of retaliatory murder--albeit A LOT more of them.


Asians in concentration camps, blacks enslaved, mayos mayocided. Problem solved 😎

Help! I need a translator:

Well you’re at it explain to me how the definition is important at the end of the day. What is accomplished if it’s established black people can be racist.
