/r/hockey gets their fainting couches out in response to one player calling another players w1fe a "f@t p1g"

8  2020-05-07 by findingmemeo


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In 2020 if you say fat pig in a private chat it will be national news and ruin your career

Is this really all it takes anymore?

Some people do, and these peoples are asshole chud jocks. And they should be ostracized for the greater good.

How can one like hockey, the sports filled with the most degenerate bad asses, and be someone that says Chud.

Chapos are like cockroaches. They infest and spread to everything on this god forsaken website. Nowhere is safe from them. Just look at some of the subs you are subscribed too. You’ll eventually find some lurking in the shadows.

online sports fandoms are filled with numales that are just doing it to try and pass as real people.

I can’t imagine anyone that’s played on a team sport not at least understand this type of talk.

Hell your average 25 year old 40k millionaire acts like this

That was posted by someone who was bullied by an athlete in high school, it’s gotta be


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here's all the screenshots

wow yeah babe I can't believe he said all that... that is abhorrent. can't believe SOME men still think that way, or talk that way. me and the boys don't do that, though. no you can't see our group chats.

- me, when my wife asks me about this story

I'm going home with her right now

Might as well. She's got a nice condo

I swear some of these must just be in here for comedy value.

What a unit



What a unit


women may not want to accept this, but this is absolutely how dudes talk to one another. I got normie buddies who watch star wars and have kids and drive a minivan, that absolutely say shit like this. men are dogs why do we have to deny that reality lol

men are dogs

What does this mean for wh*te women?

There's enough proof that m*yo w0m3n fuck dogs

men are dogs why do we have to deny that reality lol

Few are brave enough to take this pill.

Luckily I married a chick that was in sorority that balled a girl that accused a fraternity of drugging her at a exchange.

Paraphrasing the story but allegedly the meeting the next day went like this

we all know sigma chis like Xanax. According to google you have roughly 48 hours to get tested. Present the test or stop fucking drinking so much at parties.

my buddy was the president of theta xi when I was there and him and his buddies beat the absolute fuck out of a sigma chi guy outside Fred's for slipping a fucking HORSE TRANQ into one their sister's drink at a sigma chi party

The kd think happened a few weeks after some poor pledge got basically run out of school after a reggies night. He brought a chick back to hergit and was making out on the bed of his truck. As you can imagine both were sloppy drunk. Some land whale in Mcvoy sees them from her dorm. Calls the cops. He goes to jail and she wakes up in the hospital with her parents cry.

His name was in the paper and everything before she could even get the truth out.

As for your story, There wasn’t a lot of special k guys around when I was there. I mean people definitely partied but that kinda shit was limited to disco biscuits fans. Even the widespread panic fans were sticking to shrooms. My last year was 11, great football year, think you are a little older.

I can legitimately say that I only saw one party where I would have been concerned about what was in your drink and it would have been Xanax cause it was everywhere back then. But it’s not like people advertised their date rapes so who really knows.


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any chance the guy that happened to's initials were ZD? I think I know him.

also hergit was the littest of the lit. I was g@y and holed up in Broussard, in west campus next to the engineering dorms, which were brand new at the time. it was very lame tbh

also FYI I think we're the same age. my freshman year was '08, the first year after the BCS win. depending on which groups you ran in, we almost certainly have friends in common

edit: this automod garbage will be the death of me

I don’t remember the dudes name to be honest.

But yeah we were at LSU at the same time. I was in hergit for 08.

If you did summer school every year, I almost certainly ran into you at penny pitchers or one of pools around town

Because anyone that publicly tries to say that is going to be looking for a new job.


I don’t think I’ve ever said worse things than what I have said in group chats.

They're all up in arms about the "degrade" comment in the first screenshot but I'm pretty sure that's being said by his friend Jordyn there and not him.

Oh. My. God.

I'd be so tempted to interrupt that conversation. Not necessarily to call them complete shits (although I'd be tempted), but to remind them that antibiotics interfere with birth control pill, and sneaking in antibiotics is a great way of making a girlfriend into a baby mama.

Then again, they'd probably just sneak in Plan B or something as well.... What shits.

goooooooood morning

I'm not convinced that was typed by a w*man

Lmao that thread has to be getting brigaded. So many people keep saying "NO normal people do not have group chats dedicated to misogyny"

Lmao that thread has to be getting brigaded.

Nah. /r/hockey is full of super progressive dipshits.

Couldn’t agree more

If my group chats got leaked I'd genuinely be assassinated by some seething leftoid

I like to play russian roulette. I keep my work slack and my discord server open on the same monitor while I work from home.

r/hockey seems like a subreddit that would have the potential to break the typical redditor mold cause its a cool sport, but I an assure you its full of the exact same pathetic people the other large subreddits are populated with.

It's a sport that is only enjoyed by yankees and leafs, if it weren't for the russians it would be the gayest sport in the world



It's obvious that a lot of people on these sports subs have never played a team sport.

or never participated in a group chat lmao

Well these people are not likely to have friends irl

Seriously, pretty much every non-family group chat I've ever been in has been dedicated to misogyny.

r/hockey is to actual hockey players what r/science is to astrophysicists

That's the majority of sports fans.



R/ Hockey is bizzarely progressively prissy half the time. Like literally srdine tier lmao

I expected way worse based off all the screeching in that thread

Super tame for hockey guys.


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I'm having trouble parsing the exact events from a quick look at the comments — is it really just that a guy insulted another player's wife? And they want him permanently banned from the league?

He called one woman a fridge lol then called someone else's wife fat. Obviously he's a black mark on hockey's history

Trash talking is good sportsmanship.


Seriously. If pornhub is suggesting cuck porn for you, it's because their algorithm has determined, scientifically, that you're a cuck. That's all.


  1. /r/hockey gets their fainting couch... - archive.org, archive.today

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Leafs get the rake when? Please.

Based leafs get to avoid the rake

Based leaf..... Based. Leaf. You have to find one first but, sure they can avoid the rake along with unicorns and dragons.

Some leafs have genetic defects that separate them enough from the rest of their kind and make them semi-human.

I would rather save the life of one journ*list over saving 100 “based” leafs from the rake. It is apparent that we are just two kings on different wavelengths, unless you too are a leaf. I will never be convinced of the existence of a leaf that is anything more than a subhuman drone. Incapable of anything more than talking about American politics on forums because their country is irrelevant. Literally just western hemisphere euros.

save the life of one journ*list

You're walking on thin ice here.


unless you too are a leaf.

Now you've gone too far. What would your parents think if they saw their child here, accusing others of being leafs? Take it back.


existence of a leaf that is anything more than a subhuman drone

Avril Lavigne was a based druggy mommy before people like Billie Eilish stole her schtick. Jim Carrey was based back in the late 90s-early 00s, William Shatner is eternally based dementia king. James Cameron is based kino, Chris Hadfield is based spaceman.

That's about it really, the rest can go.

I will not recant my previous statements. All leafs are trash. I do however apologize for leveling the heinous accusation of you possibly being a leaf. That was over the line.

I accept that it is illogical to consider any leaf might be human, so I won't argue with you on that. Thank you for retracting the accusation.


Am leaf, belong in compost

This makes me want to get into hockey, but it's so fucking boring to watch on TV. It's the same as soccer, except the fights are between men instead of twinks.
