BRAKING nOWWEE!!! DOJ drops case against Gen. Flynn

5  2020-05-07 by Corporal-Hicks


Russia conspiracy has been getting btfo lately

Imagine believing corporate media fucks and their creative writing bullshit about a grand conspiracy with the Russians based on literally zero hard evidence. Imagine being so fucking stupid that you make Trumpoids look rational in comparison.


<note> I told pizzashill this is what was going to happen years ago. Conveniently he’s nowhere to be found.

Anyone with half a brain could see this coming from a mile away. Most modern liberals are goddamn morons


He got banned from the sub with bussypoints or w/e by an admin for like 6 months didn’t he?


i believe he self banned

You can go to that stupidpol thread probably still on the frontpage where he frolics and gloat at him apropos of nothing.

"Viva la resistance" - Kevin Clinesmith, FBI

Lmao, supreme smoothbrain take. They literally have him on record making deals with Kislyak before Trump was elected.

If the feds didn’t cream themselves talking about how hard they wanted to fuck him his dumbass would be in jail. But as always, incompetence grinds the feds to a hault.

I mean, Flynn was trying his damnest to get the plea deal thrown out and got denied, that would have opened up to be prosecuted regarding his "deals". I got your supreme brain has the tapes and knows what's on them?

man who is about to be exonerated on a technicality tries his hardest to recind his plea deal.

Lmao, thanks Chief.

I'm confused do you not know how time works? He tried to get his plea deal thrown out before Barr did anything. If he got the plea deal rescinded he would have been at the mercy of the mountain of evidence the FBI totally has, just like all that evidence that on Drumf, but because he wasn't able to he gets off because FBI just fucking entraps people as casually as you place things up your ass.

You make a good point. If the FBI had just been a little smarter we'd undoubtedly be seeing the first prosecution of a Logan Act violation since it became law a mere 220 years ago.

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They literally have him on record making deals with Kislyak

Isn't diplomats' sole reason to exist is making deals with them?

Omg 😲 🤤


So is this the first time Q has been right about anything?

When Q was just some guy on /pol/ there was some funny coincidences. Pretty sure that guy made this prediction too.

It is weird that making false statements to federal agents is a crime.

It's weird that leftists are all of a sudden supportive of people getting railroaded by dirty cops and extorted into pleading guilty...

It's almost as if.... They're complete and total fucking hypocrites all the time.

To the leftoid, nothing has intrinsic legitimacy. Not laws, not courts, not law enforcement, not elections. The only thing that has legitimacy to them is whatever furthers the left’s ends. And whenever they say something is a “threat” to ___, what they really means is that it is a threat to getting their way.

Yeah like to the rightoids' credit, none of them actually care that Biden raped someone. They don't suddenly think roasties should be believed or even listened to. They just want him held to the same standard as Kavanaugh.

Biden supporters have literally been saying they believe Reid but will vote for him anyway.

Half of them are saying that the other half thinks she's a Russian agent lying about it. Their hypocrisy is fucking hilarious.

Biden supporters have literally been saying they believe Reid but will vote for him anyway.

I can't decide if this is is just based, or if it's so double hypocritical that it comes around to being based.

This broad even wrote a whole article trying to justify it to herself

Honestly would be kinda funny and based if they weren't completely fucking mental and insane.


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Has orange daddy ever given an interview where he hasn’t blatantly contradicted himself out of political convenience?

Who cares?

Man, you are wrong in every way. The dunning-Kruger effect stops You from seeing your faults. Just stop . The progressive world doesn’t want or need conservatives.

Its a bullshit law that needs to go away

What do you mean? Can't you remember every detail of every phone call you ever made?

Right. I mean I would lie to the feds on principle even if the investigation wasn’t about me. My taxes pay their salary so why not make ’em actually work for it.

Fuck 👏 cops 👏 but 👏 perjury 👏 traps 👏 are 👏 cool 👏

They targeted gamers. Gamers.


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Q predicted this

Army Strong! (To legal persecution)