Anti-Corbyn Labour leaders actually play 3D chess when they sabotage their own party to evict Jezza

2  2020-05-07 by TheLordHighExecu


Anytime I hear news about the Labor Party, it's always about some petty infighting they're having. The Republicans had more unity in 2016 when half of them were openly against their only candidate.

In a real democracy, Corbyn would just be in another party and the rest of Labour would be in their own centre-left party. FPTP makes them all squeeze together into one party and pretend to be friends.

There was no anti-semitism in the party, Corbyn was just against the Isreali Apartheid which is why the Israeli lobby and their shills were trying to make it look that way. Go watch The Lobby, it's eye opening and shows how these fucks are working behind the scenes to undermine any politician who dares to talk again their fascist government.





Corbyn supports fascist islalmic terrorists and openly invited Britain's Islamic Jihadi invaders into the party.

The only way he could be more anti-semitic is if he had a swastika tattooed on his forehead.

Corbyn supports resistance groups that fight against illegal occupation forces that have repeatedly committed crimes against humanity. Go suck Netanyahu's cock you stupid fucking AIPAC bitch.

Shouldn't you be Bumbo88?


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The AIPAC whοre has used the antisemitism card, shocking.

I assume you believe that the Holocaust didn’t do a good enough job, mr hitter?

Go ask about that the far right war criminal called Benjamin Netanyahu you stupid fuck, I'm not part of their ilk.

Okay stormfront. Whatever you say.

Btw everyone is equal no matter their race or religion, no matter what you believe.

OK far right lunatic, whatever you say.

Brother I believe in equality and despise hate. Unlike you.

Brother I believe in equality and despise hate. Unlike you.


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Yeah, the PFLP are gonna liberate Palestine any day now. 🙄

Inshallah brother. ☝

This but completely unironically. Down with Pissrael.


It was a nice story for the media kind of like how Trump working with the Russians is a nice story for the media. It makes the politician seem like he's violating one of the key parts of the political ideology.

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"The JIDF, Phony Bliar, and lying lamestream media sabotaged Count Corbyn!!!"

They did. In fact there are actual recorded evidence that the Blairite scum sabotaged Corbyn.

Lol, just like the DDF, when your lord loses, blame others.


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Bring it, Corbyncel

Is this just like Shillary's emails that prove very little other than that some people disliked Bernie?


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You said something about s*y, right?


Go drink battery acid you fucking cuuuuuucks


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