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2  2020-05-08 by cptnhaddock


I like how tangential most of these questions are. People aren’t actually racist? Better get them on the unrelated questions and tell them they are.

So much of this is signaling. And quite a bit is backwards.

Unironically, if someone tells me you should "never show a non-white person acting subservient to a white person" in media I presume they are a massive and very self-loathing racist.


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Lmao at the “is it okay to show minorities who don’t speak English well?” “Is it okay to show a non-white character being subservient?”

Like yes it is okay to show that as part of representing a real character or story, like I would be pissed if the story of a Chinese international student in America struggling with the change (including language) just spoke perfect English day 1.

Is it okay for it to be the only representation? NO

is it okay for it to be A representation?

needless to say, I received a high score.

The whole site is Cosmo-level quizzes "based on research from universities". Don't forget to take the Potter Pathology Test while you're there.

They have a “☪️ Test” and “🚷➡️🚶‍♀️” test. Holy shoot we should have taken these instead.

I got average. I answered honestly like you and got .1% less likely to be racist than the average person, so I guess that makes me racist.

Is X offensive

Where is the button for "And that's a good thing"?

This makes you:
42.81% more prone to general racism than the average person.
44.27% more prone to socio-historical racism than the average person.
5.07% less prone to perpetual foreigner racism than the average person.
26.9% more prone to racism than the average person overall.

And I was answering honestly LOL... I have a suspicion their sample had a strong bias towards cultural appropriation is real™ folk.

Wow are you white too ? Mine :

This makes you:

30.81% more prone to general racism than the average person.

51.27% more prone to socio-historical racism than the average person.

5.07% less prone to perpetual foreigner racism than the average person.

25.9% more prone to racism than the average person overall.

And people correctly guessing what the "right" answer is. A test measuring something that's socially unacceptable needs to be way sneakier in "this is the question we'll use to show youre racist."

I like how there's an ad for IQ test just below

I'm 25% racist. I answered honestly throughout.

No, I don't think every white person has a duty to educate themselves about the racism their forebearers may have carried out. That's a very dangerous path to go down.

Imagine if every white person had to learn how black people and other minorities were treated by whites in the past. People might start thinking, well why did we stop?

I’ll learn about my past ancestors’ actions if the non whytes learn about their current actions lol

If you didn't score at least 70% racist on this test then you are, in fact, a racist.

Yeah. Why did you stop?

34.81% more prone to general racism than the average person.

21.27% more prone to socio-historical racism than the average person.

12.93% more prone to perpetual foreigner racism than the average person.

22.9% more prone to racism than the average person overall.

Rookie numbers


Me lmao,88,56,77&l=EN


Got a C in sociohistoric racism, high D in every other category. Guess I should study harder to try and boost those scores. Half the time I just answered neutrally, cuz who gives a shit about the question.

The only point you'll ever have is that you represent the sad, fedora-wearing, bloated face of capitalism in the 21st century.

Unfairly made famous and rich through copied ideas and appealing to kids. And yet is driven by some bizarre need for attention to spout insane, teenage edge lord style views. You are clearly not all that up on politics (or anything, maybe you can code?) yet your wealth has given you an oversized platform of confused 12 to 16 year olds to yell "sjwjjwjwj" at over and over again.

Honestly, I don't give a shit if you've been driven mad by fame or some bullshit. When I see amazing creative people dying depressed in poverty every day and you get to sit on twitter and make half assed 'now yur the nazi' comments, it's fucking sickening.


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I aced the test and got a 100 in everything, does this mean I get a scholarship?

I got a low C.

I'm a failure as rightoid.


  • 30.81% more prone to general racism than the average person.
  • 16.27% more prone to socio-historical racism than the average person.
  • 31.93% more prone to perpetual foreigner racism than the average person.
  • 25.9% more prone to racism than the average person overall.

Wow these are some stupid questions

It is okay to assume that the kitchens in restaurants owned by non-Whites are generally dirtier than the kitchens in restaurants owned by Whites.

No need to assume.

You find me ONE, just one Chinese restaurant kitchen that doesn't look like a pigsty and smells like a fish market...

My scores





Scored perfect 100 on very thing like a true asian i am 😎🍜🦇

It is okay to portray non-White characters in TV shows as speaking poor and/or heavily accented English.

Fuck questions like this. If you do this you should be banned from science for the rest of your life, and not just doing science, you should not be allowed to use anything derived from science, you're down to pre-enlightenment tech. It is of course ok to portray non-white characters on TV doing literally anything, Limiting nonwhite people in any way would literally be the most direct definition of racism. Is doing it tastelessly as the butt of a joke that is literally just "lol they tak funy" shitty and racist? yes. Is a skit about someone's fob parents speaking to them in half english in a way super relatable to most people with fob parents in an award winning show loved by immigrant children bad and racist? no, fuck you question.

I'm not gonna read all this shit but yeah man fuck questions like this


Ah yes, right in the sweet spot. Will laugh at a joke, but won't lynch a black guy.

1.81% more prone to general racism than the average person.

1.27% more prone to socio-historical racism than the average person.

30.07% less prone to perpetual foreigner racism than the average person.

9.1% less prone to racism than the average person overall.