P*dos in UnpopularFacts question the ethics of executing child molesters whilst arguing for the distribution of underage material

1  2020-05-10 by kimjongunnudes4free


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No one was arguing for the distribution of cp. Just stop.

But.... you kinda were lmao

You post three studies arguing for it, one of the top comments is:

but if "loli" is a victimless crime that reduces rates of real abuse it can be used as a methadrone for pedophiles.

Anyone who, I'll admit is rather reactionary, states "just execute them" is downvoted and met with:

How would you know who’s a pedophile and who’s not? Because you’re executing people I’d imagine you want to be 100% certain and the only way you’d 100% know someone is a pedophile is if they sexually assaulted a kid.


They even want meth to be legal too

I posted three arguments saying there was a correlation between possession of cp and a decrease in sexual abuse of minors. That’s not arguing for the distribution of cp. Just that access to porn potentially decreases sex crimes in the same category. I personally believe in distributing cp to therapists so that pedos have to undergo treatment to access it.

Those people are downvoted because they contribute nothing to the conversation.

How do they contribute nothing to the conversation? I'd say executing them is a much less r*tarded argument than literally handing that shit out. What therapist in their right mind would want to even possess that? Something you should probably ask whatever therapist you almost certainly need.

That’s just not how anything is solved. You don’t wanna just kill groups of people. Instead you wanna find out why they are the way they are and fix it.

fix it

Some things can't be fixed. There's only one option.

You don’t wanna just kill groups of people.

See that's where your wrong. Question for you: how much time have you spent outside of 1st world nations? Ever see a child being sold on the streets?

I’m from India. I know people that owned children.

Ahhhh so you’re friends with pedophiles. I guess I wouldn’t want my friends executed either.

I’m not friends with pedophiles but ok

What were you arguing for then?

The sub is called unpopular facts so I posted an unpopular fact. It says nothing about my opinion on the subject. But if you must know I’m in favour of using preexisting cp in therapy to treat pedophiles. I hold this position because I don’t want kids to get raped.

Yeah but you used the word argument meaning you were arguing for or against something so I’m right 😎 you must feel stupid after getting rekted huh?

blah blah blah I like child pussy blah blah blah

Whatever nerd suck my dick sorry though this cock belongs to someone over the age of consent🏄‍♂️🏄‍♂️🏄‍♂️

Jesus Christ you’re so cool. Teach me to be like you

Step 1: dont be a p*do 😎


So essentially you do believe we should be distributing cp?

If you don't want kids to get raped, get rid of the problem by removing the threat, not appeasing and enabling them. These people literally ruin young lives and you're saying we should essentially reward them for their inability to not act like degenerates.

It’s not that simple. You make it seem like I’m a pedo wanting to distribute cp to my fellow pedos. My actual position is that we should use preexisting material in therapy to treat pedos. I want less kids to get raped.

I’d rather we destigmatize non offending pedophiles so they can come forward and seek treatment without fear, than force them to keep quiet and seek harmful channels through which they can release their urges, whether that be actually grooming kids or consuming illegal cp.

Pre existing material? What if they get tired of the kiddie porn they’re watching and want something fresh to jerk it to? And if they tire of that? You gonna start using pre existing kids too?

If that was proven, do you think I’d still defend my position? I specifically stated that my goal was to end child rape. If my beliefs ended up causing more child rape, I’d stop holding them.

Child rape has to happen for there to be child porn tho, you don’t use that material because that’s literally the point of making the porn

  1. That’s why I said preexisting material

  2. If that was proven I’d change my position

Lmao what the fuck do you mean if it was proven, child porn exists, because children are raped lol

I’m sorry, what new children will be harmed in the production of cp if we use preexisting cp? We aren’t actively producing any more cp. We wouldn’t be creating a market for more cp because this would be supplied to therapists. So who’s harmed here?

You seriously don’t see any issue with that solution at all?

If there are problems point them out. I’ll gladly change my mind if it means less kids will get raped

Do you think that’s fair to the victims in that child porn? You need to understand that giving them porn isn’t treatment at all. This situation isn’t like a fucking methadone clinic. They don’t have to look at it. They need self control or they’re going to be ostracized by society or hopefully worse. People who ACTUALLY rape kids, and worse the ones who profit or post it are in a whole different mindset than the “I don’t do it, I’m not hurting anyone by jacking it” pedophiles. And cp being legal won’t stop them, and it won’t stop the the people with no self control from consuming it. Giving them their addiction in no way cures them, it just makes it flame up every time. What are you proposing? For them to log their JO sessions to existing cp and taper it off until they can stop? You’re stupid dude. You’re a stupid fucking dweeb. And I hope you get AIDS.

Dude why are you acting like I’d defend my position to the death? I stated that I want less kids to get raped. If your statement turns out to be correct, I’d change my position. So, hold back on those insults.

stop raping kids man, it's not cool

Let’s both stop on 3.

1, 2, 3!

You bastard you kept going!

It's only fitting your ignorance and insufferably matches your plebbitism.


Bruh don't you see, to stop industry sex abuse, just stop making porn, we have enough material for a lifetime.

You make it seem like I’m a pedo wanting to distribute cp to my fellow pedos.

Not the case, I'm saying that there's a fucking reason this shit is stigmatised and people who wish to find treatment will already be doing that, it's no secret that being a pedo is perhaps the lowest of the low, "destigmatising" it won't change that.

There's a limit, legalising certain drugs only damages the individual, legalising literal cp hurts a numerous parties. You even consider the person in the cp who then has to deal with the idea that their image is then used as "therapy" for some disgusting coomer?

  1. I’m not talking about destigmatizing child rape, that is bad. I’m saying we should see is as more of a condition that they should feel safe for bringing forth, and we should have an obligation to cure.

  2. I don’t suggest just legalizing it for possession. You understand that right? I wouldn’t be creating a market so no new cp would be made (at least in response to what I’m suggesting).

  3. As for the person who’s in the pornography, I’d get informed consent before using it in therapy. If they are okay with that then we’d use it, if they aren’t we wouldn’t. If it turns out that no one wants there abuse used as therapy then we would just scrap the whole idea.

Mmmm naw. I like the execution idea better.

I think one of the obstacles you're coming up against here is assuming that I give a shit whether pedos feel good about themselves and their place in society, I don't.

You do know that regulation does not mean the black market disappears? Alcohol is available everywhere and people will still brew moonshine in their bathtubs, you can't just "disappear" something.

So you are happy to be the person that has to call up a former rape victim and ask if they're okay if the most traumatising moment of their lives is rerun for the purposes of experimental therapy? You seriously think that helping some sex pest learn some fucking self control requires dredging up someone's trauma, when we could just be castrating them and leaving them at that?

I’m arguing assuming you, just I me, believe kids shouldn’t be raped. I’m trying to find ways we could make less kids get raped according to science. If you have a problem with that... I don’t really know what to say.

Eliminating cp is a separate discussion. When I bring it up it’s because people claim my belief on how we should use cp to treat pedos would increase demand, there by increasing the number of children abused in the sex trade. My belief wouldn’t increase demand because we’d be distributing it to therapists.

We can have psych evaluations of people so we can assess the likelihood of them having severe negative effects from someone bringing this up to them. But if there was no ethical way you could ask for consent to use the cp, you just wouldn’t go through with this plan. Simple as that.

"According to science" castration is quite effective. Yeah I agree with the outcome of reducing offences, but you're methods are fucking wack.

But if there was no ethical way you could ask for consent to use the cp, you just wouldn’t go through with this plan. Simple as that.

You just ended your own argument.

And according to science, killing all kids would be 100% effective.

And i didn’t. You’re just dumb.

> You're just dumb.

Yeah I spent 2 hours arguing with a stranger on Reddit, I never said I wasn't. But at least I'm not arguing for the therapeutic distribution of cp.

Yes. You’re arguing against less kids getting raped. I can’t think of a more stupid position.

Save the histrionics fag90t. You have no solid evidence that you're method will work, and despite the obvious ethical and social issues that your "solution" presents, you continue to fight for it.

You're a degenerate, and not only that, you're completely sm0othbrained.

What you're suggesting is just enabling the bottom rung of society, instead of helping to keep children safe, you're giving pedos exactly what they want.

Fuck off back to your coomcave.

How do you not understand that "pre-existing" material is just fancy words for recorded abuse of the most heinous sort? Nobody's suffering should be exploited because Pedos can't control themselves or want to feel good. The revulsion you're running into is a societal immune system response.

Society 👏🏿 Doesn't 👏🏿 Need 👏🏿 Pedos 👏🏿

Imagine there was one video of a child being abused, that when shown to pedophiles would instantly cure them of their pedophilia, turning them into functioning taxpaying members of society. Would you support the use of this video to cure all pedos, ridding the world of child rape? Or should someone’s suffering never be exploited?

That's a nice fantasy you've got there, but when it comes down to reality it's much safer and wholesome to use the wall.

I don't give a fuck about their tax contributions. I don't care that it's a mental illness. If they act on it, they get the wall. If they utilize material, they get the wall. That is the cure.

Based and Username-checks-out-pilled.

The brainlets in this sub can't put their caveman emotions to the side for a moment

Don't sweat it

We should pull a yiffinhell. Make pedos sign up for free CP and then BLAM!

Wow. Unironically get fucked

Why only pre-existing? Are you trying to keep young up and coming actors from success?

Nah, I just prefer the classics

Okay Pedo.


Would offing them not reduce the rate even further tho 🤔

Those videos of pedos being reverse catfishes, doxxed, and getting the shit beaten out of them haven’t been doing anything. You think killing em will?

Yes because they can’t molest kids if they are dead?

Also pretty gross to talk about “pre-existing” cp as if the victim isn’t damaged by it being shared.

And kids wouldn’t get raped if they were dead. Poor people wouldn’t commit so much crime if they were dead. There’d be no illegal immigrants if we just genocided Mexico.

Now you get it 🤗

We should unironically kill all pedos, children, poor people, and Mexicans.

I think the reasonable compromise is unlimited Chinese cartoons for whitener wants it, but they must sacrifice themselves and join the Jannisary Corps in service to the all powerful Padashah.

Based and Osmangolupilled

lol litterally all crime rates were dropping in the time frame of that study what utter garbage. Killing all pedos also reduces child sex offenses.

Paedos get the rope.

Why do you hate the libertarians?

r/Drama isn't your personal army, OP


Yes downvote but not too much


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MAPs fear the day of the Candle

Pedocaust, now!

I never understood this. How would you know who’s a pedophile and who’s not?

Probably by looking at who is either stroking their dick to kids or putting their dick inside of kids.

victimless crime

brain dead moral degeneracy



For when you are so smug /r/UnpopularOpinion isn't enough

I'm guessing at this point children themselves are producing virtually all flesh-and-blood CP, while Japan floods the world with imaginary CP. I wonder how many actual victims there are anymore... what would be the point of actually committing the crime yourself at this point?

It's gotta be easier to find that stuff made by the kids themselves and revenge-uploaded or deliberately shared than to go to the trouble of abducting/grooming a child and then somehow convincing them to never tell anyone that you did for the rest of their life. Unless you want to just kill them after, but now you're in a whole 'nother world of fucked if/when you get caught.

Then again.....

If I had a kid I'd get them a phone without cameras if possible. 🤦‍♂️

You know why these facts are unpopular? People don't like their dogma to go out the window. The current notions of sexuality and age are based on dogma, not science. There used to be research on the matter, but dogma took a hold of it once people began to believe the myth of childhood innocence promoted by Rousseau. Then things worsened once childhood was expanded beyond its biological limits.

There are people out there who want to control sexuality, and to do so they make sure a postpubescent, and probably sexually capable, teenager remains classified the same as a prepubescent child.

If someone saw a video of a 15 year old expressing sexual freedom, it could lead to questioning many things which people in power don't want to see questioned. Therefore child pornography laws must stay the same, and anyone under 18 must be declared a child.

A real person typed this
