Fatso walks a block and gets mad when her parents dont think it's a big deal. Other large blobs say shes the most heroic person on earth.

1  2020-05-10 by Neon_needles


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Bro what I ran an 11 minute mile on 5th grade tf is this bitch proud of?

Eh, walk or slowly run, whatever. I don't make fun of people for trying to exercise. We all had to start somewhere, and it's harder if you start when you're fat, or severely out of shape.

I will viciously ridicule any fat person who isn't trying to improve, though.

Problem is that what they do hardly constitutes a exercise.

15 min walk? Honestly what the fuck is this stupid shit. What kinda of lazy bastard does light intensity work only 15min? Those shit needs at least be 45min-2h

Any exercise that is done in 15 min should be moderate to high intensity

That is why people are mocking her.

Yeah I just cant agree. Starting slow is fine, prevents the biggest hurdle for fat people and other people not used to exercise (going too hard early on and developing an inherent dislike of exercise because it feels horrible before you've built yourself up enough to enjoy it). Fifteen minutes is nothing for you or me, but I don't know how heavy that person is.

If she's still doing fifteen minutes a day two weeks from now and hasn't increased the intensity or the distance or shown some kind of progress, then it's laziness. I realize I'm setting the bar low, but I don't care how low it is to start as long as the person wants to improve.

There is no bar as it is non-existent. 15 min walking is way to low no matter how you slice and dice it. She needs to perform more physical activities

A nice gocha for anyone who ree's about their knees with running and how they can't exercise without destroying them. Tell them to cycle, doesn't put the same stress on the joint surfaces

The fact that her parents mock her about only running 1 mile instead of 4, not about her hilariously slow time, indicates that her parents are also massive fatties who have never run before.

What the fuck happened to Americans? How did they end up like this within 3 decades?


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This is more stale than ComedicSans


Nobody has to strive to live any more

Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


  1. Fatso walks a block and gets mad wh... - archive.org, archive.today

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Today I ran one of my fastest miles yet, (15 minutes, coming from 20 minutes) and I feel really proud of the progress I’ve made so far.

The average walking speed of a human is 3 to 4 miles per hour, or 1 mile every 15 to 20 minutes.



You don't stop for a Little Ceasars break in the middle of your run?

Gotta carb up boss man! 🍩🍪🍔🍝🍫🍰

Pasta party!! 🍝


Was just about to post this. Maybe she should just own up to walking a mile, not running, and then maybe her parents would stop trolling her.

What f she were to go any faster her knees would explode from the stress.

Begging for validation aside, good for them - everybody has to start somewhere.

Cryposts about parents laughing at her for LARPing about running a mile at walking speed

Yeah she isn't going anywhere with that start. If she were those laughs would be fueling her right now, not making her whine to her internet friends.

Far more likely is that she told them and they said something like "Oh good, nice progress," which is obviously shaming and belittling. Or that she didn't say anything, and as they selfishly don't obsess over her they failed to notice that she returned 17 minutes later rather than 18.

If you're going to walk miles and call it running at least do it on a treadmill on max incline, but that would require actual work put in

I have moderate heart failure and I have a resting heartbeat of 98 and I still walk faster than this 💀💀💀

Doing literally anything resembling a workout is a pretty unbelievable, unprecedented achievement for your average r*dditor, for whom f*pping to Big Chungus or flicking bean to Steven Universe fanfiction will typically leave them out of breath and covered in sweat.

That said, it sounds like her parents responded like most sane people, and gave her only mild affection and affirmation ("Great work, honey.") when this TwoXer expected instant gratification and a red carpet rollout. No luck getting that from real people, so off to r*ddit to fish for compliments it is.

Unironically used to have mile times like this, how did I improve?

Ate healthy and started lifting. Unironically hope this woman improves herself, but she should probably find a support group better than r/TwoXChromosomes

Could you imagine witnessing this shit?

There you are elderly Joe Johnson and you’re walking down to the park. It’s about a mile down the road and your old but you’ve walked this same path for years so it’s no big deal. Just then you hear the wheezing and slobbering of what must be some deformed creature behind you.

Your fears come true as some horrid looking bloated giant comes barreling down the sidewalk at the speed of roughly a parapalegic raccoon. The sound is awe full but the smell is even worse as you hide in the bushes nearby hoping this beast doesn’t claim you. Soon the thing passes and you step out from the bushes still shaking from the encounter. You don’t know it yet but you just encountered a rogue computer science PhD that had managed to surface from its cold basement.

She admitted she was on a treadmill, and somehow that makes it all just a little bit worse. Only a mile limit on a treadmill

I want to jump in to say I walk fast, am in "good shape", but don't run. I wouldn't be surprised if it took me longer to "run" a mile than it does me walking it. It's a different sort of pressure on the body, and you're probably gaining more out of it thank brisk walking, so you go girl!



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I wouldn't be surprised if it took me longer to "run" a mile than it does me walking it

The föíd is allergic to honest self reflection

This is your brain on hydrogenated oils, corn syrup and carbs.

Teddy K was right again

Carbs are so delicious though 😭


I'll never forget how my doctor responded when asking me if I exercised and I answered with a laugh saying that I just walk a lot.

"James walking is a normal everyday activity and not considered exercise."

I had so much more respect for him after that.


I don’t think 1 mile in 20 minutes is a run, that’s old man walking pace


I feel exhausted just reading that

American culture is bust. Here's a vid about what I'm talking about



I tried to read the thread but quickly realized I cant speak or read whale so...

I'll never make fun of someone trying to better themselves

morbidly obese jannies on suicide watch