The outrage on the internet, by GROWN MEN, over a video game, is absolutely heinous.

4  2020-05-10 by DonnaHightower

It’s the most ridiculous shit I’ve ever seen. And worst of all is it’s not something new at all. Screeeching about the social justice warriors and the pesky feminists who are trying to indoctrinate them through video game programming, when all it comes down to is them being so very very uncomfortable with what I think is a lesbian, in their precious VIDYA JAME. Sending the writers death threats, living vicariously through ranting about your videogames online with your vitamin d deprived ungroomed friends, in the end it’s just so so unhealthy the way they invest their very being in their videos. It’s like, jesus get a grip. I’m 18 years old and if I started acting like these edgy gamers on the internet I pray to God my friends would hold a forceful intervention to snap me back into the real world. Holy hell. Absolutely ridiculous. SHAMEFUL.


Not wrong but also imagine caring

Yeah true Im not gonna pretend im not a little butt mad. It’s just worthless moids make me seethe so

Bahahhaha. This is totally individualized. First of all. And people don't change, second of all. You should never ever ever get online and preach again. You don't understand reality at all.

People are the exact same they were 1000 years ago, you fucking psycho. People don't change kid. Grow the fuck up and stop whining so much. Your life is your fault. You've been given opportunity most everyone from the past 20,000 years could only dream of. You're a loser and we didn't do it. We tried to help. You did it. You are that


  1. The outrage on the internet, by GRO... -,

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This is why the internet should not be a public utility. Not just everyone should be allowed unlimited and unmonitored access.

Children should only have access to scholastic content, and adults should only have access on a graded basis of their intelligence and skill.

edit: I know it's a "meme" that The internet was a mistake.

But it's not the internet that is the mistake, the mistake is allowing the general public to have access to it.

Children should only have access to scholastic content

I grew up with Mennonite kids which were only allowed to access the Internet at school. Half of them ran away and ended up as fent corpses in Saskatoon.

There is no coming back from a Mennonite "Rumspringa".

Yeah but the amish are extreme, they restrict their kids so much, that they get carpet bombed by a new, completely different reality. What can go wrong 🤷🏿‍♂️

That does not bode well for us you realize.


I know it's a "meme" that The Internet was a mistake.

You see, he's a PRIME example of someone, and how things go wrong, who should only have non-writable access to scholastic context only, and no access to "social media".

He wouldn't pass the test to be granted full access.

Wholeheartedly agree

Ong your flair is a they might be giants reference! I love you!

You just now figured that out? It's been like that for a pretty long while now

No I have never paid attention to flairs

Poor person man. He’s all of us

I love listening to tmbg because the lyrics are so fun to interpret

Omg i had seen that before love it




aren't you a terf?

tranny killin two lesbos (one pregnant) don't bug you?

i might be wrong iunno

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oh right, this fuckin thing

>I'm 18 years old

Stopped reading at that exact moment

That’s ok, just a little more practice now and I’m sure you’ll make it through a whole paragraph!

Anyone under 30 yes old should be considered underage and not have any rights. cmw

The age bracket is still in question, some suggest that it should be ~25, but I'm leaning more towards 30, too.

Somewhere in that time frame.

Also a neet is gonna talk down to me? Lmao clean your room lvm

so ass blasted you replied twice, dirty wagecuck

Neet seething


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Oh no, is ret@rded

I wish someone would make gaÿming illegal

A crime punishable by stoning

If I wasn’t shooting people online I’d be out in society, making intentionally bad jokes to frustrate everyone into silence. It’s better this way.

Isn’t everyone mad because the game involves two lesbians being beaten near to death brutally, and the writer is a neckbearded white guy? Is this pasta?

Half of the outrage is about LGBT folks getting beaten up and the other half is about LGBT folks being in the game. That way you can REEEEEEE on each side.


Based and radicalcentristpilled

It’s one thing to be mad for a little bit, I get it. Like with Last of Us 2, a lot of people care about the first, and to see a company shit on its legacy like this is disappointing

The difference is when you spend every waking moment of the day on a subreddit bitching and moaning about the game and how they “fucked us over” like Naughty Dog went out of their way to piss off “dogelover69420” on Reddit


Hi forseti911!

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What the fuck automod?

r/GenderCritical is that way, cisf🅾️id.

Pornsick moid seething about woman who doesnt like gamers. Absolutely seething.

I dont even know what that stuff menas. Good for you moid

Check the subreddit before s3etheposting next time, mayofôid. Your GC-tier ramblings bored me.


What, this sub is just for rightoids now? I’m a mod, I will banish you

No, but you could do better than this shite

Mkay, noticed you downvoted me too. I can do the same, boop, downvote. I do what I want, post what I want, you can seethe and dialate all you want moid.

Mmkay, I've had enough white woman nonsense for today.

Yeah Ive had enough of your white moid nonsense seether, go dialate.

I'm not wh*te

Oh the irony

And I'm not even a rightoid.

Ok seether, boop, downvote

Kôpe, $£ethe, dïlâte, cisføïd.

Glinner is gone.