r/loveforlandlords is posted to epic wh*lesome 100 :DDD livestreamer's subreddit. SEETHlNG ch*pos talk about how sickening the subreddit is 😑😑😑🀬🀬🀬

1  2020-05-11 by babbitt_730


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This mans rent must be through the roof. I collect pops and I see multiple pops here that are worth 200-400 on their own

oh no

womp womp


  1. r/loveforlandlords is posted to epi... - archive.org, archive.today

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Nothing more funny than people who can't afford an apartment larp as landlords

capitalist pig landlord apologist

leave the landlording to us (((real pieces of shit)))

is someone who cant afford a home really a person anyway

No land

No vote

Sure, some are actual jokes now, but with every passing day the sub is being flooded with more LandLARPers who are using it to punch down on those they deem lesser. Calling it right now, it's going to be a month before it's a complete masks off cesspit. Depending on just how bad it gets I wouldn't be surprised if it got banned by the end of this year

Haha I love this "sure it's ironic now but how long before it's serious, huh?" dumbfuckery applied to loveforlandlords.

Like what happens - people will unironically buy property?

to punch down on those they deem lesser

TIL Reddit posts are the highest form of oppression known to human race.

"Punching up/down" is their way to police jokes and speech they don't like while still pretending to not be bussyblasted about it

"Nah bro I'm not offended, it's just that punching down isn't even funny bro"

I mean, I do come to Reddit to punch down on those I deem lesser

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚lmao that would be crazy if people actually started buying and renting out property hahaπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ unless... 😳😳

I cant believe commies are so retarded they actually think that subreddit is filled up with the nonexistent landlord online community and not drama users who just want to fuck with them

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Who the fuck do you think you are?

All this talk making me want to be a landlord myself.

Not to brag but i am a landlord. I got 2 piggies

Have you ever slipped up and called them pigs by accident?

No it were intentional.

Excuse me, mods, who let the fucking poor in here?🀭

Making me want to buy a van and rent out my house

My mother was actually considering getting a small condo or something because she'd be able to rent her house out for like 4k a month.

It's not a bad idea tbh. A van works too.

Some dude bought an old school bus for dirt cheap and converted it into a fairly comfy home.

It can work, but you have to be able to fix minor shit yourself or else maintenance/repairs will eat up your margin. It's worked for me because I bought property in a gentrifying area pretty early on. I was able to lock in fixed mortgage payments while rents kept rising.

Did you rent to blx o r wyts tho?

gentrifying area


Better hope they don't all lose their jobs

Sounds like you are hoping that they do.

All my tenants are Hollywood stars. They don't even think about rent. Why wouldn't I dunk on you poors.

Hollywood stars




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Goddm it snitchbot. What was wrong with this joke?

Yeah they rent my beachfront cabanas in Belize. Spi-free with on site security as opposed to your $500/mo shantytowns. Have another ptbull fight s*hlomo.


Always gays.

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but you have to be able to fix minor shit yourself

So youtube

not owning property in 2020

Why? Tenants are awful. You take their Funko pop to the pawnshop, and they'll take your life.



Shit makes me ashamed to say that I watch Jerma's streams.

(Or VODs rather because who the fuck has time to watch 4-8 hours to a guy playing vidya.)

Landchads have more than enough time in between banging my wife


you still spend 4-8 hours watching a guy play "vidya" if you watch vods

Not all in one sitting though.

that doesnt make it better


You mean I spent 8 hours watching a guy walk around a green screen, so I could then spend 4 hours watching the Kino created from it

This post actually surprised me because jerma is pretty based as far as streamers go and he regularly makes satirical jokes, so I thought his community would be able to catch on to the joke quickly.


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Ehhhhh... You would be surprised.

Although oddly enough, people in the Twitch chat make fun of Reddit and Reddit users every chance they get so I think the issue is the fact that this is on Reddit.

God it took months for banvideogames to hit. This one started paying dividends in like a week. I don't remember whose idea this was but nice work.

I'm astounded how successful banvideogames is. Even posts with no visibility will have three lolcows

Most posts on there have have a 3 to 1 ratio of comments vs upvotes. It’s going to cause a DramaCoin inflation.

Really it comes down to "how can we prey on children". After arguing with literal 10-year-old lolcalves about how Pol Pot tried to force everyone to play farmville I felt a little unfulfilled. It was too fun and easy. The sheer amount of seethe that the landlords has caused is pretty great though. My tenants need to pay up or I'm sending hired goons to collect (my goons are also super-racist).

You should have hired minorities. Then 6ou can pay them less.

I left one comment that got upvoted on there, and weeks later I still get daily messages of "ok Karen noob boomer" from a pwdep*esubmitions poster

our best work

sadly gamingcirclejerk has gotten a hold of banvideogames and ruined it


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fuck you autojanny

r*dditors are incapable of detecting sarcasm or satire without an /s tag.


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We need r/BankerAppreciation next


This subreddit is probably the best leftoid sting operation in years, truly I am honored to have been alive in this time and place to see it bloom

I truly can't believe Chapos think actual landlords are posting about their actual experiences on there

thinking chapos have any sense of what's real and what's not

That's where you fucked up

Most chapos are Hispanic or Irish-American so their IQ tops out about around 90. When you consider this nothing will surprise you

Their polling said they were mostly white guys in their early 20s who are unemployed and live with their parents.

So IQ of 70 max?

negative 3 points

micks seething

Many Chapos seem to be aspies and have no ability to discern between satire and seriousposting. Aspies take things said literally and also struggle to see things from other people's points of view. So when someone says they're a landlord who's taken someone's Funko Pops as rent, what is clearly a joke to normies is a statement of fact to aspies and they can't conceive why someone would joke about that.

Taking advantage of that gullibility might seem cruel, but I hate Chapos so πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

It's not like you could actually get a good price for Funko Pop.

they're chapos. the sub has an official policy where they ban everyone with an iq over 75. it's just part of the community.

The fact that a lot of people need to "hope" that this sub is not satire would made me seethe if I haven't lost an ability to do it online.


very onlineβ„’ leftists are incapable of understanding satire and will spend enormous amounts getting mad over shit that does not matter, which is why these subs continually get made, solely to bait chapo posters / boring people who think people who aren't landlords who are pretending to be landlords [landchads, as they are colloquially known] will get mad by pictures of mao being posted

the sub was even publicly announced to be bait by the people who made it on r-drama yet people in earnest ITT are convinced it's real. the internet has broken their brains.

Even with a clear explanation they still don't get it and continue to seethe. Absolutely hilarious.

If it is satire, damn, they did a fine piece of work, because this really does seem like a ridiculous but sadly realistic portrayal of landlords.

You have to remember these people are borderline r-slur. They probably think reality tv is unscripted.

Bro don't you know? All landlords are evil villains who spend all day laughing at their poor tenants and scheming on ways to kick them out

Early on I was quite careful to construct subtly satirical comments because I didn't want want to give the game away, but I'd underestimated how stupid Redditors were.

Obvious jokes like this had Chapos taking the bait from some dirty little swamp they must have been discussing it in.

But now there's Redditors saying things like "Yes it started as satire but it's not anymore, poe's law etc." πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

Just waiting for the inevitable associations with Russia and the alt-right to surface.

Imagine if these people had real problems lol shit

why is this on jerma985 of all places?

Gahhhhhh it burns! this just confirms that smug leftists will try to worm their way into literally every community they find.

When you die and go to hell, there will be smug leftists standing around calling Satan a chud while he whips them 500 times a day.

Jerma has like 4 funko pops, which he got a long time ago. He had them in the background of his new room and got roasted for it. It's basically a running joke by now.

Someone probably saw the meme and thought it would fit.

Only thing I dislike is the people talking shit about jerma, I find him to be one of the few streamers with an actual personality.

To be fair, I don't really know any other streamer.

jerma is just a nice guy who doesn't know when to tell annoying people to fuck off so he attracts a lot of frries, trids, and t*nkies 🀒🀒🀒

I think that happens to all chill online communities, there was a legion of tr**ns celebrating the fact you could crossdress in Animal Crossing.


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jerma is mad pt. 10

r/Loveforlandlords is a bunch of bastards that some chuds are trying to convince us it's a joke

It’s crazy how badly they want it to be real

I can't believe that sub was taken seriously and continues to reap dividends

You could make a sub worshiping Bezos as the second coming of Christ and they would take the bait.

They're really just that dumb.

That's actually a good idea. A sub for CEO worship


We could get even non satireeeeees in

r/loveformyboss when?



Opinions discarded completely.

how do you exist on the internet in 2020 while also having absolutely zero sense of humor

Simple. You hold the belief that the Nazis are everywhere since 2016.

The fact that they want this sub to be real shows how much they want to feel oppressed and victimized 🧚

I’d rather earn people’s respect through ways others than petty intimidation

This is the kind of idiot that needs to be forced off the internet for his own sanity.


damn, I was in this thread before it got posted to this sub, I should've posted this here πŸ˜”

...why are we charging people for housing again?


why isnt thing free. why do i have to pay for nuggies

Its hard to understand resources are finite when mom's debit card has never run out of funds.

These are just people who've never actually had to work a day in their lives, that's all.

They fell for communism Of course they believe everything they see online

Dramacels: lmao poor bad landlord good

Chapos: If it is satire, damn, they did a fine piece of work

Christ, the bar is even lower than I thought

I hate it when they call it satire. It's just shitposting.

Like drawing a shit on the wall. Normal person will just walk past since it's not their wall, why care, while commies will spend 30 minutes trying to scrape it off till their fingers bleed, then walk away mumbling "well even if it's not real it's still making the wall look bad! 😀"

I didn’t expect to see the Jerma sub today. I still remember the ol’ days of pirate shpee.

I'm convinced that they have to be like 13 to not be able to see almost immediately that it is a joke.


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