One galaxy brain from our sister sub proves with FACTS and LOGIC (and cherry-picking and context-burying) that the neolib subreddit is le (((CIA AstroTurf))) controlled by Shillary and (((Chairman Soros)))

1  2020-05-11 by srsh10392


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Officially, PPI is a subsidiary of Third Way Foundation, Inc.

First of all, they are obviously Strasserists.

Second, I find it hilarious that the rest of the post "proves" that r/neoliberal is astroturfed by pointing out divergences between what Danny said and what these Top Minds would expect the astroturfing angle to be.

It's a staple of conspiratorial thinking, they don't respect the mathematical law of conservation of evidence. If Alex Jones says that lizardmen are real, that increases their belief that lizardmen are real, but if Alex Jones says that lizardmen are not real it's obviously a ploy to evade lizardmen and also increases their belief that lizardmen are real.

You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.


  1. One galaxy brain from our sister su... -,

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It’s hysterical when /r/neoliiberal acts like they’re the smart and reasonable people going up against hysterics. These people are monsters

ooooohhh you almost had it

Well he didn't mean hilarious anyway, he clearly meant "infuriating"


stupid "REEEEEEE TRÂNNIES AND BLÄCKS REEE" has no right making fun of anyone else 😂

Their problem was getting infested by too many woke chapoids who would defend said demographics.

Yeah man not astroturfed at all. I wonder where all the money for this shit comes from🤔 I wonder why this totally organic and normal “organization“ sprung up on a subreddit 🤔 and I wonder why this totally normal organization that sprung up on a subreddit just organically merged with an organization that has been caught red handed astroturfing twitter with bots to oppose net neutrality on behalf of big telecom companies 🤔 and woah it’s the exact same organization that the OP is saying he thinks is behind the astroturfing. Really makes you think 🤔

They aren’t even subtle about this shit, it’s obvious:

Digital activism =\= astroturfing. Or is it hard to acknowledge that so many people like pragmatic policy making?

Digital activism

You're a faggot

Aren't we all tho

Not me, girl.


as a commie I believe in community activism


Tf is community activism? Lmao.


Incel she says lmao

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Populist Triggered

Imagine LARPing as some titan of industry on /r/drama.

"digital activism" 🥴

Imagine LARPing as some titan of industry on /r/drama.

I'm not. I just like the takes on r/neoliberal.

And it literally is digital activism.



The neoliberal project was pretty much just a community effort until they joined with PPI
