leaflands g@yest jannie gets big mad when CBC article showing native moids are the ones who hit native foids is posted. rakes thread.

3  2020-05-11 by Eva_TryNotBeinRacist



Just like with black pippo in US, primary obstacle and status quo keepers in Native community are progressives.

There's Zoom meeting rn where they are debating how to blame me for this.

Black people in the 1980s: Hey could the police please stop shooting us and then planting crack on our dead bodies?

Progressives: Say no more

Black people in the 2010s: What the hell, where are the police? Our neighborhoods are lawless wastelands now!

Progressives: Well having extra police presence in black neighborhoods was racist so we stopped that. Also we realized policing the drug trade was racist too so the gangs are just free to do whatever they want now. And since it's so dangerous and they don't want bad press the police won't investigate crimes in the area. Also our prosecutors won't press charges anyway so the ones who do get arrested get to go free. But we did have cops do 1 hour of sensitivity training so you're welcome.


Please no conspiracies but what's the actual reason white redditors hate themselves so much, it's truly absurd. At first I thought it was an exaggeration but I'm now based and daddyissuespilled

Savior complex and a lack of real, material dangers in their lives. They always talk shit about their own ethnicity because to them violence and real physical danger is an abstract concept and they can't imagine all the hateful rhetoric could ever lead to themselves or someone they know being in in any danger.

They know that racism is bad. They know that people who commit racism should feel guilty and that victims should be look after. Historically, in North America, most racism has been white-on-minority. All this information plus emotional immaturity and a lack of critical thinking and you get young white liberals who hate themselves and everyone like them.

Tl;dr: it's a luxury worldview.

I think you’re onto something. I grew up in an area with lots of violent black crime, the white people there were either racist or just not. There was none of that white self hatred.

In my experience, actually being around people makes you both my sensitive to their cause while also being more apathetic to their bull shit

Yeah but why the hate though, they can still advocate for others without being critical of themselves. You don't have to shit on yourself to uplift others. But yeah great point overall

It's the same as my first part. They want to spread hate because they've never really experienced what hate can lead people to do.

A person who has never been in danger before, particularly at the hands of another person, will often put themselves in dangerous situations without realizing it.


Why would you ever dislike a minority if you’ve never met one?




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but the other discussions tab is not empty! 🤗

Survivors of residential schools endured worse than holocaust survivors. The Nazis weren't interested in trying to break you down and turn you into something else.

This is a truly fascinating level of white guilt wokeness. WOW... and it doesn't seem like a troll either.

"What so you think everything you don't like is worse than Hitler?"


Blame snappy, u dum