Britbongs mad x100 because a burger accidently killed a guy when she was driving on the wrong side of the road. SHE MUST BE HUNG, DRAWN AND QUARTERED. 🇬🇧

8  2020-05-12 by WyPippo


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Conservatives: “he went into a house that wasn’t his, if he didn’t want to be killed he should’ve taken responsibility for his actions.“

Also conservatives: You do a lil homicide one time and suddenly people are talking about ‘consequences’ and ‘personal responsibility.’

I'd put running over a bong somewhere between running over a rabbit and running over a fox. It certainly isn't homicide.

More a public service


I'm a recovering bong and this is wrong

It's more like somewhere between a gap-toothed rat and an inbred Cronenberg anglerfish/sloth hybrid.

And not just any bong, a teenage motorcyclist. I can’t think of any demographic that deserves to get hit by a car more than that.

Liberals: it’s just a clump of cells, it’s not actual murder!

Also liberals: you just ran over a bong! Murderer!!

See nothing wrong with that logic :D

I wonder if Interpol ever found it's chief that disappeared in China.

The US should send her to be tried. She isn’t a diplomat herself and she’s guilty. They’ll give her probation but she needs to own up for her actions.

Can't the UK just have one of its own diplomats "accidentally" run her over?

I think she’d see the double decker bus from her window.

They could always come at her in one of these.

Is this bong nascar?

No because they turn right and left. I mean there's a 50% chance they'll flip over no matter which way they turn but whatevz.

Probably but then the US police would find the loiscence to kill on him and bongs will get even more embarrassed.

Even though you are probably correct can you please not shit up this sub with seriousposting, thank you.

This isn't SRD; you'll be writing nine-paragraph diatribes on the rights of W0m€n to wear clothes next.

  1. I’m the best poster in this sub.

  2. Who are you?

  3. Get your rightoid tism feels under control.

Who are you

Who are you?

Who am I?


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This sure feels like a 4chan retirement home 🤤

Your r-slurdation does indeed make you a """good""" poster. You'd be better if you had a gimmick instead of just sperging out 24/7 though.

You'd be better if you had a gimmick

Yeah because gimmick posters don't get stale after a day

Have you considered that British people deserve it?

Nah fuck that, the UK can suck a fat chode

Spies for the NSA won’t show up in their wives have to take responsibility for their actions

What a pile of stupidity. This middle age bint is facing maybe 3 or 4 years in jail or reckless endangerment. Maybe, if the prosecutors can make it stick (which isn't as slam dunk as people believe) and people are treating it like she is fleeing a capital murder charge.

The thing is, the feds will never hand Sacoolas over in anything other than a body bag because she is CIA. So get bent England.

The above can't be overstated enough. It doesn't matter who is in charge of the Federal government, Shillary would be doing the exact same thing (in fact, her stance would probably be 100% identical to **ump or his advisors on this point). They're not handing over a "retired" agent.

She's probably stupid enough to leave the US eventually though (after all, she is a burg€r). I predict drama fruit from this one day.

She would of got a suspended sentence at most because of the circumstances. There was no criminal intent she fucked up and that's it really, I also heard she wanted to stay and face it (she unlikely would of been charged) but the US gov got her out because if she was charged she it would of set the precedent of revoking the diplomatic immunity for family members of CIA currently enjoy in the UK.

It most likely would of got sorted out without ruining the diplomatic immunity but the US gov shat the bed and put one of NATO's most important Intelligent assets RAF Croughton which handles a lot of the intelligence NATO gets from Russia/Ukraine and North Africa under the microscope.

I don't really get why people even get jail time for fatal fuckups. If there was negligence or drugs or something, yeah. But if you're just like oh my god I panicked and pressed the brake instead of the gas and I ran over a guy or ran my car into a convenience store or whatever, what's the point of jail time? You can't rehabilitate a genuine mistake, there's not really a lesson to learn or anything, you just made a minor fuckup and it turned into something bigger. No sense throwing you into a concrete box with actual criminals. Pay a fine or get probation or something.

You're right. We should come up with another category of murder, but without intent. Perhaps with a reduced punishment as well. 🤔🤔🤔

Manslaughter still gets some stuff jail time.

In other countries when you cause an accident that kills someone you have to pay off the family. This actually makes way more sense to me than jail time.

it would of set the precedent of revoking the diplomatic immunity for family members of CIA currently enjoy in the UK.

Just revoke it for the stupid ones smh its that easy

would of

would of

Would have, cretin. It's a conditional modifier of the past tense. You wouldn't say "I of been down the shops", would you? At least I hope not.

Don't let the side down in front of the dumb Seppos, please.

Meh, I'm not some grammarfag, I was too sleep deprived to give a shit about syntax.


For a second there I thought you titled it as “he was driving on the wrong side of the road”. I was going to say based. 😞

drama titles intentionally avoid the truth

Yeah I know that, but he didn’t.

"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


  1. Britbongs mad x100 because a burger... -,*

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Come on white people fight each other. You guys must be tired of fighting poor people. This one would be fun.

Based. It's always fun to see cumskins killing each other while pretending they aren't primitive cavemen.

Did someone say caveman? It's too bad we lost our resident caveman to the j-slurs. I bet he'd have a fun take on this one.

People getting mad like UKucks are people or something. smh

Haha. 6 months in a hostel.

We'd shit a brick if a bong did it here in the states.

But we're people.

Round isnt a person smh

Pure beefcake bby

Pure beefcake bby

shes pretty hung already


Britbongs mad that a burger ran over a teenager whilst driving on the wrong side of the road and want to arrest her

I mean...yeah, probably. I'd be a bit mad too, I think. Yeah.


Based this is what stupid wymen deserve

A lot of redd*teurs saying she should own up to it and deliver herself to the UK authorities... heh, like they wouldn't trip over themselves trying to take the first plane back to their own countries if they were in the same situation.