This is a norwegian troon

1  2020-05-12 by DonnaHightower


I guarantee if this person turned their head a millimeter, they’d look like Hulk Hogan.

In 5 years deepfake ai’s will be able to create a morphing cascade vr model of every iteration of your perfect woman based on your dreams and memories. And u think im gonna simp for a fake ass g*rl?

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I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the sub for a joke wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.

You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this sub closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.


  1. This is a norwegian troon -,

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God I fucking hate lip fillers.

Bitches trying to look more like blow up dolls because they think it'll help them compete

Plastic surgery was a mistake. This is why I prefer North Korean women for their natural beauty.

This but without a hint of irony

Those are actually his natural lips



not gonna lie, i have an absolute rager for the dane Skade in the last kingdom

I hate mouth breathers.

Can it even fully close it's mouth? 🤔


When you try to be edgy but are illiterate.

Honestly if were easier and didn't involve surgery, hormones, constant maintenance, etc. I would choose to look like this while still identifying as a man.

Why? Not enough attention in your everyday life?

Few reasons really. I'd like to confuse wokists who would misg3nder me a lot and I'd correct them by saying I'm actually a str@1ght wh1te m@n. I'd still have my normal voice which is quite deep and manly.

Another plus would be to annoy s1mps who would probably ask me if I've got an 0nlyF@ns site and I'd say "Nah mate, I actually work for a living. I'm a landlord." then they'd leave confused and questioning their sexuality.

Other than that, just think it'd be nice to prance about a it pretty and feminine, you know?

Absolutely based as fuck lmao

I'd do it to jack off looking at myself jacking off in a mirror.

Alwa🤡ys a dilem🤡ma. Is watc🤡hing a b🤡oy mastur🤡bate w🤡hile inh🤡abiting a g🤡irl's bod🤡y ga🤡y? 🤔

Wh🤡at if th🤡ey switch🤡ed bo🤡dies a🤡nd no🤡w the🤡y're fucki🤡ng (as one does), a🤡m I no🤡w watc🤡hing a bo🤡y sque🤡aling enjo🤡ying ge🤡tting fucked?

I just skip to be safe. Not worth the afterglow disgust.


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Few reasons really. I'd like to confuse wokists who would misg3nder me a lot and I'd correct them by saying I'm actually a str@1ght wh1te m@n. I'd still have my normal voice which is quite deep and manly.

Paging Dr. Girlfriend


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No you wouldnt

Would so.

Why not?

man chin smh

Anyone can look like that when they got 4 hours of makeup prep

If I could convert her to islam, I'd marry her. In a niqab, she would look great.

instagram ruined z**mers brains

ehh, lawz's obsession with iCarly goes deeper than IG

we have to go back further

The industrial revolution and its consequences

My childhood trauma and troons are conspiring to make natural women unattractive to my brain. Day of the forced testosterone when?

dont get fooled by the angle bruh

Can't wait to see how they look in 8 years.

God I fucking hate what the joooos did to zoooooooMers with the trooooomer stuff

Volcel if wouldn't.

I will forget this face in 30 minutes.