/r/pics mods make a heckin' oof when they "unintentionally" let post featuring Basketball Americans who are woke to the J-question get up to +130k upvotes

1  2020-05-12 by NoShoulderSurfing


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Who would have thought that the heckin ethnonationalist paramilitary group would turn out to be racist? 😲

Clearly not the redditarderinos

Where are all the BPT posts claiming Basketball Americans would be shot if they protested with "assault weapons?"

Because it's all projections. Just like MRAs will say "hurr durr but muh if muh gender roles were reversed" every time a woman gets punished not harshly enough for touching someone's no-no square, BPT will say "well if muh anti-lockdown protestors were nutella instead of mayo, the poe-lease would gun them down in cold blood" with literally 0 data to back up why they think the police would respond in such a manner.

You know one day, reddit is going to discover that bl@cks pretty much across the board don't like bu$$y lovers, tr00ns, j3ws, ch1nks or beans and the NBPP isn't really special except for their outfits

This comment had to be written very r-slurred

True. Find me a progressive african country. I'll wait.

I'm assuming the most progressive would be South Africa bc it has the most wh!tes.

This is being corrected as we speak.



Thank god

I would argue Liberia, just because you can wield an AK and wear a wedding dress into battle

This pic looks like an FPS with cosmetics. That red wig sells for $100 on Steam Trader.

I'm more amused by the outfit choice of the guy with the rpg.

This looks like some kind of 3rd world version of the Village People.


I would argue wherever this is shot because you don't even need to be human to wield an AK.

Lol pretty sure whyts been purged already.


There aren’t many and it’s not helped that it’s the most religious continent.

Really reddit wouldn’t like the average African if they met them. The only saving grace to the redditor is that most poor African I think are pretty economically left which reddit would like, but also I think extremely intolerant of NEETS, which reddit would hate.

There's a surprising amount of Nigerian tax agents at the company I work for and they are some hardworking motherfuckers.

They generally don't like American blacks. They're all attractive too, now that I think about it. Even the one lady in her 50s.

I don't think I've met a Nigerian immigrant that I didn't like.

They generally don't like American blacks.

So these days when immigrants are sponsored from countries to come to the USA many times they ARE allowed to receive government housing and the dirty secret is that their sponsors and others tell them that they should avoid associating with some folks.

And that sticks in the craw of some people.

Looooll Nigerians are the actual scum of the earth, they don't befriend you unless they can get something from you.

Well I don't care about being their friends because they don't make me want to slap them at work like so many other people.

The irony. Aren’t you aware that you sound like a model human being when you call a whole country’s people the scum of the earth?

Wow you even came here too? Really nice way of getting your swagger points up you filthy disease ridden banana munching ghetto cockroach



south africa if they still had apartheid today

Oof you just did an unironic racist

What do african Americans have to do with bl@cks in america? They don't even remember which country they're from or their culture except for maybe slvery lel

Which in the “progressive” circles is called trans- black. The ironic state where they inform you only blacks are allowed to be “trans racial” because their heritage was stolen from them. Yet, all whites (they’re exempt from calling others trans racial apparently, contradicting themselves) are intrinsically racist.

Fucking forget that America is a melting pot and without the dna tests the average white has mixed ancestry. But only blacks are allowed to claim it. So from now on I need to say that I’m “Norwegian, Irish, French, british, Dutch, Swedish - White” or else, I’m racist because my heritage wasn’t stolen.

(Yes this has actually been explained to me at a wine meeting)



Oh yessss this kind of reddit oopsie makes my dick like diamonds

living your best life

The reddit normie hivemind is Jim Cramer tier. All you have to do is take the opposite opinion and you’re consistently correct.

This is hardly a bother when r-ddit will ignore a bonafide, self-proclaimed raci-l supremacy group yelling g-y slurs just so they might catch a m*yo kid uttering something y’all worthy.

Oh shit they hate the chosen people!? I thought they just hated whites, which would be totes fine, but they picked a no-no group to hate, yikes!


You spelled this wrong.


Replace the y with a k

We got it. 🙄


no dude that's not the joke jesus what's wrong with you

Issa joke, like everything else that gets posted on this scrubreddit

Thats r slash jokes

Private the sub again please thanks


Ahmaud Arbery was a moron.

He ran towards the guy with the shotgun and tried to wrestle it out of his hands. Who wouldn't expect to be shot? Should the guy with the gun just give up his weapon? 🤣

Reddit can't comprehend why attacking and grappling with a man holding a shotgun was a dumb decision.

"He had no choice!"

He literally just had to not attack the man with the shotgun and he would be alive.

Nice bait. I'm sure Emmet Till and Michael Brown would still be alive if they didn't try to resist and just followed the orders of the people holding them at gunpoint. Oh wait

Emmet Till was definitely a tragedy. No excuse and a stain on the nation.

Michael Brown is a terrible example. Like Abery, he also made the dumb decision of charging/attacking someone with a gun.

Emmet Till

It never ceases to amaze me when you have to go all the way back in history to the 1950s to find an example

Emmett Till was a ray pest and his body was only so horrific cause he was left in a river


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Everyone was r slurred in the arbery case, the two white dudes had no reason to confront him beyond just following till the cops got there. Arbery ahouldn't have charged like an r slurr


Maybe I should have said Daniel Shaver to make you care

Behold the power of the media, this rube still believes Michael Brown was a sympathetic victim and didn't try to wrestle a gun from a cop.

Well then how about Charles Kinsey? Or Daniel Shaver? or Amadou Diallo? or Philando Castile?

The Philando Castile case was a better example, the rest of them I've never heard of. Which makes it all the more weird how Michael Brown became the poster child for racist injustice vs. these others.

Well why do you think that the media owned by the corporate establishment would promote the examples of systematic failure which have some grey area and can divide people further?


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Protip: Avoid using Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin when promoting #BLM. They don't help your example.

Who said Trayvon Martin? How about Daniel Shaver? How about Cheye Calvo? How about Charles Kinsey? And I'm sure you think that the people involved in Waco and Ruby Ridge should have also complied with officers.

Michael Brown would still be alive if they didn't try to resist and just followed the orders of the people holding them at gunpoint

literally yes, and why juxtapose this with Emmet Till lol??????

Okay how about all of the other examples I have provided in this thread

NAHNAHNAH, backpeddle and answer the first query before jumping to the next misinformed topic in your head


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Come on, man, it wasn't even me, I was quoting the R*dditor.

ar​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​my of n​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​sl​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​urs occu​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​pies a neigh​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​borhood because they kill​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ed a th​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ief and the ba​​​​​​​​d part is that the n​​​​​​​​​​​​slurs don't like skyp​​​​​​es, sensat​​ional.

Unironically since when was a paramilitary occupation of an American neighbourhood acceptable? Why isn't the army lynching a couple more?

I would have updooted that comment but the second sentence ruined it :-/

Is extreme satire for humour bro, I don't really support lynching

I understand why you'd ask tho, there are unironic rightoids loose around here, dribbling while they scream about nïggers this and jėws that


Lol who the fück asked you


Hey, no backtracking. You either go in and then double down when called out or don't do it at all!

Was that a yikes from you, spotty?



Hashim Nzinga, Shabazz's chief of staff, blamed Jewish groups for the incident, stating in a telephone interview, "They let these groups like the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) and the JDL (Jewish Defense League), which is nothing but a bunch of gangsters, dictate what happens in the world today," and "They told Canada not to let us in and Canada followed [its] rules, because this country is run from Israel."[44] Nkem Anizor, president of the BYTA, also blamed the "Jewish lobby" for the government's decision to deny Shabazz entry to Canada,[44][47][48] Shabazz later said, "Canada is on Malik alert," and "B'nai Brith has won this one, and I'm starting to see the power of the Jewish lobby in Canada, full force. I thought Canada was free. I think this is evidence that black people are being oppressed in Canada."[47] Hashim Nzinga is now the National Chairman of the New Black Panther Party.



Real tawlk how can they afford a Scar.

Be less poor, f*g

There's a bunch of old pictures where the same guy had a scope on backwards and people made fun of him, so he took it off, and now redditeurs are jerking off over how good of a shot he must be to "not need one"

It’s almost like they have no idea how guns work


Are these the same people that put the label “assault rifle” on any gun they deem scary looking?



💉 💰


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goddamn, the pearl clutching on these robots

in addition to being condemned by pretty much every member of the real Bl*ck Panthers—is racist as fuck

Noooooo! You mean they're not the good guys, like Eldrige "I raped bl*ck women as practice to learn how to rape wh*te women" Cleaver? Check out his book if you ever want to have lots of "yikes" and "that ain't it, chief" moments.


People on Reddit deceive themselves into thinking a majority of black people aren’t socially conservative.

Noooo... NOOOOO!! I need a minority to appreciate my girl dick otherwise I cant sound morally righteous when discussing how I know oppression due to not passing and wearing my rainbow programmer socks noooo

Most working class are socially conservative. The USSR in general was really quite conservative socially too. Uncomfortable fact for modern day liberals who consider themselves fans of left wing governments.

chapòcels lmao 🤣

This is why I'm an obnoxiously smug Hitchens/Dawkins-style liberal

Because the unwashed plebs don't know any better and only the true intelligentsia should be allowed to vote

Lol, everyone knows the only based way of conducting yourself is through extreme, unrelenting Cartesian skepticism, rejecting any and all political ideologies as wrong due to some logical contradiction or overreliance on hypotheticals, and only continually get angry about absolutely anything and everything.


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Yeah, got it.

Can’t wait for proletariat uprising of people with anime avatars

your gonna be waiting a really long time

The USSR in general was really quite conservative socially too.

That happens when there aren’t enough re-education camps











Here in Denmark the most staunch leftists are people who work shitty jobs (like wiping old people ass) that are convinced they provide more value to society than people with high salaries so they think there should be much more economic equality in society. They also hate minorities and z**mers.

Western political parties don't really seem to fit anyone. Poor people tend to be economically left wing and socially conservative while the middle class and higher tend to be economically liberal and socially liberal.

They're not wrong

ummm sweety, you just don't understand. Programmer socks are the future.

This is why Bernie lost

Hot take: Bernie had intel on the RonaV and knew he would die if he stayed out campaigning.

Hotter take: a right of centre country won't vote much for a far left politician.


The only reason Moonlight won so many Oscars was because the Academy and its old mayo voters were shocked to discover that it was possible for negroes not to like homosexuals

based black panthers

not gonna lie that's pretty based

Based based cringe based based



















I get you're a troll but you're trying too hard.


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It's a copypasta

It's a copypasta you rucking fetard.

A shitty one.

But one that fits the thread

Could've been funnier and relevant, but it's just relevant.





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wow this

Joo question

Imagine being able to get everyone in the West being defined or cancelled by how they answer the question.

Also a Joo

there is no evidence we control anything

Inshallah, brother


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Based new panther party lmaooo

”They let these groups like the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) and the JDL (Jewish Defense League), which is nothing but a bunch of gangsters, dictate what happens in the world today," and "They told Canada not to let us in and Canada followed [its] rules, because this country is run from Israel."

I didn’t want to go to Canada anyways 🤷‍♂️

There can't be a lower moment than being denied entry to Canada as a j3w hating minority, though I am curious, how did allah's peeps make it in?

this country is run from Israel

Any fule kno that Canada is actually run by China.

One of the dumbass mods there tried telling me that the post was "fairly neutral" as if people were celebrating joggas for no reason other than to circlejerk.

the mod there with the sticky comment is an antisemite

r/pics mods are subhuman trash who are worth less than the air they breathe.

Love them even more now. These my boys.

Image of racists=ok

Title endorsing racists=not ok

r/pics mod: Not necessarily. Pics of Hitler or Bin Laden also get votes but they aren't an endorsement.

But I do concede that in this case, votes do mean somewhat of an endorsement. But more of an endorsement of the idea that black people are standing up against racism than an endorsement of the NBPP.




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Stirring the pot, I like it. That poster deserves his gold.

I love it when pets escape the zoo