TruePoliticalHumor sets out to prove that they can be just as unfunny as their retarded older brother.

1  2020-05-12 by Quietus42


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I'm white in the north and I would attack if they jumped out at me with guns. Or die trying. I'm not getting kidnapped for my organs or some stuff like that.

You'd start crying and piss yourself you keyboard warrior

Lmao. It's already happened bub when I got stabbed but I fought them off.tried to rob me for an oz. I also take krav-maga. You don't know shit about me.

I bet this dude plays a fucking ton of video games.


It's like a flashing neon sign, "I'm a giant pussy that doesn't know shit".

90 percent of krav-maga is just getting far enough away from your opponent so you can pick up your gun and shoot them right? If you are unarmed isn't it mostly useless?

Almost all of their disarms are total bullshit and only work on a frozen, complaint partner.

God I love shit like that. There's a whole industry of portly men who show off their kung fu skills on twink slaves who play along. There's even chair fighting for those who are too lazy to stand.

Imagine standing up to fight. Kings sit to fight, you wouldn’t understand.

That's what literally (((they))) want you to think.

(((They))) don’t want you to charge someone armed with a firearm, prove them wrong king.

If you think that you're cleverer than them, I have a financial instrument to sell you.

Instruments are for musical stuff not financial stuff.

a frozen, complaint partner

I've basically been married to one of those for years.

I wouldn't say mostly useless, but it's very overhyped. It was marketed as some super awesome Israeli defense force destruction martial art when it was just "elbow the guy in the head and kick his dick then shoot him lmao"

I think the Simpsons described it best in their Jerusalem episode. The little Israeli girl ends up fighting Bart and she just kicks him in the nads. Bart is curled up in pain and complains that groin shots should be off limits.

Israeli girl just shrugs and says "Eh, No groin, No krav-maga"

Leave it to the Israelis to create what amounts to a women's empowerment defense class and market it as a secret Jewish power.

It's a very practical martial arts program.

You test out those knife disarms and tell me how they work out for you. Except you couldn't because you'd be dead.

You should make us some demo videos since you're obviously so well versed in this. Go give a homeless dude a knife and then film yourself disarming him the right way.

Imagine me running in the opposite direction. Bam done

*Serious answer in case you ever need it:

This really works even if you suck, though you're gonna get cut

This is the best, if you have enough room.

Literally the best ways to deal with a motherfucker with a knife are to leave the situation or shoot the guy. Why would I bother learning some kung fu bullshit when I could spend the time renewing my CCW?

Nah bro no one needs a gun I just put my keys between my fingers dude then I’m safe from everyone who might try and hurt me

Most useful survival skill in the modern world is the ability to run... and America has the highest murder rate among first world countries.

Hmmmmm 🤔

It's hard to shoot straight when the labored breathing makes your neck jiggle 🐋

And that's why knife disarms are bullshit. 99% of motherfuckers are not going to be able to pull some ninja shit, especially when they're scared as fuck seeing at a knife stabbing at them. But no, mcdojos want to teach Karen some retard shit that looks cool when everyone is safe and compliant but will get Karen killed if she ever tried to use it in the real world.

I’ve learned knife disarms and was taught to expect to be stabbed no matter if they drop the knife or not.

Pretty much. The forward dodge roll is pretty good, but you need space.

Trav tested a bunch of "techniques" and it's hilarious.

My favorite technique is the firearm discharge.

Krav covers shit like this because of their all-spectrum-self-defense focus, but it's not exactly a highlight of the system and any instructor will tell you to leg it if you can.

I dunno, I can see the value in the shit they do. I spent my time on the mats doing the usual bjj/muay thai combo, and while it left me well prepared once fists start flying, it clearly left vast gaps in terms of actual self defense - especially when it comes to general emotions and conflict stuff. The few fights I've been in as an adult, I still thought we were in the talking stage of things when they started - seems I have trouble shifting gears until someone actually hits me. That works fine when you vastly outclass your opponent, but you can't count on that.

Good points and I'm sure that there are good Krav Maga teachers out there it's just so fuckin common for internet tough guys to go "I know Krav Maga" and the scene has serious issues with mcdojo bullshit being passed off as legit techniques that will actually work irl.

"Everybody has a plan until you get hit in the face"

Turns out I have no plan lmao - until I get hit in the face. Then everything starts making perfect sense. If I understand the point of Krav, etc - they put a focus on having a plan, reacting aggressively and early, etc. This is something sport/competition-oriented disciplines don’t deal with at all.

Is there a reason inc*ls feel the need to vent their power fantasies online?

Fatties find it impossible that someone would run 12-13 miles

That’s like the ideal run length. Longer than that is more of a once a week thing shorter than that has to involve fast paced to feel strenuous.

Fatbrains don't realize running 12 miles from home means you need to run the same distance back 🤦‍♂️

*24-26 miles, he has to go home, tard

He got killed two miles from his home. Only redditors would consider that an insurmountable distance.

I've now seen on reddit:

  • 2 miles
  • 12 miles
  • 12 kilometers
  • 12 minutes

Have not seen any sources.

None of that matters unless we know his altitude above sea level

I vote that we move to base sentencing length on elevation. All crime is legal at the beach, but if you run a stop sign in the mountains you're going away for awhile.

Also, if you kill someone in a submarine the government actually has to pay you.

Arbery was killed in February about 2 miles from his home in a neighborhood outside Brunswick, Georgia.

Okay so this brother ran a marathon to steal a $12 hammer, makes sense to me

Imagine thinking 2 miles is a marathon. You must consider getting up and going to the fridge a trek.

so is it 13 miles or 2 miles

It's 2.

$12? They hand them shits out at harbour freight like candy

That’s a light day for me

The meme is even words words words. Amazing.

This is truly a good time to be radical centrist. We don’t try and attack out perceived enemies character, but rather wait on the facts from the trial.

The radical centrist position is that all three involved should have been wasted by a stray artillery round right as the scuffle began.

Based and true

The son should've been aborted for defective genes and Armed Robbery should've been shot dead by Aliens-style sentry turrets the moment he set foot inside the building.

Yeah I'm avoiding judgments for a long while yet. Interesting law questions though, from a neutral perspective.

They framed this as a lynching in the fake news, I think it’s going to end up being a misunderstanding that flew off the handle, that has elements of racial bias/hatred. But I honestly have no clue and am not Willing to say either party is right or wrong.

It's like we're the same person

wow you're so reasonable

Not reasonable, radically centrist* my dood

Don't you get it, this is true political humor. hahahah so funny

hey libtards come over to true political humor, we're akshually funny.

words words words but about n*ggas

God damnit.

Also wtf is a citizens arrest. Why is that a law considering how r-slured the average citizen is.

Basically you can “arrest” someone and call the police you reasonably suspect someone did a felony, especially if you saw it happen and do it on the spot. Imagine seeing someone steal something from a store, they try to escape and you tackle till the police arrive. That’s citizens arrest.

The thing is though is that if you are wrong about the suspect you face charges for wrongful arrest since you basically assaulted someone, and I think if your suspicions weren’t reasonable enough there might be consequences took (if you did commit a crime and a couple of months later someone tries to arrest you because he recognizes your skin color you could probably fight back and be in the right). And if you didn’t do anything wrong and someone is trying to make a citizens arrest against you can fight back and totally be in the right.

Sounds so unecessarily convoluted. They should change it back to any man can challenge any other man to a duel.

I think we should just have an enforced second amendment where you get fined if the cops catch you in public without your piece. If we had this law, then our jogger would have rightfully aerated Cletus before he had time to swallow his chaw.

Smh dumb lib$ with their 1000th boomer-ish comic on why Orang man is bad.

Anyway here's a post n.486498 crying about Tyrone and lowkey calling him a subhuman. Lol so much funnier.

They're choosing to die on this hill because to admit that they're wrong is to admit that they want to gun down naggars for petty crimes.

The right is getting better at memes and it's making the left very nervous.

If anything this is evidence that they’re getting to cringe parity with the left.

I think that was the joke

I glad both sides are unfunny

do people in this sub really think a man named armed robbery is actually inoccent?

it was actually 2 miles away which isn't that much. But whales were are not known for being able to run long distances.

Redditors grasping for excuses why jogger dindu is kinda funny tho.

I've seen a few run over squirrels, and I've seen a lot of hammers, and that's a run over squirrel.

What if it's a run over hammer?




Once you said it, it clicked.

Just a lot of mental gymnastics to justify shooting an unarmed basketball American.

Spill wh*tey when?

it ain't mental gymnastics, he fucked round in tha wrong hood and got his azz dropped. IDGAF about that bitch. U steal from the wrong fuckin hood n u get ventilated ain't nobody gona cry for you. Ahmud Avery was a bitchmade dumb azz n shuda read the fuckin rules😭

Keep it 💯 n u won't have problems u blk bitch

Mf I claim fuckin GD n not even white but u take my bread I'ma fuckin beat ur black azz till u turn purple


real talk,,, talk shit get hit dumbassssss, betta come thru correct if u gon start sum shit, idc if u KKK or GD or CRIP or MS or whatever hood u represent bitch,,,,,,,, juz cuz u in da white hood dont mean shit, da rules of respect and da streets and da fuckin game still apply real shit

i laughed at it shrug

I'm sure there's soyboys that laugh at PH too but that doesn't make it okay, Hicks smh

Not surprised. 😒

The bar has been lowered so much it is now an underscore.

this tastes just a tad salty, Q42

Come on admit it that meme is terrible. I really expect better out of rightoids.

*This is so much better

lol alright, I concede. keep up the quality control

Caring about shit on the internet rots your brain

Okay, so are we with the people who said the jogger dindu or the ones saying the whitey dindu? 'Cause, like, this story has been such a wild ride and this sub has been so all over the place, it's genuinely hard to tell.

Seems somewhat split. I'm withholding most judgement. I will say that I think the citizen's arrest defense will be a loser in court, just based on previous case law.


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