Very Cool and Bad ass breadtuber leaves me an ominous threat in r/worldnews

1  2020-05-12 by TheHeroReditDeserves


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Ain’t no one scared by a breadtuber

This is the man calling you a reactionary online. He looks like Fidel Castors disappointing nephew.

I bet he can't even throw a curveball smh

I doubt he can throw period, those arms look straight up vestigial.

He looks like Osama Bin Laden if Bin Laden was raised in San Fran.

Ahmed al-Castro

The Jannies took the comment down

Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


  1. Very Cool and Bad ass breadtuber le... -,

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Wait when did world news change back to not just being titties?

that was world politics

Ah that's right.