
1  2020-05-13 by ArmageddonSteelLegio

Oh dear god. I have awoken a disgusting animal rapist named Aluzky. The bastard has been following me somewhat on youtube and has made long threads on how him raping his "wife" should be acceptable. Dogs have the mental intelligence of a 2-year-old. "NO, THEY CAN HAVE SEX! IT'S EASY! " "GUYS, KERO DID NOTHING WRONG! HE DIDN'T ADMIT IT EVEN THOUGH HE WAS IN A GROUP CHAT WITH CONFIRMED ZOOSADISTS!" I can't believe this guy and he asks for sources to show why his rape of rottweiler is wrong? Hell, ever since Deadwing Dork had made the Zooier than Thou podcast, he has been on a comment crusade. I have been looking into the guy and I wish I had not. Apparently he is into sicker stuff.


I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


  1. Aluzky -,

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Um, the links are sort of dead bot. Sorry, no image or nothing.

i stumbled in here from i dont even remember what reddit anymore and my eyes cannot unsee what has been seen

I am sorry. May you forget you ever heard his name.

So this dogfucker follows you on YouTube and writes about fucking his dog in long threads somewhere?

Yes. You can find him as a regular on the comments of Zooier than Thou.

Zooier than Thou

lol i think i'll get out of here now, that's 2 things I can't ever un-know

Ok. Purge those memories, my friend.

/r/sexwithdogs did nothing wrong

dogfuckers OUT

I couldn't have said it better myself. They need some serious help.

help with what? also,

ew are you serious posting here

I'm already out, I was in earlier 😉

Read the nice post I sent you.

what nice post, r-slur?

The one where I responded to you.

I'll let you figure it out.

Well, at least you might have gotten some zoos triggered after all quite a few will make page long replies to support their perversion. Who knows maybe Alusky saw? Don't know, don't care. But doggo diddlers for asylum no shade.

Edit: You gave yourself away by saying "serious posting ew". The bait's gone m8, but it was authentic while it lasted. Also if you were being serious, then you dodging the question doesn't hurt me.




this bot

dumb dumb how am I gonna trigger myself.


Hi ArmageddonSteelLegio!

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And what do you think my response to that is?


Hi ArmageddonSteelLegio!

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