Notice how no one cares about T_D anymore lol

1  2020-05-13 by BigBrownDog12

Talk about a drop off 😂


I can’t help but feel like people like that have had abusive childhoods. It’s the social equivalent of smearing faeces on the walls. Intentionally doing things that are weird and unpleasant for everyone involved just to provoke (justified) negative attention.


  1. Notice how no one cares about T_D a... -,

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Fucking sentiment


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Imagine getting cu*ked by reddit jannies. How shameful.

I have bad news for ArrDrama then

they took away pinging. pinging.


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Did you miss the drama? They got skullfucked by the chadmins and left town to go to their offsite hugbox.

Based chadmins.

Based chad​​​​​​​mins making roddit a boring left​​​​​​​​​oid shit pit so people like you can whine that only leftr​​​​​​​​oons get made fun of on ar​rd​​​rama

Based chad​​​​​​​mins making roddit a boring left​​​​​​​​​oid shit pit so people like you can whine that only leftr​​​​​​​​oons get made fun of on ar​rd​​​rama


OK in​​cel.

Reddit was always boring ya tård.

Trig​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​gered lmao


Go post on s​ubredditdr​ama

I almost never downvote but you earned this one.

Imagine seething so hard that your fellow srdine got shit on that not only do you downvote, but announce your pathetic gesture.

The absolute state of arrdrama

Imagine seething so hard

Seems like you don't have to imagine

no u

Lmao, pathetic

No wonder you have to downvote people

No wonder you have to downvote people

You're right I shouldn't be so mean to a lolcow

yuh yuh you're the lol cow

The last refuge of the truly owned

Why dont you downvote me again to prove how mad you aren't

Lol please keep going

Not if you're going to stop amusing me, kekpig.

yuh yuh you're the lol cow

The last refuge of the truly owned

Lol please keep going.

Sir please stop being milked by the lîbtàrd. He’s lactose intolerant.


No surprise that the guy named after a pokemon is a little dumb


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Imagine getting bullied off Reddit by literal intenet jannies.

Lol drop off as if it was just natural

They changed literally everything about the site to kill the sub, including the algorithm, popular, all, j4nnie rules etc

Td is the boogeyman

meanwhile drama still doesn’t have pinging.

Oh yeah u/Seattle_Bussy_Lmao


Nah put a backslash then forwardslash after the u

Td is the boogeyman

I like how TD is closed for like 2 months now and they are still using it as an example how reddit is alt-right white supremacist recruitment site.

Its closed?

Effectively. The janitors made it so no one could comment on any posts so they could push their own site that they could profit off of

The full story is that the reddit admins were going to force their own mods onto T_D. So rather then let them take over they effectively killed it off by auto-removing all posts/comments and promoting their own platform where they can speak freely.

It's not like the reddit admins can't undo that and still put their own mods in. They just decided that TD effectively killed its own presence on Reddit instead of Reddit having to kill it and causing a political shitstorm. This is exactly what Reddit wanted.

Give it a few months of inactivity on the mods part and subredditrequest will be swarmed with people trying to claim it.

Lmao I guess that's what the system they want anyway

^ disinformation

They changed r/drama by removing its most fundamental feature - pinging - and we're still here.

To get more traffic, thread should be crosspost link so it' visible as "Other Discussions" and for actual drama, just link in the text.

Also, /r/Trashy has a top link to /r/drama which is good so mods should recruit other "similar" subs to re-direct in case someone is "looking" for drama.

They used bots, got themselves quarantined, proceeded to beg to get unquarantined while not changing anything and reapproving admin removed posts. Those mods got removed then decided to not let their new mods be vetted and went to some shit site. No ones fault but theirs.


until they started violently threatening cops

Dare I say, based?

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Least believable false flag ever.

>Trumpoids hating cops

Yeah this is definitely a thing MAGAtards do.

"got themselves quarantined" lmao

Reddit wanted to get rid of them for years because of leftst sperging but couldn't do it outright or immediately because they didn't want to appear partisan

So they changed everything about how the site works and shit gets to the top to stop them.

I guess if they added g-boob, dtdub & t*rdfinn as mods to r/drama it'd be the subs fault if we got banned for crying about it

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha this fuckin guy lol

Imagine believing any of this pile of j*nny-s*mp aut*sm lmao.

Didn't they change their votes to be weighed half or a third of a normal vote too? Or did I imagine that?

all those users just moved to /pol/. Good job AHS, you've converted them!

And that thing. So now they never interact with more moderate people and they're slowly going the way of voat.

If the goal was to reduce extremism, congratulations goal fucking failed retards!

AHS = based accelerationists

the thing is basically dead along with voat. That huge user base all went to /pol/ to find new ways to name the jeew

I find it extremely doubtful a bunch of Q tard lock her up boomers are going to be naming the smol hats any time soon.

Go to the voat greatawakening sub and doubt no more

How do I go to voat anyway? Google wont show it up.

And I get access denied everytime I try to manual open site

Is this the page you get? You have to create an account to view the site.

Uh yeah that is the page, but how do I create an account? I cant believe this but google wont help me a bit.

Yeah that wont work, thanks for trying though

Np was worth a shot

Probably not, but itf you follow the breadtube/AHS theory that being exposed to these ideas is a fast way to expressing them, then the entire donald user base is furiously searching ebay right now for nazi war memorabilia, thanks /pol/!!


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Ah I haven't been following the Exodus very closely.

How is 166 comments on a post 8 hours ago considered "basically dead"?

uh because no one is seeing it besides the other q-tard boomers that go there? Like wow, have fun in the corner with yourself spamming bricks and frog memes

the donald win can barely get more than a 1000 upvotes on their site. On average they have 100-400 upvotes per post on their site. Having a 100+ post with less than 10 people commenting isn't exactly what I call a huge increase in extremism. In fact it probably the opposite considering what we were used to on the_donald.

thats because they all went to /pol/. Its like doing cocaine recreationally, eventually youre freebasing during the week. pol is the freebase

Of most of their upvoted posts came from bot upvotes. When you’ve got two pages with the same 1500 or whatever upvotes and the same hundred comments it gets 😴😴😴

Yes fluffy boy, nobody actually supports Orange man, it was all just smoke and mirrors. You have a free pass to stay home doing butt stuff to yourself on election day.

They did get busted early on for using bots, but then the jannies that got busted were replaced and the botting stopped. Sublime and I talked about it one time (it was before he was a mod there).


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Ahh yes, who can forget how much interaction there was with “more moderate people” on the_donald.

They did whenever they left their hugbox, which was fairly often.

According to a massive number of posters from TMoR, Pol, AHS, CTH & every single other affiliated subreddit, they were already frothing Knee-oh-Nyatzees to begin with. The "goal" was just to get them out of the "mainstream", as if moving them off Reddit makes a huge difference.

If TeeDee & ArCon both get deadened within the next couple of years, it will be a bit sucky that I will know about places to go on Leddit to find far right extremists, but very, very few to find right wing moderates.

But hey! At least we'll still have snappy & bussy.

Eventually they'll be going after places like r/Tuesday for being Nazi strongholds and we'll finally reach peak retardation.

The alt right is a shadow of what they used to be anyway.

They were literally the rghtwing equivalent of SRS. Sole purpose was to piss off rdditors. Constantly swarming into other subrddits to fuck with other rdditors. Instantly banning anyone who expresses any independent thought. Absurd ideological purity which weeds out moderates until the only people left are extreme and hyper-paranoid stabbing each other in the back. Making their own utopian offsite home where people can finally be free of the shackles placed on them by the admins here. And of course the offsite paradise is an abject failure. The parallels to SRS are striking.

Pretty soon they will begin transitioning en mass

They never brigaded . You can look at their sub, it's just halfassed political memes. Redditors just don't know how to react to actual political discourse so it must be T_D. It's still be blamed for shit even though it doesn't exist

They never brigaded .

Dramat*rds when they think the automod's reminder to not vote or comment in linked threads is a shield before they switch accounts to that very thing.

They never brigaded? Come on. You guys say Chapo brigades all the time but there's like zero direct comment links anywhere. The subreddit is 90% Twitter screenshots.

Yes, redditors think chapos are out to chap them once one exits the chaposphere. Because they're fucking stupid.

Also if they appear to brigading, it could be one of their many chapo friendly brigade subs like topminds.

They never brigaded .

Lol. Lmg they never promoted Charlottesville either?

Rent free

So like a cooler version of politics?

If constant whining about persecution by the r*ddit admins is cool, then yes.

So the same as politics in that asspect

They are the mirror image of SRS. I'm not seeing similarities between TD and politics. But SRS vs TD, absolutely is apples to apples.

Both have hivemind mentality, think reddit is being overrun and taken over by the other side, both have victim complexes, both think the other is d*mb and they're right, both are filled with m4yos. It's like some theory I heard about a certain animals shoe?!

Both are hiveminds but thats where the similarity ends.TD and SRS are waaaay more similar. Hiveminds where moderates are banned, mainly delight in pissing people off and brigading, even creating their own offsite paradise homeland where they can finally be free. Rpolitics is a news aggregate where l*ftards and r*ghtards are both allowed to post links and make comments, get into arguments etc. It is a hivemind so voting usually doesn't favor the r*ghtards, so we do see lots of r*ghtards whining that their first amendment rights are being trampled. Wait, actually that part does resemble TD so the comparison isn't completely inaccurate.



Instantly banning anyone who expresses any independent thought. Absurd ideological purity which weeds out moderates until the only people left are extreme and hyper-paranoid stabbing each other in the back.

That lack of self awareness tho

Constantly swarming into other subrddits to fuck with other rdditors.

So what you're saying is . . . we should build a wall to keep people out of our subreddits unless we invite them in?

Just as planned.


Isn't reddit great now now that the constant whining and crying from the left finally paid off and got the sub basically removed? This site should be perfect now that the left finally got their way, right?

We are finally the liberal hugbox that we have been since Reddit was created

This site should be perfect now that the left finally got their way, right?

Unfortunately, it is. Now they experience more pleasant emotions and less unpleasant emotions when interacting with the site, and so get more engaged. There's no counterforce and "pendulum swinging back" that you can expect from anything at all.

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.