Space Daddy thanks Dementia Daddy the First and bluecheck lose their minds

1  2020-05-13 by Quietus42


Naming your kid with an id number is fine but god damn if 🍊 👴 agrees with you and you thank him 😤

Let me translate what Melissa posted for y'all:

"Waaah, Waaah, Waaah. Don't be mean to my Orange Fuhrer. Waaah, Waaah, Waaah. It hurts my feelings when you're mean to Supreme Leader. You just hate him because he's an idiot fascist hate-monger. That's mean of you. Waaah, Waaah!"

According to his twitter bio, this guy is a father.

I mean, he's got a point. It's time to hit the ol fiery reset switch on California's government and start over, and then secede. Good for drama, good for California.

It's time to hit the ol fiery reset switch on California's government and start over, and then secede.

Will never happen. Enjoy poor Commiefornians moving to Texas, Montana and Idaho and slowly turning these states blue.

Not if we shoot them.

Killing Americans to own the libs.

To own the libs? I thought we were gonna shoot them just for fun like all Texans do?

If that's the case, how do you explain Austin?

That’s what happens when you start believing people when they say shooting other people in the face is bad or some shit and you stop shooting. They start getting through and actually living in your state...

Enjoy Governor Beto.

Not if Ted Cruz shoots him like a true Texan. 😎

He's to occupied with watching incest porn. He ain't shooting anyone.

Why do you think he’s watching incest porn? He’s getting ready to shoot Beto in his bussy. 🤤🤤🤤😋😋😋

Wow, that comment was almost as funny as the frontpage of r/PoliticalHumor.

Wait, it’s a serious posting free range lolcow!!! 🤩🤩🤩


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You’re not supposed to ban the lolcows you stupid janny!! 😣😣😣

More likely California splits into two states. It'll never happen though, because we'd have to redesign the flag.

the flag is dope ngl

Just get rid of the “California Republic”, words on a flag are stupid

fuck you

Still better than using their state seal as a flag, holy shit never even began for some states

this is true. AZ, TX, CO, CA have the best flags. Honorable mention to NM

And Maryland

Oh pumpkin, bless your heart.

♿️Verified on Twitter

You're all a buncha libtards

Seriously. If pornhub is suggesting cuck porn for you, it's because their algorithm has determined, scientifically, that you're a cuck. That's all.


  1. Space Daddy thanks Dementia Daddy t... -,

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the guy is literally at the pinnacle of innovation right now

His big success is SpaceX. That came from recognizing that rocket prices were inflated 2-3 times because there was a cartel selling them and no competition, which is not some kind of genius insight, it's something everyone knew. What he did well was having the guts to take on the cartel and executing his plan. He's not some kind of visionary, and now that he's a druggie he's not able to manage a company anymore.

the guy just went on about shit that i cant even begin to start to think about

Wow, corporal, I never imagined you would turn out to be an r-slur. 🤭

His big success is SpaceX. That came from recognizing that rocket prices were inflated 2-3 times because there was a cartel selling them and no competition, which is not some kind of genius insight, it's something everyone knew.

Oh yah? Where's your moderately priced rocket system? Seems you knew all about it, so.....

What do you think about this

exactly, elon goes more into this in his latest interview and the constraints we are presented with when trying to engineer human-AI interfacing.


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But do you think it's weird they're kind of saying the same thing? Scary even.

Also lol

In Matrix terms:

Elon Musk is the Oracle with Aut*sm.

Alex is fat Neo.

Is this a pasta or do you have low-IQ syndrome?

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You are probably just dumb. Musk is a just a good businessman who happens to be a memelord and futurist nerd.

fragile wh*te twittoids

Let that sink in

Leftists are the funniest people on the planet for all the wrong reasons lol.

You just AGREED with DRUMPF! You can NEVER agree with DRump!

one time me say me no like drump and think he wrong about most thing, but about this one thing in particular he might no be wrong

me lost job, house, wife, car, friends

me have nothing now

So this gimmick can spread from human to human (if you could be called that).


Oh no! We should treat and trick, who else upvoted Giulio-Cesare recently?

is too late

if you talk me you already have it

Me not believe me think you shit



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I used to not give a fuck about Elon but I'm loving this man more every fucking week.

No h*mo

When Drumpf and First Secretary Newsom agree so you have to side with the inconsequential municipality that wants to wipe out their only claim to relevance.
