Should sanguinarians break off from the rest of the Vampire community? What even is a 'real vampire'? Discussions are had around an inflammatory essay.

1  2020-05-14 by snallygaster


How do you find these things? My mind is blown whenever the most obscure arguments or subreddits are found lol.

Back in the day it was easy to stumble across a weird community and follow a link trail to different forums and websites. Now you have to go by memory to find the good stuff

Damn, you're doing god's work

crawling the web, we called it

Those were the days...😞

 In order to garner respect from the scientific community as a group worth doing clinical tests upon; we must prove ourselves to be credible and of sound mind. 


yeah that ship has sailed way off the edge of the map by now.

What’s the difference between the three?

  • Sanguinarian - drinks blood
  • Psychic - feeds on ppls' energy
  • Hybrid - the mary sue of vampires

I guess I have to give her credit for just having one delusional but trying to hold onto sanity in general. It's better than letting your vampire delusion turn you into a person who believes in any kind of hocus pocus.

Now I'll have to pay attention when Vampire: the: Masquerade: Bloodlines: 2 comes out to see if they address this civil war in the vampire community.

Ron Howard: It didn't.

So how do they deal with the fact that they are visibly aging?

None of them think that they're immortal aside from roleplaying 12-year-olds and potentially some schizos on the fringes of the subculture. Some if not most believe that they stay youthful for longer which, if you see pictures of the old-timers, is pretty delusional, and a lot of them believe that being a vampire is simply defined by having a shortage of prana/chi/the blood of the innocents/psychic energy and need to drain it from other people.

How they deal is an interesting question; I'll look into it. I know that many of the bigger attention whores in the irl scene get a ton of plastic surgery, which suggests that they have a hard time COPEing, but I'm not sure about everyone else.

How do they react to things like silver jewelry/untesils? Holy water?

Some of them claim to be allergic to silver, but others claim that crystal and silver jewlery helps protect them from psychic attacks or w/e. Nobody seems to believe that they'll be melted by holy water (aside from the 12-year-olds and schizos I presume), but they joke about it

others claim that crystal and silver jewlery helps protect them from psychic attacks

So that's why my psi-strikes haven't been working lately. I guess I'd better get some new crystals and adjust my frequencies to compensate.

prana/chi/the blood of the innocents/psychic energy

New Age crazies ruining it for everybody. Why am I not surprised?

Do they actually meet offline? That sounds very courageous of them to expose their aging body to the masses.

Do they actually meet offline?

Yeah, they're about as active offline as furries, even though the community is much smaller. The ones that do meet offline are mostly lifestylers who belong to their local alt club scene as much as they do the 'irl vampire' subculture tho.


On one hand, I am getting more and more interested to see if I can find any subculture gatherings in my area; on the other hand, I am very scared at witnessing it first hand.

You can probably find at least one if you're in a major metro area. I get the impression that most gatherings are done via meetup or FB now.

Oh well. I hate mingling in the metro area.

Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. Should sanguinarians break off from... -,

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Here's another discussion where people get angrier but the forum design is shitty so I linked the other one instead

Lol this is one of the most mayo things I've read

I stick to psy, because.. i guess it is easire. I'm terrified to try blood as an official feeding.

A vampire who is afraid of drinking blood. Just when I thought I'd seen it all... 🤦‍♂️

pretty sure it's already recognized as a medical condition. I don't know exactly what flavor of mental illness it falls under but i'm sure it's been classified by someone, somewhere.

Yeah it’s called r-slur.

Wait wait wait, you're telling me that one episode of South Park where the Vampire Kids argue about whether they're "psy", "sanguinarian", or "hybrid" vampires is a real thing!?!

By Allah, wh*te "people" are a disease and they will know the taste of my shoe.

White women, I've been saying it forever, they are the harbingers of destruction.

The vampire community is actually about 50/50 or 60/40 m/f, probably even more unbalanced offline. Most online metaphysical subcultures were roughly 50/50 or male majority until they hit tumblr (which the vampire community suprisingly managed to escape because it has a robust irl component)

That's baffling. Males are capable of pitiful things in the quest for conquest though so that would be my excuse for the 50 percent.

The groups that didn't form irl prior to the www started on usenet, which was largely male-dominated. Up until most www communication was consolidated on social media, they were primarily made up of old-school New Agers and the types of misfit teens who are now channeled into /pol/. The groups that formed irl (mostly under the New Age umbrella) could be either overwhelmingly female-dominated, strongly (or occasionally overwhelmingly) male-dominted, or split depending on the group (e.g. 'lightworkers' vs. 'occultists' vs. members of new religious movements). The demographics of the early furry fandom tracked strongly with the early otherkin movement, for example, but its make-up more or less remained intact until very recently (years after the otherkin community became tumblrized).

The vampire community is kind of unique in this case because it has strong ties to the alt clubbing and BDSM scenes, which have a ton of edgy wannabe dommes.

What do your friends think of the tv version of What We Do In The Shadows?

yeah, it's a real thing. that episode was at the peak of the subculture's popularity due to twilight (lol), but it's been around for quite a while.

Twilight must have turned an already niche community into mega hipsters, damn.

Oh man, they were *pissed* when Twilight opened a floodgate of kids trying to join their community.

Always got the impression that many people who participate in these fringe subcultures are desperately looking for a differentiator or justification for a misplaced sense of superiority, so tend to shit on newcomers for either making them feel less special, or because shitting on people is how they got there in the first place

Much like troll communities, really...

Always got the impression that many people who participate in these fringe subcultures are desperately looking for a differentiator or justification for a misplaced sense of superiority, so tend to shit on newcomers for either making them feel less special, or because shitting on people is how they got there in the first place

This is definitely true. Newcomers threaten the exclusivity of the group and also threaten to change it by failing to conform to the norms of the group, so they either become alienated poseurs who eventually conform or leave or change the group so dramatically that the old-timers become alienated and form a subgroup or leave for a new exclusive group.

Much like troll communities, really...

They're a fringe subculture too, though they've mostly died out unfortunately

Where you during the Great Sanguinarian v. Psi Wars of the 1990s 🧐

Unlike the “sanguinarian v. psi” wars of the 1990s, which was about ownership of the term “vampire,”


At this point, if they want the wars to start up again, FINE.


I've been around the online communities since the late 1990s. Community unity is a myth. People talk about the Psi / Sang wars like they actually ended at some point, but if there has been a peace, its certainly been an uneasy one.


This is not a case of the wars starting up AGAIN. I was here during the early community and in fact, the wars never really ended.

Damn they really take this shit seriously

Damn they really take this shit seriously


What even is a 'real vampire'?


And/or fictional.

Those are the only two answers.