Reddit mods ruin another subreddit with unwanted rules

6  2020-05-14 by charming_tatum


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Idk about this sub but if you give r*dditors any excuse to post pictures you get the stupidest, lowest effort garbage possible. "[F]irst ti[m]e making Rice-a-roni did I do it right teehee."

J*nnies and r*dditors deserve each other.

muh humble consumer product I spent my coronabux on

no followup text

these r*dditors are dogs

At least a dog can be cute, r*dditors are just ugly f-slurs.

I make my own rice-a-roni, and it is awesome. Basmati rice, and a some fideo.

Wow they ran a poll and enough people were interested, user pulls out poll results:

It's about 30%, which is "enough people interested" per my original point.


Your view on this topic puts you into an entirely binary position as far as Iā€™m concerned. I will either FIGHT you or FUCK you. No middle ground, no surrender, not this time, not over keto.

can we FIGHT and then FUCK ?


Yes, this is called politics

This, but unironically.


  1. Reddit mods ruin another subreddit ... -,

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Keto is like peak fat people shit

I do it because it allows control my psoriasis without having to use a biologic

This is definitely a reasonable exception

I'm not super strict either, in dont eat processed sugar and keep it under 40 grams of carbs a day. But I like getting pizza dough recipes and ahit like that because I worked as a chef for a long time and still enjoy cooking. It makes a huge difference as far as psoriasis goes which I wish I had known when I was younger.

I bet op is thankful for you ok

lmao how you gonna have a recipe sub with no pictures? Their own sub CSS header is a fuckin picture. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

Clearly these geniuses deserve a raise.

Pay em double whatever they are making now.

yeah lemme just make this food without knowing what it looks like first

The absolute state of jannie brainlets.

keto is stupid. if you want to lose weight just eat less and move more

it's an extremely simple concept, but people are so lazy, there's an entire industry and literally THOUSANDS of online forums dedicated to trying to find a short cut

Anyone actually capable of sticking with Keto can stick with an actual diet.

yeah except keto says it's cool to eat bacon and butter and then wash it down with a glass of heavy whipping cream. I've known like a dozen people who did keto then bailed on it because they didn't lose any weight.

it's a stupid diet, it's like atkins. if you want to lose weight, just do portion control and eat healthy food, full stop. bacon and cheddar cheese aren't going to get you a 6 pack, no matter what you saw on instagram

I thought it was a keta sub, now Iā€™m disappointed