Twitch introduces the "Twitch Safety Advisory Council" to promote inclusivity, twitch users of r/Livestreamfail react, find videos of the insane f&44ies working for it

2  2020-05-14 by derek2az

First of all the announcement:

The submission is full of people pissed off and perplexed by the r**arded tone and suggestions of the announcement, the "Council" goes as far as calling game voice chat "non-inclusive"

People dig further, find clips of a member of the Council, what you will see now you cannot unsee, be warned.

The submission:

The video:

I'm sorry.


So a few months back I watch some footage of the Baghdad protests, including multiple incidents of smoke and tear gas grenades being shot into peoples skulls.

The clip of that simple girl mewling like an otter while being petted is some how more sinister.

Skulks can heal but xr's feelings may never, you insensitive fuck

Funny you mention Baghdad, because I was thinking that under Sharia this wouldn't happen.

Inshallah Brothers.

Allah be praised May these thots get abolishes

May Allah remove the zanadiqah from this ummah.



Same here, I've watched all manner of the worst degeneracy, murders and warcrimes the internet has to offer without batting an eyelash, and rarely does something come along that unnerves me as much as that video. The video feels so alien. (Like at first I thought the troon was just in a car crash or failed at 41%ing with a pistol and lost half it's brain and the other one was just being a caretaker to a braindead troon or whatever.)



Bullying and sexual harassment are essential parts of online gaming CMV

Bullying people is an essential part of the online experience. From the day you are first bullied to the day you finally swing back is important to one’s development, like a sparrow chick flopping out of the nest over and over again until it can fly. Trying to escape this developmental stage like the average AHS user does, is finding short term relief in exchange for greater long term suffering.

I started playing video games at a pretty young age. I learned very, very quickly to never let anyone know how old I was, and I learned very, very quickly the “unofficial” rules of the internet.

As soon as you figure out that no one matters online, no one really gives a fuck what you think, and no one is more “special” than anyone else, you’ll do absolutely fine and have no problems.

The second you think that you’re special and rules don’t apply to you, you will (and should be) bullied relentlessly until you get it into your thick skull that you’re not that fucking important.

Every time I think back to how young I was when I got online, I'm thankful voice chat was not commonplace until I had gone through puberty.

same tbh


Kids these days couldn't survive MW2 lobbies

Just wait a couple years until life comes full circle and a reality check hits these people hard. Love to see it tho

Wrong. They are essential parts of real life as well.

Bullying is unironically an essential part of society


Online Gming without the ability to troll or insult someone is retrded.


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The people petting each other clip was fairly rough, lotta meth mouth going on.

That's what the person who asks "sweaty who hurt you?!" looks like.

Stop it with the disgusting bigotry, it's not a person it's a deer.

Oh wow they actually unironically identify as a deer

Woah bud, they're a trans deer. Get it right

I thought it was a shaved dog that was sexually harassed until it reacted positively to “scretches”.


The deer scratches video is the most fucked up thing I've seen since the weird cat girl attacked me in high school

Why’d your mother attack you at school?

Watching it makes me root for the Corona virus to wipe out humanity

Wait I thought last week they were promoting injecting men with estrogen to combat the 'rona? 🤔

That was last weeks bright idea. This week high test is good. Next week i think they are gonna go back to estrogen but its possible they might switch to astrology signs

The scientists should be more culturally sensitive and use non-imperialistic methods of divination, like fortune sticks

haruspexy is the real answer

Lol did she hiss at people? We had one of those

Wait is this a thing? We had a dog girl who would bark at people. Did your school also have a naturo head band kid?

Yea we had a naruto headband guy too. He did the anime run to every class. I dont think we had a dog barking girl but maybe she was in a different grade

In middle school we had an autstic Twitter Libtrd before there was twitter. At minimum, once a week he’d wear his ratty “NO BLOOD FOR OIL” t shirt and he would constantly go off on bush being a war criminal. Maybe 5% of the students had any idea wtf he was talking about cuz it was fcking middle school. We Facebook stalked him like a decade later and he apparently was working for some DC think tank. I guess there is hope for atists after all — I legitimately hope he grew out of the cr*nge and is having a happy life

p.s. F these filters

Ugh, I went through a vocal rightoid phase in high school and sometimes I kind of wonder how many people I knew then remember me that way.

My parents are Fox News junkies, so Republican brainrot was fairly inevitable, but at some point I realized that I didn't really believe like 80% of what I was spouting, and I mostly just liked arguing and pissing off people who I believed were dumber than I was. Unfortunately that realization led me into the abyss of lolbertarian meme ideologies, which took me another couple of years to crawl back out of.


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I have a true and honest story about the time I saved somebody from a fate worse than death.

A bunch of years ago when my younger sister was in high school, I came home from college one December and we were doing regular sibling shit talking and I made fun of her shoes or something and then she showed her teeth and said "hisss!" I was kind of taken aback, because while she was reasonably nerdy she never did any dont-touch-me-level geek shit. I asked her, "what the hell was that?" and she said one of her friends had been doing it and she started to pick it up.

I got real serious, and asked her if she remembered that weird girl from middle school who always wore the tail and fox ear headband, and then we sat down and I showed her a bunch of catgirl and furry clips on Youtube. I asked her if that was what she wanted out of life and she was like, "oh fuck no," and I never heard her hiss again. Now she's pretty normal and teaches high school and I like to think that she takes the opportunity to pay the intervention forward and save a new generation of socially r-slurred geeks from themselves.

True story.

Nice diary entry.

Thanks! Now you share.

Anyone watching "people" playing vidya for a living deserved this.

lmao holy shit. These people are worse than discord admins. That guy is definitely a pedophile and that woman (is that a woman?) went ghay because of meth for sure.

Hey Lysis10!

Springle here! Sadly our ultra-elite gaggle of elves make it impossible for anything to be worse than discord admins.

All the cheers,

-Discord support "Springle"

Couldn't bring myself to add either "hoofersnatch" or "reindooble" to this abomination.

This is clearly a strategy to lower the number of support tickets. No sane human looks at discord responses and thinks “yes, this corporation run by actual lunatics will resolve my technical issue.”

You know what sucks though? Discord is unironically the best voice chatting software out there. They have some goddamn talented programmers and technical staff, it’s just their public persona is so fucking awful it makes me want to never use their program. But I have to since there is nothing better.

Discord is unironically the best voice chatting software out there

Just no.

no to fucking everything that r-slur said


Are we really sure that the discord and twitch support staff are even different people?

It's sort of like the perfect storm over in LiveStreamFail. This is the exact moment that certain types of people have been waiting for and they are going absolutely ape-shit now.

It's pretty hilarious because the Transgendeer at the center of this is digging an even deeper hole in real time and giving more ammunition to their detractors.

tRaNsGeNdErIsM iSnT a MeNtAl IlLnEsS

Imagine having a condition that requires medicine and surgery, but dogmatically opposing the classification that would allow insurance to cover the costs.

New staffer wants to ban voice chat in competitive games because she/others can't/won't use it. Literally arguing for the Harrison Bergeron version of equality.

I love how these are the people responsible for the pushback against voice chat in online gayming. Honestly the 41% stat needs to pushed waaaay higher so we can move past this tiny yet loud portion of the population.

Edit: Always funny getting called an "armchair psychologist" over the internet when you literally have a Master's in Psychology.

Friendly reminder that psychology degrees aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on. Along with humanities and communications they’re what aimless thots pick as a major and colleges award to illiterate linemen to keep the NCAA happy.

Psychiatrists are medical doctors, and every time someone mentions their psychology degree like it’s an accomplishment they’re trying to make you confuse the two and forget one is for people too stupid to get a BBA.

You can unironically get a good job with a communications degree, it’s just requires you to work your balls off or get drafted by a sports team.

The other two..yeah, enjoy 5 years of experience before you get an entry level job in something unrelated to your degree.

Psychiatrists are doctors who make $200k min and many much more

Thanks chief, now I’m glad I didn’t read the comment I responded to!

Psychiatry is also a meme profession and I say that as somebody who considers doing it

Maybe but at least Psychiatrists are trained and certified physicians.

Biggest difference is psychiatrists can dole out the meds



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I know literally around 15 people with psychology degrees and one with a psychiatry degree.

Mrs Psychiatry degree works as a psychiatrist.

Not one of the psychology plebs works in psychology and only a few of them earn above minimum wage. None if them earn more than me and I have no higher education. Psychology degrees may aswell be expensive toilet paper.


The warning is no joke. Unsettling video.

How the hell do people care about this shit with everything that is going on? Anybody who wants a Safety Council for streaming is insane. The only good thing is that they piss off the anti-PC people who are just as insane and it entertains me.

goes as far as calling game voice chat "non-inclusive"

It's because people can tell she's a tran*id by her voice

the thing is in a different clip she talks about how “cs whte mle” voices aren’t marginalized while sounding like a CWM. doesn’t even try to make her voice sound grly. pathetic desu

I watched it, please don't. also it looks like she has a very bad case of cerebral palsy.

That video isn't even cringe wtf is wrong with y'all?


Seriously tho I don't get it?? It's just some chick scratching another chick. If they were topless and had big honkers Reddit would be salivating.

You are salivating but for medical reasons


Finally Twitch is getting to grips with the rampant persecution of woodland fawn on its platform.

My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


  1. Twitch introduces the "Twitch Safet... -,

  2. -,*

  3. -,

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To be honest though, looking at the member of the council it seems fairly well balanced - it even features CIS WHITE MALES.

Sure yes there's the anti-voicechat deer, but I guess those kind of groups also need some sort of reprentation.

why would they ban the reason why the subreddit was made

support the alpha gamer wqqqwrt by watching his vid on it as he rants and wanders around town!

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What the fuck. Thats a dude right? JFC. Fuck you OP you just ruined my day. I never used to have to deal with this shit before I found this sub. God damn every single one of you for being the only cunts on this shithole site with a sense of humour.

No u

I deserve that



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Based on the people on this council it would seem mental illness is a requirement

Nice that they got the Incredible's costume designer on board.

How much mental illness can one brain hold?

I have no idea what’s happening in this video but...I felt something move.