ChicanoPeopleTwitter does not react well to banter.

3  2020-05-15 by rocinantebabieca


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Gusanos mad x10

Thatโ€™s a Cuban thing

Imagine recognizing any difference between them all besides by what hand-held percussive instrument their little bands play. Oh, and by the ways they hate each other's guts


Se llaman "chicanx" ahora ๐Ÿ˜‚


Honestly the meme is mostly about California Chicanxs.

American tacos from other places arenโ€™t nearly as r-slured.

Honestly the meme is mostly about California Chicanxs.

because they are too close to actual Chad Mexicans who dab on them by being actual Chads.

Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


  1. ChicanoPeopleTwitter does not react... -,

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