this satire? Immmigrant editor of far lehft magazine rahpes his antifah coworker, twice

1  2020-05-16 by Corporal-Hicks


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. this satire? Immmigrant e... -,*

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Khanna had been abusing her and then committed a rape against her. Raven then confronted him, demanded an apology and asked him to read four feminist essays

it never began for the meme gender 😂

The migrant raped the organizer a second time after she made him read feminist essays

Lol the universe couldnt have provided a more entertaining ending.

Did he just channelled his inner mal_e femi_nis_t?🤔

So I believe the organizer won in a way. She just turned him into a male feminist. She got what she wanted.

This is definitely fake there is no way this is true.

This sounds like a lame story a rightoid would make up lol

i read that bit. This can't possibly be real but...

If any of this is true, I have a funny feeling he didn't rape her at all. But hey, this is the path he has chosen, so enjoy prison 😘


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Now what reason could a female possible have for not wanting her claims of being raped to be investigated? 🤔🤔🤔🤔

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Now what reason could a woman possibly have for not wanting police to be involved?

This is why no one takes Chap_os seriously lmfao

Raven then confronted him, demanded an apology and asked him to read four feminist essays

And when he refused, that's when she knew it was rape.

That's #SoRaven

This story was up drama or doodrama the other day for an hour and now I cant find it.

Some mod just removed this post as it was at the top of drama now gone. Clearly some drama mod takes offense to this


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Due to her opposition to incarceration, she has declined to press charges against Khanna.

Fair game, street shitter. Keep on, keeping on.

Thought this story was bullshut at first, but medium post from this mentally handicapped woman.

Basically, it's not worth reading, but if you love a fat woman who complains nonstop about prisons and capitalism instead of her double rape, here you go.

honestly I don't even think she was raped. Just regret sex.


I liked the resource What about the rapists? Anarchists approaches to crime and violence

It really helped explain that in anarchy there was be a community led process to solve violent crime and not warlord summary execution like I expected.

Proud antifah now comradddds.

For those of us who want to build a world without prisons or police, we have had to grapple with the question: What about the rapists?

Lmao anarkiddy suddenly realizes that people might commit crimes in their glorious commie paradise

What is a community organizer? Basically unemployed?

Ask 0bama

Somebody got culturally enriched.

With regret, Commune is discontinuing operations and will not publish any further,” the magazine’s Twitter account said on Wednesday. “Subscribers will receive refunds as we work out the details of our final obligations.

That's the only surprising part.

People that forgot they were even subbed to this magazine in the first place aren't going to beg for refunds. They probably could have gotten away with a "Fuck you" and radio silence.

I liked the resource What about the rapists? Anarchists approaches to crime and violence

It really helped explain that in anarchy there was be a community led process to solve violent crime and not warlord summary execution like I expected.

Proud antifah now comradddds.

“You said you were sorry. You said you’d read the essays. You said you’d answer the questions. And then, you raped me again.”

Is she really this r-slurred? Who the fuck goes back to their rapist ALONE? And she doesn’t press charges allowing him to rape more women, bravo to this r-slur. Very brave, very powerful.

“Leila Raven (she/her) is a queer mama, prison abolitionist, and community organizer from New York City,”


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Good morning.

The migrant raped the organizer a second time after she made him read feminist essays






And nothing of value was lost that day.