The WSJ pulls out the statistics 👨🏿👨🏿👨🏿👨🏿👨🏿👨👨👨👨👨

1  2020-05-16 by jeffreyjinping


But if you adjust the figures for the relative size of each group in the total U.S. population, they show that blacks are 50% overrepresented among perpetrators of hate crimes, while whites are about 25% underrepresented.

At this point 13/50 can be considered the equivalent of Pi for crime statistics because it keeps popping up regardless of the topic measured.

The only point you'll ever have is that you represent the sad, fedora-wearing, bloated face of capitalism in the 21st century.

Unfairly made famous and rich through copied ideas and appealing to kids. And yet is driven by some bizarre need for attention to spout insane, teenage edge lord style views. You are clearly not all that up on politics (or anything, maybe you can code?) yet your wealth has given you an oversized platform of confused 12 to 16 year olds to yell "sjwjjwjwj" at over and over again.

Honestly, I don't give a shit if you've been driven mad by fame or some bullshit. When I see amazing creative people dying depressed in poverty every day and you get to sit on twitter and make half assed 'now yur the nazi' comments, it's fucking sickening.


  1. The WSJ pulls out the statistics 👨🏿... -,*

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Paywall. Lll at you buying a sub.

(((Some))) who control our public discourse have decided that Ahmaud Arbery’s death is a ‘teachable moment.’


It still dumbfounds me that people purchase news subscriptions in the current year

Current year plus 6.

Wait I thought current year was 2015??

Nah, a lot of this started in 2014 especially with g*mergate.

It started when the bong from The Daily Show got his own show on HBO and started doing his "but it's <current year>" routine to the point it became cliche, which was 2015. No cared about gaymergoat or what some maple-slurping schlub said. This is CY05. Buy a calendar.

maple-slurping schlub said

True but I don’t see what your father has to do with any of this.

It started when the big boss leaf correctly identified the current year, a feat that no leaf had ever achieved until the year of our lord 2015.

Imagine thinking a leaf sets the precedent for anything.

Wrong, Current Year is 2015 (0 C.Y.) and is based specifically off of John Oliver.

No, it’s 2015+5.

So apparently tons of people are r-slurs here and haven’t really been following politics. I remember it was 2014 because no one would ever shut the fuck up about “it’s the current year!” then when I saw it started going mainstream (which was 2015) I lost it, the meme took on a life of it’s own.

So all you zoomers who keep screaming, “it’s 2015!!!” are wrong and secondly, keep it down, your mother needs her rest from having to deal with NEETs like you and her minimum wage job at Burger King is already bad enough.

So keep googling know your meme or whatever but that’s mainstream shit only a zoomer would know. Boomers like myself know it started in 2014 when the f*id menace really started taking off and just got worse as time went on.


Thanks! 🥰

That is correct. It's currently $CurrentYear +5

Literally just google the article title and read it from some other website that's hosting it, boom paywall defeated.

imagine not having a wsj subscription

what are you, a poor?

Imagine willingly giving journos your money 🤢🤮🤮

The WSJ does not have journos, it employs reporters.

Sorry you're too poor to pay for quality information.

Imagine not using your sister’s WSJ account without her knowledge 😂

imagine having a sister 🤮🤮🤮

You guys have families other than your wives?



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Imagine having to fuck someone outside of your immediate family because you don't have a sister 🤮🤮🤮

Imagine fucking. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

Imagine imagining 🤮🤮🤮🤮

>Select all

Never had any problems with paywalls again.

This message has been brought to you by a ban evading unapprovedcel.

Still not gonna be approved. Lol

Edit: lmao. They added me to the list

Exactly. And I take pride in that.


Pretty unironically brave of the journo to write this. I never thought I'd say that. I look forward to him getting canceled.

The minute you go right you are uncancelable and the money is better. Basically a no brainier.

and the money is better.

Yeah if you're a token minority the right literally doesnt need more mayo men

They might not need them, but you better believe they’ll take em. Leftoids treat their party like an L.A. nightclub on New Year’s Eve.

Implying the progressive movement isn't white as hell and parading their own tokens

WSJ editorials are always dropping inconvenient truth bombs. It’s a pretty based newspaper (the opinion section, anyway).

WSJ have been kind of getting away from being modern journos (idk how else to put it but they are less g@y) recently. Click on their editorial board page and just about everything posted should have gotten them canceled for even thinking the dems have been up to no good.

WSJ editorial board did very objective piece the other day on the Flynn case

Google fired it's diversity department and swept it under the rug. They do not want to appear unaccepting of conservatives.

My personal opinion is the Algo has predicted the republicans winning a super majority in November. Why else would Google and Amazon be more kind to conservatives? The Algo has spoken.

What did Amazon do to be more kind to conservatives?

Wallstreet Journal is owned by...

...Rupert Murdoch. Are you thinking of Bezos? Because that's the Washington Post.

lol, google got rid of their div department cause two former employees tried to sue them for discriminating against those with conservative views. Theyre trying to sweep this under because google doesn't want to give any ideas to others to try and sue them, and they ESPECIALLY dont want to give the gov any more reason/ammo to try and bootyfuck them like they tried to with microsoft and facebook (both dem and rep would KILL to do another hearing spectacle to boost their approval ratings). though it seems to have been a rather pointless move on googles part, since one of the former employees dropped their case cause it was obvious they weren't going to win, with the other likely to follow suit.

Google fired it's diversity department and swept it under the rug.

Really? When did that happen?

tfw you'll never attend a Sojourn workshop and powerlevel over the outgroup bias of l1beral may0ids

I’d say that the techies at Google have lost their power, and it’s the MBAs calling the shots (which is why Google search sucks more and more every year).

Regardless, I’m guessing a lot of talented developers who may have leaned conservative were tired of being forced to remain quiet and be bullied by all the diversity employees who were hired instead of more deserving white and Asian male techies. Since they don’t have to put up with the bullshit to make good money in SF, they left and the MBAs noticed the quality of the software was tanking.

I see it myself in tech companies in my city. A company doubles down on forcing diversity hires and making staff take bias training and constant virtue signally, feminism, etc - eventually the talent just says enough and quits.

the Algo has predicted the republicans winning a super majority in November

This is slightly more plausible than believing Obama is being held at Guantanamo Bay right now.

The word you might be looking for is "yellow journalism".


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Really? Weird since they started the whole 'pewdiepie is a Nazi' thing.

zoomers lmao


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Imagine believing zoomers 😂😂😂

No shit. It’s owned by Rupert Murdoch and written for people who have jobs.

I'm not sure if people who pay for the wsj, and people who brigade on twitter are often the same.

Twitter mobs can't afford a WSJ subscription in the first place.

You need a six figure income and a stock portfolio for the WSJ to even consider you human.

If you’re not an accredited investor are you really human tho

You need a six figure income and a stock portfolio for the WSJ to even consider you human.

as it should be


The left can only cancel one of their own.

According to the latest official data from the Justice Department, there were indeed more than twice as many antiblack hate crimes as there were antiwhite hate crimes in 2018.

See guys I told you that there's-

But if you adjust the figures for the relative size of each group in the total U.S. population


Can someone tell me what difference it makes if you adjust it for population size? Sorry I’m a dumbass- I know.

It's useful for telling if certain populations are more prone to specific things.

Say you have 100 people and 3 people commit murder, those 3 people were all left handed and there are 6 left handed people out of the 100.

That means that 50% of the left handed community have killed and you track this statistic to see if it continues.

Usually you do this to learn the problems that society has and explore what you can do but in todays world the people on the left pretend it doesn't exist and hand wave any hard data proving otherwise and the people on the right use it to score political points.

No one actually cares about doing something about it, they just want to win.

No one actually cares about doing something about it, they just want to win.

Politics as usual

Pretty beautiful explanation tbh.

something something 13% of the population something something

lmao any resident who’s done an ER rotation will tell you that a majority of firearm-related visits are by black people, i can count on one hand how many times i’ve had a white dude come in with a gunshot wound

Haha basic statistics goes <brrr>

Haha, those sure are some kooky crime statistics you got there! Be a shame if somebody adjusted them for population size 😎


Leftists and context, two sworn enemies

Okay, let’s use “context” then, and adjust for population size :

There were 2,426 black victims of anti-black hate crimes and 1,038 white victims of anti-white hate crimes in 2018. White people are approx. 76% of the population of 350 million, black people are approx. 13%.

Thats 1,038 total white victims out of 266 million white people.

And 2,426 black victims out of only 45 million black people.

So to adjust for population size, that means:

1 in every 18,550 black people are victims of racially motivated, anti-black hate crimes.

Compared to white victims: 1 out of every 256,260 white people were victims of racially motivated hate crimes.

Is that enough “context” for you, you fucking idiot? 😂

what did that would accomplish for you? Seriously, what did you think adjusting for population size would do ? If white people are the large majority compared to black people and there’s twice as many hate crimes against black people than against white people, what is the point you think you’re making by adjusting to population size?

You literally just don’t know math, ON TOP OF not knowing what the fuck you’re talking about. Sit down.

Shut up jogger

Counting victims will still be affected by population size because you’re drawing from the whole country. The proper method is to take the subset of the population committing hate crimes and analyze that. Per the article

blacks are 50% overrepresented among perpetrators of hate crimes, while whites are about 25% underrepresented

It’s not about the victims, it’s the ones who do the crime, because that will actually glean something other than “minority population is smaller”

But please, tell me more about how I don’t know math

Who the fuck decides if a crime is “anti-black/white?”


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Now do the same math but with perpetrators, "fucking idiot".

By Gerard Baker

Now that is a name that comes with extra mayo

This is actually the first time I’ve seen a white “Gerard” in the United States.

reported for not listening to my chemical romance

I'm pretty sure you can name one more -- hint: he used to play football

He’s a bong, unsurprisingly.

What did you expect? You’d never see a -stein report this


His dad manned one of the ovens back in the war.

Here’s the article:

You will have heard by now of Ahmaud Arbery, the 25-year-old black man shot dead on a street in Brunswick, Ga., in February. Prosecutors initially declined to press charges in the case, saying that the alleged perpetrators, a white father and son, Gregory and Travis McMichael, had used legitimate force. Then video surfaced of the incident in which the unarmed black man is seen running down the street, seems to be confronted by the McMichaels, and is shot at point-blank range by the men, both of whom have now been charged with murder. You probably haven’t heard of Paul and Lidia Marino. The couple, 86 and 85 years old, were shot dead a week ago while visiting a veterans’ cemetery in Bear, Del., where their son, who died in 2017, is buried. The authorities have so far been unable to establish a motive for the killing, but they identified a suspect, Sheldon Francis, a 29-year-old black man, later found dead after an exchange of fire with the police.

As far as I can tell, from news databases and online searches, other than local newspapers and TV, and a brief story by the New York Post, the death of the Marinos, who were white, has gone as unremarked as their lives. Mr. Arbery’s death, by contrast, has become one of those crimes that some who control our public discourse have decided is a “teachable moment.”

Millions of words have been devoted to exploring and explaining the moral of the killing. It has been widely described as a “lynching.” We have been reminded once again of the prevalence of unequal and violent treatment of minorities. We’ve been told once again that the killing reflects the daily reality of life in America for young blacks. This teaching moment has turned into a continuous, ubiquitous lecture series on the unalterably racist nature of America.

We don’t yet know the full facts behind either of these killings. Mr. Arbery’s certainly looked ugly, and whatever his killers and some neighbors allege he may have been doing on that street on a sunny afternoon, he clearly did not deserve to be gunned down. We will learn no doubt soon whether his killers did indeed have racist motives.

Perhaps, meanwhile, the murder of the Marinos was a random act of violence, a deranged killer, a robbery that savagely escalated. But whatever the motive, I’d be willing to wager a small fortune that we won’t hear much more about it.

Some will say that’s as it should be. Mr. Arbery’s killing is simply more representative of the nature of race relations in America.

But from the simple perspective of hate crimes, this isn’t right. According to the latest official data from the Justice Department, there were indeed more than twice as many antiblack hate crimes as there were antiwhite hate crimes in 2018. But if you adjust the figures for the relative size of each group in the total U.S. population, they show that blacks are 50% overrepresented among perpetrators of hate crimes, while whites are about 25% underrepresented.

In a larger sense, some will say, the much greater attention given to white attacks on blacks is justified because of the nature of socioeconomic relations between the races. Certainly, given the nation’s history and continuing social inequalities, a heightened sensitivity should be accorded evidence of racist violence by white people.

But we have gone way beyond heightened sensitivity, to the point of complete distortion of reality. Almost every instance of white violence against minorities is held up now as a bleak model of the state of the nation, while almost every instance of black violence against whites is ignored.

This selective, exclusive narrative isn’t just confined to the typical media channels. It’s embedded in the very way in which most of us acquire knowledge of the world.

Here’s an experiment. If you Google “blacks shot by whites” you get a predictable list of results heavily populated with articles about police violence. Google “whites shot by blacks” and, curiously, you get essentially the same set of results. The Google algorithm doesn’t even seem to acknowledge the possibility of black-on-white violence.

No fair person disputes the proposition that racism remains a continuing reality and blight on American life. But the systematic misrepresentation of the facts, the highly selective choice of stories, the one-sided nature of the reporting and the routine exclusion of countervailing evidence only risk making it worse.

Here’s an experiment. If you Google “blacks shot by whites” you get a predictable list of results heavily populated with articles about police violence. Google “whites shot by blacks” and, curiously, you get essentially the same set of results. The Google algorithm doesn’t even seem to acknowledge the possibility of black-on-white violence.

Lost credibility here. What a rtarded take that shows the author's bias. You could use his exact logic there to say Google doesn't acknowledge whte on bl*ck violence.

I've known more coherent downies.

I am a bot.

LongPostBot returns with a swing and a miss

False alarm buddy, this guy's getting paid to longpost

What an unfortunate return of a legend


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I’ve often wondered if what police are reporting as crime committed by minorities vs majority are using differing language. Is it recorded as a domestic dispute when a wife is killed by her husband? It’s easy to compile certain statistics if you’re only looking for certain terminology. Language has always been used to reframe, to leverage, to move goal posts, etc. for different groups for the same scenario, I’m reminded of the looting vs scavenging thing from Katrina.

Also certain sections of this opinion piece read like a long form version of an Alt-right meme or a typical extreme brigadier post... he honestly said ”%50” without irony (like a brigadier would) and I’m sure he lost just about everyone but internet extremists looking for validation in doing that. It’s mostly done, I assume, to remind people that the web of extremism in America reaches further than a few one dimensional keyboard warriors on social media, because it always has. It is nice to know that through certain language racists out themselves while always seeking validation through their very worn rhetoric, which they are also, always doing. That being said, Louis CK also wants you to think he’s liberal.

Edit: also, planting guns, drugs, filling quotas for arrests and so on. Those numbers can be inflated easily with bodies, and have been in the past, if even those totals can’t be trusted for accuracy.

Edit: also harsh sentences for misdemeanors, aggravating the suspect, preying upon strangers in public, and so on. (Cops are not heroes). There are plenty of ways to get unsuspecting people (even the uninitiated especially) to react through body language and so on, and police are trained for this. Crime becomes nebulous when you frame and manufacture numbers through bodies in bonds.


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But we have gone way beyond heightened sensitivity, to the point of complete distortion of reality. Almost every instance of white violence against minorities is held up now as a bleak model of the state of the nation, while almost every instance of black violence against whites is ignored.








Americans make up 100% of actors?


What is this normie trash?


Name 'em, champ!

Technically Arbery was holding a shotgun when he was shot: the other guy's shotgun.

You can't say he was unarmed now

Another victim of poor gun control 😪

Goddam dm his legal team.

lol this is the hottest take I’ve heard so far


You joke but this will actually be the case



Post the entire article for those of us who don’t have a WSJ subscription, on mobile, forgot the password, etc.

The problem is that most people don't care, aren't personally the victim of any crimes, and aren't really motivated to research anything beyond watching the nightly news before bed. Since the news can only focus on a few things they wind up amplifying single incidents instead of broader trends.

I don't even think it's malicious on their part for the most part. The problem is that they never take a step back and contextualize these sorts of things to make sure that their viewers don't get a warped perspective.

I don't even think it's malicious on their part for the most part.

I dunno about other outlets but at CNN they definitely made a conscious decision that they were going to "have a conversation about race in America", which in practice means they would blow up every incident like this as much as possible. It becomes a feedback loop where the more anxiety and paranoia they generate, the easier it is to find some incident they can pass off as a hate crime the next week. I don't believe for a second that everyone at the network is too stupid to understand what they're doing and just fell into this business strategy out of dumb luck.

That which cannot be talked about is being talked about. CANCEL THE AUTHOR!


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Based and 13/52pilled

I just want the bot to yell at me retard


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First half wrong second half right

Look at deux if you want to see a place that actually leans into rightoid territory

blah blah blah but if you call the dramautist far-right he recoils in horror.

Team Biden, but still, the shit in articles like this need to be said. If you just got your news from MSNBC, you would think, I dunno, white people committed more hate crimes per capita.

My comment isn't about the WSJ article but the state of these comments and subreddit.

I think these comments are fine, but yes, this place is leaning right a little much these days. But it's hard, because reddit is going more and more left, so any place that criticizes it is gonna attract trumptards

the state of these comments

You're too much of a coward to actually reply to a comment that you have an issue with and explain what's wrong with it - because then someone might point out what an idiot you are. So instead, you make vague allusions.

The earnest posting is coming from inside the thread.

it's not that I'm too stupid to defend my positions, it's that I'm too cool to do it.

It's a drama sub, you are the dork who is out of place.

you are the dork who is out of place

nope. If you had an argument to make, then you would present it as a way of ridiculing me. In the absence of such argument, you call me a "dork" - which, I'll be honest, don't sting quite as much as you'd imagine. response, I'm ridiculing you for being unable to defend yourself. This is how drama subs work.

If you had an argument to make

... you don't try to make it seriously in the drama sub. Bring it up at your next Turning Point USA meeting.


You can't though. That's why this is so hilarious.

You've never lost an argument in your life, because you never concede or learn anything. Now you are terrified of 12% of the population. For you that is pride, that is victory.

You've never lost an argument in your life

I mean, there was that one time when I was defeated by the power of anime and jesus christ, and everyone stood up and clapped.

For you that is pride, that is victory.

I'll be honest with you, it's less about me winning than it is about you losing. I just enjoy pointing at you and saying, hey everyone, look at this guy, he believes things but isn't able to articulate them.

You are too anxious to pretend you are enjoying anything.

You are too anxious

At first, I was a little worried that I might be wrong, and that you'd actually have some cogent argument. Wow, wouldn't I have egg on my face then, huh

People won't take you seriously, even online.

Maybe. But I take comfort in the fact that I'm still above you in the hierarchy of tards, as I will never ever be in a situation where I am both (a) triggered and (b) unable to defend myself.

... but you are the one desperate for debate.

Maybe. But I take comfort in the fact that I'm still above you in the hierarchy of tards, as "desperate for debate" is way less pathetic than "unable to participate in a debate due to an inability to defend one's position"

Debate what?

... there is no debate.

You're too much of a coward to actually reply to a comment that you have an issue with and explain what's wrong with it - because then someone might point out what an idiot you are. So instead, you make vague allusions.

The ruling class know what I am referring to, no reason to break it down for the people on the margins.

when you're 80 and senile, mumbling crazy things will be endearing

Well you have stooped to name calling, which is proof you lost the argument.

no, I didn't call you any names.