Liking Asian women is a disgusting racist fetish.

27  2020-05-16 by WyPippo


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"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


  1. Liking Asian women is a disgusting ... -,

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Peach brother

That thread was posted by an angry fat white woman

So conflicted on dating asians, on one hand white w*men tend to be garbage life partners who only bring stale g*ssy to the table, and even then only if you've racked up enough figurative good boy points. WMAF relationships also make them SEETHE, which is an added bonus.

On the other hand, I don't want to become a meme

Nope it’s an Asian dude who’s trying to protect his Asian damsels from the foreign hordes. The same retàrded stuff you see from white guys who freak out when white women date POTW (people other than white)

Oh yeah equally as bad then

Yeah but when White men freaks out, said girl does look appealing to White people.

I seriously doubt this girl is considered as "attractive" among Asians. At least the place I grew up would not find this hot.

I bet this is a second generation simping for points



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after realizing that despite every race on this planet worships white pussy nobody will ever worship her pussy.

You liking anything is sexist you heterosexist cissexist sexist, how dare you think you can like things?

What causes the fishmouth? Is it genetic? Does it come from excess weight stored in the face? Bad jaw posture??


Interbreeding with the Deep Ones.

Lmao they will start praising Dagon.

Imagine fetishizing bat soup slurpers lmao. Fucking weebs

"Stop fetishizing me, white boys!", says the Asian woman who's only ever dated white men.

Fuck, I actually fell asleep to an NPR article my girlfriend put on about that once. All these women felt "liberated" by refusing to date cumskin men for once, and I was all "no shit, date whoever the fuck you want to date. No one but yourself is forcing you to do the contrary."

Imagine listening to anything your girlfriend actually puts on. Hit her with your shoe and remind her that her place is in the kitchen has said by Muhammad (pbuh).


They fetishize each other in equal amounts I've noticed.

That's just normal female behaviour.

Stop sexualising me! I wear this shirt with a massive cleavage only for me, not to be a sexual object!

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That's just normal fem ale behaviour.

Stop sexualising me! I wear this shirt with a massive cleavage only for me, not to be a sexual object!

still preferable to being a redditor

Remove golden gu$$y

Asian women are to white men what white women are to black men


Forget these white girls

I need some variation

Especially if she very Asian

-The same guy who wrote This Is America lol

Eatin' Asian pussy, all I need was sweet and sour sauce


I know, liking Asian women is disgusting and degenerate. Legends go for Hapa girls.

That's how you get some chick carrying a mattress around.

Or that's how you get practically the only normal girl I know despite being an Alphabet-American.

With Sharia we will not have this problem cause every woman will be wearing a Burka

People fetishize Asian girls because of the 19th century orientalist views discussed in works like madam butterfly and it has nothing to do with the fact that they look so much better than their obese mayo counterparts.

Not👏all 👏Asian👏women👏are👏submissive

Counterpoint, how come I want to Boxer Rebellion some mayo box


Dogpill strikes again

This image makes my peepee hard

Story ?

Takaoka is alleged to have stabbed him twice in their fifty floor flat at around 4pm after an argument broke out when she spotted a photo of another woman on his phone.

“Since I loved him so much, I just couldn’t help it. After killing (him), I, too, wanted to die,” Takaoka told police after her arrest, according to local media.

Well I have to admit I did not expect this.

Photo got yalled, what was it?

An Asian chick holding a sign saying it is racist and fetish to say you prefer Asian women.

Snappy failed for some reason. Here's the image from an archive link:

100% this f-slur has only dated wh!te guys.

Its over for ricecels

There is nothing more alt-right than having a nonwhite gf (except for having a nonwhite bf).
