Screencap of article about a man who got abused by his wife for 17 years causes Noah's boat to capsize.

6  2020-05-17 by Incog_Niko


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  1. Screencap of article about a man wh... -,*

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Unfortunately, this time snappy didn't correctly match the copypasta to the post.

Is it abuse if you’re a normal sized man who was fine with it, maybe got off on it, for 17 years until he decided to be a baby bitch about it?

What in the fuck dude

Men can’t be abused

I mean even 17 days of being hit by my GF would result in irreparable damage to her throat so i guess props to him for being such a bitch? I'd rather go down swinging or just leave tbh.

Just like a f*id 🤮

the reddit obsession with F--oid domestic violence and ra--pe is the weirdest thing about this site. literally crying about something that statistically doesn't exist.

Honestly the lack of rape is what's keeping them down

If you get abused by a woman, you are not a man

[insert pop culture reference] got downvoted? Pretty heckin based tbh.